Legal deposit for books & other printed materials?:
Legal deposit for audiovisual materials?:
Type of AV materials:
Film; Digital files of cinematic works - born digital works
Exemptions for AV materials:
Only films that are funded by one of the Israeli film funds must deposit a copy at the archvie
AV depository:
Israel Film Archive - Jerusalem Film Center / Cinematheque
AV legal deposit law applied:
Amount of AV actually deposited:
Over 75%
Submitted by (name, and institution):
Hila Abraham (Israel Film Archive - Jerusalem Cinematheque)
Return to Audiovisual Legal Deposit register
VERY IMPORTANT: information applies to films only. There's NO LAW for AV deposit. Rather, any film that receives support from one of the Israeli Film Funds HAS TO deposit a high-res copy of the film. It's part of the conditions that are written in the contract between the film fund and the filmmaker. OTHERWISE the filmmaker doesn't receive the full sum of money. It's based on an agreement that the archive reached to with the funds themselves and the Cinema Committee of Israel. The incentive to deposit is pure financial but it works for us fine. Many films (including student films even) are being funded by an Israeli Film
Fund. But still, any film that is made without a support of an Israeli Film Fund isn't deposited at the Archive.