Legal deposit for books & other printed materials?:
Legal deposit for books & other printed materials, year effective:
since 1997
Legal deposit for audiovisual materials?:
Type of AV materials:
Sound recordings (CD, audio book, etc.); Film; Video recordings (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.); Websites or other internet-based content
Exemptions for AV materials:
For example, only websites of institutions are subject to legal deposit. Please see the link above for more information
AV depository:
National and University Library in Zagreb - for all types of materials ( Office for the development of digital society - official publications (
AV legal deposit law applied:
Amount of AV actually deposited:
don't know
AV law created:
AV law effective:
Links to legislation:
Submitted by (name, and institution):
Petar Pecur
Return to Audiovisual Legal Deposit register
Type of materials: - Sound recordings (CD, audio book, etc.)
- Film - Video recordings (DVD, Blu-ray, etc.) - Websites or other internet-based content. For a more detailed list please see:
The legal deposit law applies nationally. Comments: Nationally, regionally and locally - apart from the national law, every county, municipality and city has to deposit their own official publications both to county's parent library and to the public library