These rules present the combined effort of the Editorial Group. Individuals and smaller teams within the group were engaged with drafts of specific chapters, and contributed discussion and undertook proofreading of the whole work through every stage of its progress. We thank in particular Olle Johansson for his excellent work in preparing and formatting the original draft through various revisions to the final text.
We thank the IASA Board, which commissioned this work, and especially Sven Allerstrand (President), Albrecht Häfner (Secretary-General), Gerald Gibson and James McCarthy (Past Presidents), and the institutions represented by Editorial Group members, for their continuous support and encouragement throughout the development of The IASA Cataloguing Rules.
We thank Sten Hedberg (Uppsala University Library) for kind assistance with questions concerning cataloguing of electronic resources; Malcolm Tibber and Angela Marriot (Music Alliance, London) and Elisabeth Iles (IFPI Secretariat, London) for their contributions on mechanical copyright and on international standard numbering systems to identify works, sound recordings and audiovisual recordings; Ron Brent and Penelope Cottier (ScreenSound Australia) for their legal perspective on copyright; Grace Koch (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) for advice on rights of traditional owners and the illustrative example; Nancy Seeger (Library of Congress) for assistance in obtaining copyright registration examples; Beth Robertson (Mortlock Library of South Australiana) for her most kind encouragement on the 1997 Draft for Comment and recommendations to expand terms relating to oral history; Dr David Rentz (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Canberra) for guidance on constructed titles for wildlife recordings; Prof. Margarete Payer (Hochschule für Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, Stuttgart) and Eeva Murtomaa (Helsinki University Library) in particular for their special focus on terms and definitions from the work of the IFLA Study Group on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records; Dr Issam El-Mallah (Oman Centre for Traditional Music) for his comment and assistance on the full example which uses Arabic script; Dr Florence Gétreau (Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris) for consultation on the ethnographic collection multilevel entry and corresponding analytic entry examples; Ian Gilmour (ScreenSound Australia) for his gracious and generous assistance over many months with physical description and related technological questions; Cathy Bromley, Matthew Davies, Joe Kelly (ScreenSound Australia), George Boston (UK) and Martin Elste (Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung, Berlin) for detailed and useful comments on physical description, and Martin Elste, again, for additional comments relating to discography; Dr. Rainer Lotz (Vice-Chair, IASA Discography Committee) especially for his contribution on matrix numbers and Ross Laird (ScreenSound Australia) for the use of his text on Sound record catalogue numbers in the Introduction.
We thank Anne Cooper and staff of Audio Services (ScreenSound Australia) for the original draft of Terms for Describing the Physical Condition of Sound Recordings (App. C), Dr Dietrich Schüller and Franz Lechleitner (Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna), and Dr George Brock-Nannestad (Denmark) for their further comment and contributions to it, and Ian Gilmour for assistance with its final editing, Gerald Gibson (Library of Congress) for introducing to us the draft Glossary of Terms Related to the Archiving of Audiovisual Materials, and Dr. Trudy Huskamp-Peterson (Archives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees), in particular for highlighting the ISAD(G) to us, and for the idea of including guidance on describing items in terms of condition and conservation.
We thank Lasse Vihonen (Yleisradio, Helsinki), Harriet Harrison (Library of Congress, Washington D.C.), Dr Helga Thiel (Phonogrammarchiv der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna), Dr Armgard Schiffer (Steiermärkisches Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz) and Dr Rainer Hubert (Österreichische Phonothek, Vienna), for their earlier participation, the many colleagues in our institutions for their contributions, and all respondents to the 1997 Draft for Comment.
We thank Sara Weale and Iestyn Hughes (National Library of Wales) for their work and support in mounting the electronic version of the 1997 Draft for Comment and final publication on the IASA Web site, and Kathrine Whatley at the British Library Corporate Design Office for her design of the cover and title page.
This work is intended to harmonise with the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition and the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Non-Book Materials: ISBD (NBM) and much of the text in this work is based on these publications. Additional publications have also been drawn on to assist the preparation of The IASA Cataloguing Rules. Reference codes used are included here. We thank the copyright owners of the following for their kind permission to use their work:
The Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition, is the copyright of American Library Association, Canadian Library Association and The Library Association. Extracts in this work are reproduced with the permission of the United Kingdom publisher, Library Association Publishing, London, on behalf of the copyright holders. AACR2
Extracts and adaptions from International Standard Bibliographic Description for Non-Book Materials: ISBD (NBM), Second Edition, from the ISBD (ER): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources and from the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Draft Report for World-Wide Review are used with permission of the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions, Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme. ISBD (NBM); ISBD (ER); IFLA. FRBR May 1996 (Draft report)
Extracts and adaptions from the FIAF Cataloguing Rules for Film Archives and from the ISBD (ER): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources are used with the permission of K.G. Saur Verlag GmbH & Co. FIAF; ISBD (ER)
Extracts and adaptions from Association for Recorded Sound Collections, Associated Audio Archives, Rules for Archival Cataloging of Sound Recordings are used with permission of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections. ARSC
Extracts and adaptions from the Bureau of Canadian Archivists, Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. Rules for Archival Description, Ottawa, 1996 are used with permission of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists and the Canadian Council of Archives. RAD
The adapted text (1.F.1.3) and use of examples 9 and 10 (1.1.B.1) from Guidelines for Bibliographic Description of Interactive Multimedia are used with permission of the American Library Association. Guidelines for Interactive Multimedia
Extracts from MAVIS Data Entry Guidelines (unpublished) are used with the permission of ScreenSound Australia (formerly National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra). NFSA MAVIS Data Entry Guidelines
Many of the terms in the Glossary are extracted or modified from the Glossary of Terms Related to the Archiving of Audiovisual Materials prepared by a Working Group from the Round Table of Audiovisual Records (not yet published), with the permission of UNESCO. RTAV Draft Glossary, 19 July 1994
Examples 23 (7.B.14.1), 6 (7.B.17), 18 (7.B.18), and 5 (7.B.29), and the adapted text (7.B.33) from Matters, Marion (comp.), Oral History Cataloging Manual are used with the permission of Society of American Archivists. OHCM
Examples 2 (3.B.2.1), 2 (3.G.4), 10 (7.B.12) are developed from label illustrations in the Australian Record and Music Review issue nos 6 (July 1990), 8 (Jan 1991), and 10 (July 1991) with the permission of the editor and publisher, Mike Sutcliffe.
Information in example 4 (7.B.22) from UCLA's ORION Information System. Copyright 1990, The Regents of the University of California is used with permission of The Regents of the University of California.
Mary Miliano
Convenor, The IASA Cataloguing Rules Editorial Group