Metadata as the Cornerstone of Digital Archiving
FIAT/IFTA - Media Management Commission (MMC) Seminar
Changing sceneries, Changing roles part VI
METADATA as the Cornerstone of Digital Archiving
16-17th of May 2013, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, The Netherlands
The sixth in the seminar series ‘Changing sceneries, Changing roles’ will be held at The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision in Hilversum, The Netherlands, from 16-17th of May 2013.
Since 1997, the Media Management Commission organizes a series of seminars for AV-documentalists, archive policy-advisors, middle management and other AV-archive staff under the series title "Changing Sceneries, Changing Roles." The main theme of these seminars is always: the consequences of the technological developments for the work of AV-archive staff.
Theme for 2013 will be: "Metadata as the Cornerstone of Digital Archiving." The two days of the seminar will be divided into four sessions that will each consist of a keynote address, two to three case studies/concrete projects and panel discussions. The four types of metadata developments that will be addressed in the four sessions are: 1. Automatically generated metadata; 2. Linked (meta)data; 3. Preservation metadata; 4. User-generated metadata.
The programme is still work in progress, but already four experts from the field have confirmed to give a keynote address: Lora Aroyo (Associate professor Intelligent Information Systems, Web and Media Department of Computer Science at the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on user generated metadata, Rebecca Günther (former Senior Networking and Standards Specialist at the Library of Congress) on preservation metadata, Cees Snoek (Computer scientist at the University of Amsterdam, who leads a research team working on the development of a smart search engine for digital video: the Media Mill Semantic Video Search Engine) on automatically generated metadata and Seth van Hooland, who holds the chair at the Digital Information and Communication Science Department of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
More information about the programme and registration for the seminar will be available soon on the FIATI/IFTA-website:
If you have any questions please contact