Legal deposit for books & other printed materials?:
Legal deposit for books & other printed materials, year effective:
since 1997
Legal deposit for audiovisual materials?:
Type of AV materials:
Sound recordings (CD, audio book, etc.) ; Film; Video recordings (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.); Radio broadcasts; TV broadcasts
AV depository:
National Audiovisual Archives, Hungarian National Film Archives
AV legal deposit law applied:
Amount of AV actually deposited:
don't know
AV law created:
Links to legislation:
Submitted by (name, and institution):
Ivan Szekely (Blinken OSA Archivum)
Return to Audiovisual Legal Deposit register
The official depositories are subordinated to the newly formed
Hungarian National Film Fund,
Hungary has had legal deposit legislation for books and
other printed materials before enacting the law currently in force