On Definitions, Assessments and Methodology

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  • Cregeen, E. 'Oral sources for the social history of the Scottish Highlands and Islands' in Oral history, Vol. 2, No. 2; 1974
  • Dundes, A. The study of folklore; Englewood Cliffs N.J.: Prentice-Hal1; 1965
  • Evans, G.E. Where beards wag all; London: Faber and Faber; 1970
  • Evans, G E. 'Flesh and blood archives' in Oral history, No. 1; 1970
  • Evans, G.E. The days that we have seen; London: Faber and Faber; 1975
  • Evans, G.E. 'Approaches to interviewing' in Oral history, No. 4; 1975
  • Friedel, F. and Leutchenburg, W.E.: Debate on the importance of oral history in Proceedings of the second national colloquium, edited by Starr, L; Oral History Association, 1968
  • Goody, J. Literacy in traditional societies; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1968
  • Haley, A. 'Black history, oral history and genealogy' in The oral history review 1973
  • Harrison, N. 'Oral history and recent political history' in Oral history Vol. 1, No. 3.
  • Henige, D. 'The problem of feed-back in oral tradition' in Journal of African history, Vol. 19; 1973
  • Henige, D. The quest for chimera: the chronology of oral tradition; Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1974
  • Hoyle, N. 'Oral History' in Library trends, Vol. 21; 1972
  • Kendal, E. Oral sources and historical sources; M.A. thesis; University of Alberta; 1976
  • Lockhead, E. 'Three approaches to oral history: the journalistic, the academic, and the archival' in Journal of the Canadian oral history association, Vol. I; 1975-6
  • Menninger, R. 'Some psychological factors involved in oral history interviewing' in The oral history review 1975
  • Mulkay, M.l. 'Methodology in the sociology of science: some reflections on the study of radio astronomy' in Social science information, Vol. 13, No. 2; 1974
  • Ostry, B. 'The illusion of understanding: making the ambiguous intelligible in The oral history review 1975
  • Peate, I.C. Tradition and folk life: a Welsh view; London: Faber and Faber 1972
  • Roberts, A. 'The use of oral sources in African history' in Oral history, Vol. 4, No. 1: 1976
  • Rumics, E. 'Oral history: defining the term' in Wilson library bulletin, No. 40; 1966
  • Starr, L. "Oral history: problems and prospects' in Advances in librarianship, Vol. II; New York: Seminar Press; 1971
  • Thompson, P. 'Problems of method in oral history' in Oral history, No. 4; 1975
  • Thompson. P. The voice of the past: oral history; Oxford: Oxford University Press Opus paperback: 1978
  • Tonkin, E. 'Implications of oracy: an anthropological view' in Oral history, Vol. 3, No. 1; 1975
  • Turner, R. 'The contribution of oral evidence to labour history' in Oral history, Vol. 4. No. 1; 1976
  • Vansina, J. Oral tradition: a study in historical methodology; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965
  • Wilkie, J.W. Elitelore, Latin American Studies, Vol. 22; Los Angeles: University of California; 1973
  • Wilkie, J.W. 'Alternative views of history: historical sources and oral history' in Research in medical history, edited by Greenleaf, R.W. and Meyer, M .C.; Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press; 1973