Make notes as set out in the following subrules and in the order given there. However, give a particular note first when it has been decided that note is of primary importance.
7.B.0. System requirements and/or mode of access
See also: 5.0
7.B.0.1. System requirements (mandatory for local access electronic resources)
Based on ISBD (ER) 7.5.1
See also: 7.B.0.2
Give system requirements that are conditional for use of the item in a note for all local access electronic resources. System requirements are given as the first note. These requirements may include one or more technical specifications, usually given in the following order, preceded by the term System requirements (or its equivalent in another language and/or script) followed by a colon and a space. Precede each characteristic, other than the first, by a semicolon and a space. Optionally, include phrases like or higher, or later.
the name, model and/or number of the computer(s)
the amount of free memory
the name and version of the operating system
the software requirements
hardware (internal) modifications
System requirements: Macintosh LC III; 25 MHz 68030; 8 MB RAM; System 7.1; 640x480 256 colours; double-speed multisession CD-ROM
System requirements: Multimedia PC or Compatible PC (MPC) 386 SX; 8 MB RAM; Windows 3.1; VGA 256 colours screen; double-speed CD-ROM drive
System requirements: Macintosh LC III or higher; 8 MB RAM; System 7.1 or later; 14 inches 256 colours screen; double-speed multisession CD-ROM drive
System requirements: PC type 486, 66 MHZ; 8 MB RAM; 1 MB on hard drive; Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; VGA screen with 2 MB video card; double-speed drive CD-ROM
System requirements: Macintosh LC III; 8 MB RAM; 1 MB of disk space; System 7.0; VGA screen with 1 MB video card; CD-ROM drive
System requirements: BinHex 4.0 to convert binary file
System requirements: UNIX workstation with Mosaic software
System requirements: Philips Interactive compact disc (CD-I) player with monitor
When the item consists of two or more different physical carriers (e.g. an interactive multimedia item consisting of an electronic disk and a videodisc), a separate system requirements note may be made to highlight distinctive system features associated with each physical carrier.
System requirements for electronic disk: Macintosh; at least 1 MB; System 6.0.5 or later; HyperCard version 1.0 or later; hard disk drive; RS232 cable connector (from Macintosh to videodisc player)
(Note for physical carrier no. 1)
System requirements for videodisc: Videodisc player (Pioneer 2200, 4200, 6000A, 6010A, 8000)
(Note for physical carrier no. 2)
Alternatively, the archive or cataloguing agency may choose to make a single note for system requirements of both physical carriers.
System requirements: Macintosh; at least 1 MB; System 6.0.5. or later; HyperCard version 1.0 or later; hard disk drive; videodisc player (Pioneer 2200, 4200, 6000A, 6010A, 8000) RS232 cable connector (from Macintosh to videodisc player)
(Single note for different physical carriers: electronic disk and videodisc)
7.B.0.2 Mode of access (mandatory for remote access electronic resources)
Based on ISBD (ER) 7.5.2
Give mode of access in a note for all remote access electronic resources. Give mode of access as a note following the System requirements note (see 7.B.0.1), when applicable, and precede it by the term Mode of access (or its equivalent in another language and/or script) followed by a colon and a space. In the absence of a system requirements note, mode of access is given as the first note.
Mode of access:
Mode of access: World Wide Web. URL:
Mode of access: Computer university network
7.B.1. Nature, scope or artistic form
Based on AACR2 6.7B1
Make notes on the nature, form, genre, or other intellectual category to which an item belongs, unless it is apparent from the rest of the description.
Opera in two acts
Field recording of bird song
Play for child actors
Excerpts from a live recording of a musical production
Language programme
Radio drama
Television series
Music video
Instrumental dance music
7.B.2. Language
Based on AACR2 6.7B2
Give the language(s) of the spoken or sung content of a recording unless this is apparent from the rest of the description.
Sung in French
In French, introduced in English
In Serbo-Croat
Spoken in French and Occitan
(The speaker mixes both languages )
Songs are sung in Fulani
(Sub-Saharian-African language)
Language: Kaytetye
(Australian Aboriginal language)
7.B.3. Notes on sources of information
Expanded from AACR2 1.7B3
See also: 0.A.1.1, 1.A.2, 1.B.1.6, 1.B.7.1, 1.B.7.10, 2.A.2, 2.B.4, 3.A.2, 6.A.2.
Optionally, give a note on the source of information used when cataloguing, if it is a secondary source of information, if the sources of information are inaccurate, conflicting or ambiguous, or, if the information is supplied by the cataloguer.
Title from accompanying typewritten notes
Title from cue sheet
Title from handwritten notes
Title from script
Title from announcement by programme presenter
Title given by the collector
Title from spoken announcement
Title proper from list made by the donor
Title from viewing
Area 1: [Bride arrives at church, ca 1930s]
Title proper devised following viewing
Title from publisher's catalogue
Title, performers and series from audition. Opening and closing announcements missing. Assumed to be an episode of the radio serial "Dr Paul"
Area 1: Greek salad
The item incorrectly states: Greek sallad
All descriptions of tracks on this recording based on the inventory supplied by David Stewart
The cataloguing is based on the cataloguing made at the Radio archive
The item incorrectly states John Smith as baritone. Accompanying documentation states John Jones as baritone. John Jones confirmed from audition
7.B.4. Variations in title
FIAF 7.2.4
Provide notes which give titles other than those chosen to appear in the title and statement of responsibility area.
Cover title: Bad luck
Variant title: The M-Rock experience
Duplicate with title: Kender du Einar?
Russian title (transliterated)
Also with title in Japanese letters
Repeat broadcast 12 Dec., 1994, with the title: Now and then
Sometimes with the title: Önskesångaren
This song is also known as Yannig Skolan by the collector
Title on label differs from vocal announcements
Swedish release title: Producenterna
Also with the title: Someone is hiding
Spine title: Elvis in Fun in Acapulco
Title on label: Bobby Brize I
Temporary variation in title: The journal
7.B.5. Parallel titles and other title information
AACR2 6.7B5
See also: 1.D.2, 1.D.3, 1.E.3
Give the title in another language and other title information not recorded in the title and statement of responsibility area, if they are considered to be important.
Conventional Swedish title: Figaros bröllop
Original title: Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
Parallel title: Mad about money
Subtitle on cover: The four seasons variations
Swedish release subtitle: The ultimate experience
The repeat broadcast of part 1 has the subtitle: Trotset mot öknen
7.B.6. Continuation of title
Optionally, complete the transcription of the title proper and/or other title information if it was abridged in the description in Area 1.
Area 1: Le fer et la hache pygmée ...
Title continues: ... et le petit villageois
Area 1: Singende Muse an der Pleisse ...
Title continues: ... in 2 mahl 50 Oden, deren neuesten und besten musicalischen Stücke, mit denen dazugehörigen Melodien
7.B.7. Statements of responsibility
Developed from AACR2 6.7B6, 7.7B6
See also: 1.F.1.1, 7.B.25, 9.1.A.7.1
7.B.7.1. Composer, author, director, etc.
Make a note on a composer, author, director, producer, designer, programmer, etc. who is not given in the statement of responsibility area, and who is considered important. Also make a note on a composer, author, director, etc. already given in the statement of responsibility area if clarification is needed.
Arranger: Bengt Hallberg
Words and music: Cornelis Vreeswijk
Words: Nils Ferlin ; music: Leif Strand
Words and music: Docenterna (unless otherwise stated)
Words: Dan Andersson ; music: see contents note
Director: David Block (unless otherwise stated)
Adapted for radio by Sture Hellgren
The programme series is edited by Seppo Korhonen
All recordings collected and edited by David Stewart for inclusion in the National Film and Sound Archive's collection
Credits: Lil Trulsson, cinematographer ; Harald Hamrell, sound editing ; Madeleine Grive, translation
Credits: Hjalmar Olsson, script and production ; Marcus Edström, illustrations and design ; Ulf Söderberg, music and sound ; Peter Brandström, Henrik Edström programming ; David Isitt, translation into English
As necessary, follow the name with the title of the recording
Recording producers: Thomas Winter (Sinfonia concertante), Michael Petersen (Concerto)
If appropriate, make a note indicating that the name(s) of the composer, author, director, etc., are not available.
Words and music: information unavailable
7.B.7.2. Performers, cast, participants, etc.
Make a note on performers and the medium or role in which they perform, or on cast, participants, etc. if they have not been named in the statements of responsibility area and if they are judged necessary. Also make a note on performers, cast, participants, etc. already given in the statement of responsibility area if clarification is needed, e.g. to specify what instrument a performer is playing.
Ulf Wakenius, Georg Wadenius, guitar
Frances Smith, descant
Maria Callas (Carmen) ; Nicolai Gedda (Don José)
Performer: Fred Åkerström (unless otherwise stated)
Other performers: Göran Lagerberg, bass ; Åke Eriksson, drums
Performers: see names in brackets in contents note
Performer: Janos Solyom ; for other performers: see names in brackets in contents note
Performer: Freskkvartetten
Tomas Bolme (Asterix), narrator ; Beatrice Järås (Honette)
Reader: Kristina Lugn
Janne Schaffer, Rune Gustafsson, guitars ; Björn J:son Lindh, keyboard ; Christian Veltman, bass ; Per Lindvall, drums
Cast: Richard Gere, Julia Roberts
Derek G. Holroyde, commentator
Luciano Pavarotti, tenor ; Ingvar Wixell, baritone ; Edita Gruberova, soprano
Anita Jansson, narrator in sign-language
Swedish voices: see names in brackets in contents note
Participants: Bengt Grafström, programme leader ; Gösta Ekman, actor ; Hasse Gustafsson, reporter
Performers: Gerd Andersson, dancer ; Erik Saedén, singer ; Radiosymfonikerna ; Thomas Schuback, conductor
With the co-operative participation of the local people, the musicians and the interpreters in Kuwde, North-Togo
Participants: Martin Berggren, Lena Nydahl, narrators ; David Isitt, Mavis von Proschwitz, narrators in English
Where the name of a corporate body is given here, optionally include the names of individuals and their instruments or voices if clarification is necessary (e.g. if it is appropriate to highlight the names of individual performers; if members of an ensemble are not always the same persons; if the ensemble has a non-distinctive name based on the name of the leader). This is usually applied to classical music or jazz ensembles, but may be applied in any situation where it is considered useful.
Freskkvartetten (Lars Fresk, Curt Appelgren, violins ; Lars-Gunnar Bodin, viola ; Per-Göran Skytt, violoncello)
The Jones Boys (Thad Jones, trumpet ; Jimmy Jones, piano ; Eddie Jones, bass ; Jo Jones, drums) joined in the final riffs by Reunald Jones, trumpet and Quincy Jones, fluegelhorn
Sometimes it is not possible to determine the actual names of performers. In these cases give the best information available.
Performances by members of the Djapu, Enindilyagawa, Garadjari, Nunggubyu, Walbiri, Wik-ngatara, Worora, and Wunambul language groups
Performers: various named and unnamed native vocalists and instrumentalists
Songs and instrumental music performed by various groups (Azande, Babinga, Dakpa, Linda and Ndokpa)
7.B.7.3. Other names and information about names
Make notes relating to any other persons or bodies connected with a work that are not named in the statements of responsibility.
Engineered by Ralph Ortner at National Recording Studios, Canberra ; original art work on sleeve by Kate Scott
Recorded by Cathy Bromley
For unpublished sound recording items, such as oral histories, ethnographic field recordings, etc., more detailed description may be given here when necessary and/or available, about participants, informants or contributors, etc. Such information may include place of residence of the informant and/or singer, age (if available) and profession.
Jessica Manning, aged 78, midwife in Seattle during The Depression
Frank Higgins, head of the Department of Music at Burwood College, Melbourne
Wilfrid Thomas, BBC broadcaster
If considered necessary, give information extending beyond identifying a person or corporate body, and their role or function in the recording in an appropriate note such as the summary (see 7.B.24) or as an other note (see 7.B.34).
7.B.8. Attribution and conjectures
Extrapolated from AACR2 1.7A3, References
Make notes on persons or organisations to whom the recording being described has been attributed, and cite the sources if appropriate.
Bill Smith assumed as singer. From audition
Composition attributed to Jim White. From correspondence<
7.B.9. Edition, issue and history
Developed from AACR2 6.7B7
See also: 2.B.3, 6.I.1, 7.A.3.3
Make notes relating to the edition or issue being described, to the edition or issue of the work being performed, or to the history of the recording. Do not give a title of an original work here, if it is identical with one given in Area 1. Name the type of work instead. Where the edition statement (see 2.B) indicates a reissue, re-publication or a particular adaptation, etc., give sufficient information here to identify the original.
Based on the comic book by René Goscinny
Previously issued: 1985
Previously issued: 1985-1986
Previously unissued material
Partly previously unissued material
Previously issued: 1967 (Baby love), 1969 (I long for you)
Reissue of: Caedmon TC 1125 (1952)
Reissue of : Armen-Dastum SCM 013
Recorded in Vienna in 1961. Previously released as Westminster WST 17035
(Example of a combination note)
Previously broadcast in the series The great philosophers
Music from the motion picture: Änglagård
Music from the TV-series: Nilecity 105,6
Music from the film : Mød mig på Cassiopeia
Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway
Based on: The millstone / Margaret Drabble
Short version of work originally released in 1965
Edition statement: Short version
Short version of Tendens. Original version broadcast 1988-06-05
The programme was never broadcast
7.B.10. Material of recording
See also: 10.B.7.1
As appropriate, provide information about the recording process itself, the original recording, or characteristics of the recording equipment including the type of tape recorder, microphones and sound tape designation. Normally this applies to unpublished material, but occasionally also to published material.
Recorded with AIWA cassette recorder and Telinga microphones (stereo microphone parabolic reflector combination)
Recorded with Beyer dynamic mics into Nagra IV recorder and onto Zonal 575 tape
7.B.11. Place, date and circumstance of recording
Developed and expanded from AACR2 6.7B7
See also: 1.B.7.8, 9.1.A.7.3
Give available details of the place and date of recording. Include appropriate contextual information about the recording event in special circumstances. As preferred by the archive or cataloguing agency, present date information in a standard format of YYYY-MM-DD, or as text. Optionally, give the name of the recordist here.
Alternative rule. For recordings which are neither published nor broadcast, give the date of recording (creation) in Area 3 (see 3.H.1-3.H.3).
Recorded: 1956-11-15
Date recorded 1990-07-04
Recorded on April 4, 1958
Recorded: 1955-1987
Originally recorded between 1959 and 1969 in Australia at Aurukun, Darwin, Delissaville, Derby, Groote Eylandt, La Grange and Yuendumu
Recording of concert in Royal Albert Hall (London), June 7, 1976
Recorded New York City, 1928-06-21
Recorded in Stockholm 1998-04-07 by Jens Lindgren
(Example of a combination note)
Recording of speech given at Uppsala University, 1988-05-12
Recording of speech given at Sergels torg, Stockholm, Oct 7, 1968, interrupted by demonstration
Recorded during world premiere performances 10-12, 17-19 Nov. 1988 at the Queanbeyan Bicentennial Hall
Recorded at the Edinburgh International Festival
Recorded during Holy Week celebration
Recorded during the seasonal festival
Recorded at the dedication of a new encampment
Include a statement to indicate that the recording is live or a live relay.
Live recording at Wembley Arena
Live relay from the opening ceremony of the Atlanta Games
Optionally, for field, wildlife, ethnographic or laboratory recordings, also record the details of the location (e.g. village, market, laboratory, home, farm, homestead) or environment or habitat (e.g. forest, tropical region, grasslands, sea-coast, shrubland and waste, flowing freshwater).
Place recorded: sea-coast coastal lagoon
Recorded by David Stewart 4 km. South West of Quilpie, Qld. on 4 July 1990
(Example of a combination note)
Recorded in the home of interviewee
Recorded in the village of Rahoúla (Greece), 1979-01-06
Optionally, for wildlife recordings, also include grid details of longitude and latitude. Enter geographical coordinates as numbers. Enter altitudes in metres.
Latitude 41 [degrees] 30'N; Longitude 120 [degrees] 30'E; Altitude c 600m
Optionally, for wildlife recordings enter a statement about the habitat based on a reputable topographical reference work.
Forests - Temperate - Coniferous mesophytic
Optionally, for wildlife recordings, give also additional information pertinent to the particular recording such as the season or occasion, specific time or part of the day or night, and temperature (see also 7.B.24).
Recorded during the dry season
Recorded at twilight at the Old North Bridge Concord (Mass.) 1968-06-29
Recording time 4 a.m.
Recorded: 1982-03-27 at 06:21
Recorded: 1978-07-14, 20:00-22:00
Alternatively, include place, date and/or circumstance of the recording in the summary (see 7.B.24).
If fundamental information is not available or does not exist, provide an estimate of recording details if feasible, or, if appropriate, acknowledge that the information is missing.
Recorded 1950s?
Recording details unknown
7.B.12. Publication, production, distribution, broadcast, etc.
AACR2 6.7B9
See also: 1.B.11, 3.B.1.3, 3.B.2.1,
Make notes on publication, distribution, production, broadcast etc., details that are not included in the publication, production, distribution, broadcast, etc. area and that are considered to be important.
Licensed from Cooking Vinyl, p 1992
Promotional CD
Demo cassette
Original production : 1967 ; digitally remaster ed: 1994
Distributed in Australia by CBS
Live broadcast
Repeat broadcast. First broadcast Sept. 4, 1990, 10.00-10.30
From the Danish Radio
From the BBC Transcription Service
Area 3: Melbourne : Dahlmont
Also published on the Vocalion label in England. A sticker label for Dahlmont in Melbourne covers the Vocalion label
Indicate if the recording is a simultaneous broadcast (or simulcast) in a note, and include details of the corresponding transmission by the broadcasting partner (see also 1.B.11).
With simultaneous radio broadcast on BBC Radio 3
Simultaneous broadcast with Sveriges television TV1
7.B.13. Copyright
FIAF 7.2.9
See also: 4.D, 4.C
Provide notes to clarify information found in copyright notices or to indicate the sources of information, other than the item itself or the published records of the copyright agency.
7.B.14.1. General rule
Based on AACR2 6.7B10
See also: 5.0, 5.B.4.2, 5.C.8, 5.C.9.2, 7.A.3.3, 10.B.5, 10.B.7.1, 10.B.7.2, 10.B.7.4, 9.1.A.5.2
Make notes on important physical details that are not included in the physical description area, especially if these affect the use of the item . Do not give notes on physical details that are standard to the item being described.
Recorded on one side only
Same recording on both sides
Picture disc
Red vinyl
Flexi disc
Flexi disc, recorded on both sides
Test pressing
In 2 containers
Acoustic recording
Impressed on rectangular surface 20 X 20 cm
Vertically cut from inside outward
Vertically cut from centre to edge
Inside start
Shape(d) disc
Recorded on Tandberg TDC, 112 kbit/sec/channel
(Example of a combination note)
Programme of 20 min. which is repeated several times
Sequence of 4 min. which is repeated several times
Video has stereo sound
(Music video)
Colour with introduction in b&w
(Music video)
Magnetic sound track
(Motion picture)
Dolby stereo, mono compatible
(Motion picture)
Based on AACR2 6.7B10, last para
If it is not given in Area 5, give the duration of each part contained in an item without a collective title and described as a unit (see 1.G; see also 5.B.4.2 and 7.B.25).
Durations: 84 min. ; 95 min.
Where (parts of) the content is missing from the recording, indicate this in a note.
Some of the tapes have been erased. Only five minutes of excerpts remain
Lacks third reel
Lacks last 15 min. of recording
Beginning and end of the opera is missing
Newsflash recorded over first three minutes of speech
Final ten minutes of programme lost due to overrun of previous news bulletin
7.B.14.2. Recording and reproduction characteristics
See also: 5.C.9.1
Optionally, give the following details, as appropriate, in the order set out here:
Noise reduction
Sampling frequency and quantisation
Bit rate reduction
Format of file
7.B.14.2.1. Noise reduction
Optionally, give the noise reduction characteristics. Precede this information with the term noise reduction and a colon. Some of the commonly applied noise reduction standards are:
Dolby A
Dolby B
Dolby C
Dolby S
Dolby SR
Telcom C4 (514 nWb/m)
Telcom C4 (320 nWb/m)
Noise reduction: Dolby B
Noise reduction: Telcom C4 (320 nWb/m)
Optionally, give emphasis for linear audio files in a note. The predominant types of encoded audio signal emphasis are, according to IEC Standard:
a) Emphasis not indicated. Receiver default to no emphasis with manual override enabled.
b) No emphasis , receiver manual override disabled.
(This is the equivalent of ARD standard)
c) 50/15 ms emphasis . Receiver manual override disabled.
(Here the frequency is defined as a time constant.)
d) CCITT J.17 emphasis (with 6,5 dB insertion loss at 800 Hz). Receiver manual override disabled.
(Here the frequency is defined as a Hertz.)
Area 5: starts at 3 min., 17 sec. on 1 sound cassette (DAT, 4 min., 12 sec.) : stereo
50/15 ms emphasis
7.B.14.2.2. Sampling frequency and quantisation
Optionally, give the technical data of a linear audio file in the following order: sampling frequency and quantisation (number of bits). Precede this information with the term sampling frequency and quantisation and a colon. Some commonly applied sampling frequencies and quantisations are:
48 kHz, 16 bit
44,1 kHz, 16 bit
Area 5: 43 m 35 s - 1 h 19 m 45 s on 1 cassette (DAT, 36 min., 10 sec.)
Sampling frequency and quantisation : 48 kHz, 16 bit
7.B.14.2.3. Bit rate reduction
Optionally, give the data of a bit rate reduced audio file in the following order: format of reduction, process of reduction and data rate. Precede this information with the term bit rate reduction and a colon. Examples of some commonly applied bit rate reductions are:
ISO/MPEG , layer 1, 384 kb/sec
ISO/MPEG , layer 2, 384 kb/sec
ISO/MPEG , layer 2, 256 kb/sec
ISO/MPEG , layer 2, 196 kb/sec
ISO/MPEG , layer 3, 128 kb/sec
Note that the standard ISO/MPEG also has different levels (MPEG -1, MPEG -2, MPEG -3). Give the precise information if necessary.
Bit rate reduction: ISO/MPEG -1, layer 2
Area 5: on 1 electronic disk (diskette, 1.44 MB, 4 min) : stereo, data reduced
Bit rate reduction: ISO/MPEG 1, layer 2
7.B.14.2.4. Format of file
Optionally, for audio files, give the type of file which describes the format of the recording. Precede the file type format with the term File type and a colon. Some of the file types in use are:
Broadcast Interchange Format
Broadcast Wave Format
Synthesizer File Format - Commodore/AMIGA
Musicam (for data reduced files)
Open Media Framework
Sound-Apple Macintosh
File type: Wave
File type: Musicam
7.B.15. Physical condition
See also: 10.B.7.4.
Make notes on physical condition of the item being described (including any containers and/or labels), if that condition materially affects the clarity of playback of the content, or legibility of written information on the label(s) or container(s). This information may vary between different copies of the same recording. A list of suggested terms to assist in the description of the physical condition of discs, cylinders and magnetic tapes and wire recordings is at Appendix C.
Fungus growth on grooves
Emulsion flecking
Records heavily pitted
Several tracks scratched through by recording operator
archive's copy scratched but playable
Temporary dropouts on this copy
Label is illegible
7.B.16. Quality of the recording
See also: 10.B.7.4.
Here any significant details about the quality of the recording are noted, e.g. background noise, dropouts. Describe any background sounds that may be obtrusive or of added interest. Where background or playback noise (e.g. on a field tape recording) cannot be filtered out this note may relate to all copies held.
Background noise due to this being recorded in a hall adjacent to a practice room which was being used by a rock band for rehearsal
Other species heard in background include cuckoo and nuthatch
Insects, wind noise, and conversations are audible in the background
Pitch and tempo of recording varies due to original recorder's weak batteries at the time the original recording was made
Phone interview
Recorded with a constant audible hum
Pre-echo due to print-through
Temporary picture disturbances
Temporary dropout
Optionally, determine and give a value judgment on the sound quality of the recording being described
Sound quality is excellent (or good, fair, poor - as appropriate)
Broadcast quality
Depending on the results of restorative work (e.g. electronic editing, declicking or preparation of a preservation tape copy of a scratched original disc), or if multiple copies of a published recording are held, this note may vary between different copies of the same recording
7.B.17. Conservation / preservation
See also: 10.B.7.3, 10.B.7.4.
Make a note if the physical item being described has received any specific conservation or preservation treatment. This information may vary between different copies of the same recording.
Tape dubbing made (35-59, 93-118 only)
Tape respooled: 1996-05-11
disc washed in ultrasonic bath: 1989-10-06
Lacquer sprayed to 'bare' areas of disc: 1994-02-06. Grooves carved into new lacquer; and dub to preservation tape made:
(Treatment to make a preservation copy of remaining sections of a lacquer disc where part of the original recorded surface has flaked off and been lost.)
Lacquer flakes 'cemented' to disc: 1997-04-16. Dub to preservation tape made: 1997-04-17
(Reconstruction and copying treatment to preserve content of a lacquer disc , where parts of the original recorded surface have flaked off but were retained with the disc until it could be treated.)
Tape reels transferred from original acetate discs
Preservation, dubbing master , working duplicate and access copies made
(Example of a combined note on preservation treatment (copy made) and an available access copy)
7.B.18. Accompanying material
Based on AACR2 6.7B11
See also: 5.E, 5.F
Make notes on the existence and type of accompanying material, lyrics, commentary and language (see also 5.E).
Lyrics on cover
Lyrics on inner sleeve
Libretto in booklet
Lyrics in booklet
Lyrics in French and English on cover
Lyrics on sheet
Text and notes on sheet
Libretto and notes in Swedish and Italian in booklet
Notes in booklet
Notes in German, English and Arabic in booklet
Lyrics and notes in English, French and Swedish in booklet
With record company catalogue of selected releases
Notes on handwritten sheet held
Typed cue sheet held by archive
Programme script held by archive
Transcript held in documentation library
Typed summary held in documentation library
Filed with the transcript are 6 photographs
Supplementary materials: chronology of events, a map showing the location of the recorded performance
Handwritten musical notation of the beginning of each item by collector is included
Handwritten field notes included in container
Still photographs held by archive
Slides included in container
Maps held by archive
Manuscripts held by the documentation Library
Text of the song in Breton, translation in French
With teacher's guide
With student booklet in English
With student material in German (6 booklets and teacher's guide)
With learner's diskette
Données vidéographiques, iconographiques et sonores
Contient une analyse scientifique des oeuvres
Accompanying material to Sound Affects, no. 5 (1995)
Published with the book: Vild med heste / af Jette S. Gram
7.B.19. Series
Based on AACR2 6.7B12
See also: 6.0.2, 6.I.1
Optionally, make notes on series data that are not given in the series area (e.g. publisher's series which varies from the commonly used seriestitle; series in which the work was previously issued).
Originally issued in the series : Klassiker för barn
Publisher's series on container: Ethnic Folkways Records
(Container bears variant form of publisher's series )
Originally broadcast in the series : Soul corner
broadcast as part of the Fairest Isle season
Originally issued in the series : Disney classics
7.B.20. Dissertation
AACR2 2.7B13, 6.7B13
If the item being described is a dissertation or thesis presented as part of the requirements for an academic degree, give either the term Thesis or Diss. followed by a brief statement of the degree for which the author was a candidate (e.g. (M.A.) or (Ph.D.), or, for thesis to which conventional abbreviations do not apply, (doctoral) (master 's)), the name of the institution or faculty to which the thesis was presented, and the year in which the degree was granted.
Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Toronto, 1974
Thesis (M.A.)-University College, London, 1969
Thesis (doctoral)-Freie Universität, Berlin, 1973
7.B.21. Audience
AACR2 6.7B14
Make a note of the intended audience for an item if this information is stated in the item , its container or accompanying textual material.
Intended audience: First-year undergraduates
Intended audience: G.C.E. "A" level students
Intended audience: Children
Intended audience: Youth
Intended audience: Immigrants
Intended audience: Elderly
Intended audience: Elementary grades
For children aged 7 to 10
7.B.22. References to existing descriptions
ACR2 1.7B15
Optionally, give a brief bibliographic citation for works which describe or contain references to the material being catalogued.
Reference: Discography of the recorded insects sounds / D.C.F. Rentz and J. Balderson. - Canberra : CSIRO, 1989. - (CSIRO Division of Entomology report ; no. 44). - p.27
Reference: Australian jazz on record, 1926-1980 / Jack Mitchell. - Canberra : NFSA, 1988. - p.79
Reference: Vogue Productions discography : the Vogue sessions, 1945-1958 / Michel Ruppli. - Paris : AFAS, 1992. - p.35
Part of collection described in collector's Thesis (Ph.D.)-UCLA: The classical tassnif : a genre of Persian vocal music. - 1983
7.B.23. Other formats
Based on AACR2 6.7B16
Give the details of other formatc etc. in which the content of the item has been issued. Give the year of publication if it differs from the item being described. For describing the archive's holdings of the same content on another format, see 7.B.30.
Issued also as CD: ELAP 4624
Issued also as mini disc: 1111-MD
Issued also as gramophone record: 1212-LP , and music cassette: 1212-MC
Issued also with the phonogram number: 1212-CD
Issued also as a promotional CD: PCD 12
Issued also by EMI: EMI 2233556
Issued also as laser disc
Issued also as laser disc , 1989
7.B.24. Summary
Expanded from AACR2 6.7B17
See also: 1.B.7.8, 7.B.7.3, 7.B.7.3, 9.1.A.5.2
Give a brief objective summary of the content of an item unless another part of the description provides enough information. Begin the note with the term Summary (or its equivalent in another language and/or script) followed by a colon and a space. If the item consists of more than one title, more than one summary can be given.
Summary: Set of jazz improvisations inspired by folk traditions
Summary: information on Stockholm
Summary: information on IFK Göteborg, with music
Summary: Review of the collection of short stories Neighbors by the American author Raymond Carver
Summary: Interview with the former Hong Kong correspondent Hans Granquist. Topics include early career, the years in Hong Kong and the homecoming
Summary: Talking about Australia and New Zealand. The language tour of the YLE Radio and Television come to Australia and New Zealand to find out what kind of people the Australians are. In the programme Australians themselves from different parts of the country are asked this question
Summary: Lesley Taylor, b. 1913, speaks about his life as an opal miner and buyer
Summary: Bill Flannagan, b. 1914, speaks about his involvement with BBC in his early days, and now with the "Over 60s radio" at 5UV, Adelaide, Australia
Summary: A.B. Neilsen talks about his career as an exhibitor of films in his theaters; the developments of sound on film and popular early films such as "The jazz singer", "The sentimental bloke", and "On our selection"; the dangers of fire from nitrate film and other issues dealing with theaters
Summary: Interviewed shortly before her sudden death, major British artist Helen Chadwick outlines her background, education and working methods. She discusses the motifs and ideas which became her trademark through a series of exhibitions in the UK and abroad such as "Effluvia" at the Serpentine gallery in London in 1994; and through publications such as "Enfleshings" (1989)
Title: Cuckoo/Station House Opera
Summary: To the music of bowed cellos and sawn wardrobes, the company nail each other to the furniture and elevate the floor, proving that nothing is stable other than instability
Title: Pan "A" minor : steelbands of Trinidad
Summary: On the Island of Trinidad, the arrival of the first biscuit tins and kerosene pans led to the invention of a unique style of music, the steelband
Title: Bourrées d'Aubrac
Summary: The bourrée is a French regional folk dance. Here we see about ten of them, danced to the accordion or local bagpipes and hear one song bourrée. Recorded in four villages of Aubrac
Optionally, include the tape counter numbers, or start time position on the item to indicate the beginning of different sections of a lengthy recording. Optionally, conclude the summary with the total duration.
Optionally, give a brief summary or precis followed by a detailed summary if required.
Brief summary: Lady Squire is interviewed about her life in India, Persia and Afghanistan, as the wife of Sir Giles Squire of the Indian Political Services
Interview summary: Family and educational background; securing of a teaching job in India at Hyderabad school; teaching in Hyderabad (Deccan), life at the school, subjects and contacts with the pupils, teachers' living conditions and life outside the school; vacation in Kashmir; marriage to Sir Giles Squire; Lady Squire's health in India, general levels of health; Indore, character of station; character of political service work; memories of a shoot; experiences stationed in Kathiawar; her children and their education; the servants, their quality and work organizing of shopping and supplies in Kabul; Indian friends, welfare and voluntary work, particularly the leprosy unit in Mehed; her opinion of the Indian independence movement; anti-British outburst of a doctor friend; unable to accept presents from Indians; her contact with Moral Rearmament movement; Mehed, modernizing efforts of Shah, inco-operative attitude of people to British; strength of Islam in Kabul; memories of the Quetta Earthquake and its aftermath; highlights of Lady Squire's time in the East, camel excursion in Baluchistan; feeling of safety in India; unpleasant incidents with Congress supporters during Quit India movement; her interest in the sights of India; prohibition of entry into mosques in Meshed, though not in Kabul
Optionally, for wildlife recordings include information in the summary concerning whether the individual is male, female, adult, juvenile or adolescent and what it is doing (e.g. flying, feeding young); and whether it is wild or in captivity. Also temperature and existence of wind or other environment sound) may be included here (see also 7.B.11).
Summary: Adult female mudlark calls as she feeds chicks. The recording is the third of this group made in Namadgi National Park (A.C.T.), on 1989-11-17 at 17:02 hours. Compared with earlier takes, the wind has dropped and cannot be heard on this recording. Temperature at the time of recording is 17 deg. C. (Duration: 25 sec.)
7.B.25. Contents
Expanded from AACR2 6.7B18
See also:1.B.10, 1.G.5, 5.B.4.2, 7.B.14.1
List the titles of individual works contained in, or the parts of, a recording. Give alternative titles in brackets immediately after the title proper. Separate each item in the contents note with a space, double dash, space.
Add to each title any statements of responsibility not included in Area 1 and/or 7.B.7 and which are considered necessary. Where composers, etc, and performers are both given in the contents note, it is recommended that the composers be given first, followed by the performers. The performers are always given in brackets.
Optionally, include the duration (if it is available), or include tape counter numbers, or start time position on the recording.
Optionally, give uniform titles for classical music here.
Optionally, if composer, author, director, etc., has already been given in Area 1 and/or 7.B.7, give only variant composers, authors, directors, etc., here.
Contents: The golden age of rock 'n' roll -- Born late 58 -- Trudi's song -- Pearl 'n' Roy -- Roll away the stone -- Marionette -- Alice
Contents: Dog days (City morgue blues) -- Stranger in paradise
Contents: Dancing queen / B. Andersson, S. Anderson, B. Ulvaeus -- Lay all your love on me / B. Andersson, B. Ulvaeus
Contents: Big bad wolf / C. Högberg (Jerry Williams) -- If I only knew / S. Banks (Lone Rangers)
Contents: D'ya like scratchin'? : special version -- She's looking like a hobo -- Buffalo gals : DJ cut - special stereo -- World's famous (radio I.D.) -- Hobo scratch -- Would ya like more scratchin'? : New York City remix
Area 1: Chamber music / Benjamin Britten
Contents: Fanfare for St. Edmondsbury / (Bo Nilsson, Jan-Olov Hjelm, Rolf Tilly, trumpets) -- Suite, violoncello, no. 1, op.72 / (Frans Helmerson)
Contents: Louise. Depuis le jour / G. Charpentier (Mary Garden, soprano, with orchestra) -- Tosca. Vissi d'arte / Puccini (Maria Jeritza, soprano, with piano)
Contents: The history of democracy (7 min.) -- Democracy in the future (13 min.) -- Democracy here and now (23 min.)
Contents: Cadenza / improvisation (Manfred Schoof Sextett) -- Gewisse kristallinische Gebilde / improvisation (Manfred Schoof Sextett) -- Virtue / improvisation (Manfred Schoof Sextett)
(Recording of collective improvisations performed by Manfred Schoof Sextett)
Innehåll: Romskij cocek / trad., arr. D. Lundberg -- Goce's dance / trad., arr. H. Hurtig, D. Lundberg -- Cigansko skopsko oro / trad., arr. O. Ronström -- Mahala / trad., arr. O. Ronström, H. Hurtig -- Razijin cocek / trad., arr. D. Lundberg
Contents: Tis pretty to be in Ballinderry / trad. -- Captain Coulson / trad. -- Ta Me'Mo Shui / trad. -- What brought the blood / trad. -- The blighted lover / trad. -- The twisting of the rope / trad. -- The blackbird / trad. -- Old Ardboe / trad. -- The old man rocking the cradle / trad. -- Siubhan Ni Dhuibhir / trad. -- Dobbin's flowery vale / trad. -- Going to Mass last Sunday / trad.
Innehåll: Livgardets dragoners marsch (Dragonerna komma) / A. Ericson -- Björneborgarnas marsch / anon. -- Svea banér / J.C.F. Haeffner -- Herzog von Braunschweig / anon. -- Kungliga gardets marsch / anon. -- Der Dessauer / anon. -- Stabstrumpetaren / S. Rydqvist -- Stridskola Nords marsch = Der Coburger / anon.
Innehåll: 1. Pianosonat nr 30, E-dur / Ludwig van Beethoven -- 2. Introduktion och allegro för stråkkvartett och stråkorkester / Edward Elgar -- 3. Symfoni nr 29, A-dur / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Innehåll: Pojken och den lilla fågelungen = The song of the birds (1935) / directed by Dave Fleischer --Hurra för våren = To spring (194-?) / directed by Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising
Contents: Split personality / directed by Joel Silver (Joe Pesci, Jacqueline Alexandra) -- People who live in brass hearses / directed by Russell Mulcahy (Bill Paxton, Brad Dourif, Michael Lerner) -- Dead wait / directed by Tobe Hooper (Whoopi Goldberg, James Remar)
Optionally, for medleys, give the title of the medley first (or if there is no title, the term Medley) followed by a colon and a space, and then the parts of the medley. Separate the parts by a space, semicolon, space.
Contents: King Creole / J. Leiber, M. Stoller -- Let's medley: Let's twist again / K. Mann, D. Appell ; C'mon let's go / R. Valens ; Let's have a party / J.M. Robinson ; Let's dance / J. Lee -- Jeannie = Jeannie's coming back / T. Norell, Oson, A. Bard, K. Almgren
For ethnomusicological recordings, include voice type (e.g. male, female, men women, adult(s), child(ren), and whether soloist, choir, group), and description of instrument.
Contents: Praise song for hunters / for male soloist and a small men's choir (3 min., 50 sec.) -- Funeral lament / woman's voice (2 min., 03 sec.) -- Song for grinding karite nuts / Two female voices, a mortar and two pestles (2 min., 23 sec.) -- Dinaba, origin myth / A male soloist and a men's choir; two calabash, rattles & four pair of metal castanets (12 min.)
Contents: Side 1: 1-3. Rain dreaming ceremony : 3 excerpts -- 4. A re-singing of the Rain dreaming songs after the ceremony -- 5. Rain-making song -- 6. Balgan songs -- 7. Djabi song : the Windmill of Wallanie Plains -- Side 2: 1. Wongga dance song series : selected items -- 2. Brolga bird plan songs -- 3. Women's wu-ungka songs -- 4. Morning star, Pigeon, and Rain songs -- 5. Stingray, Dolphin, Curlew, and Shark songs
Title: [Cantal-St Urcize]
Contents: (00) Biographical information on the musician -- (3:52) How to learn and play the cabrette (local bagpipe) -- (6:32) En passant par le bois (Regret) (category of song) / cabrette (local bagpipe) -- (9:12) Bourrée avec picotage "La Mouraillado" / cabrette (local bagpipe) -- (11:55) Les garçons de la montagne : bourrée (traditional dance) / cabrette (local bagpipe)
(Here start time positions on the tape precede the entry for each recorded item).
Alternatively, provide a partial contents to highlight items of particular interest
Partial contents: Complainte pour Ste-Catherine -- Tell my sister -- Swimming song -- Jigsaw puzzle of life
Includes performances by Charlie Mingus: Stormy weather -- Abstractions
Optionally, if the recording contains many short works, make a summary of the contents.
Contains 37 children songs
Contains 42 songs from Dalecarlia
Contains folk music from Finland
Contains another 15 films
7.B.26. Numbers
Based on ISBD (NBM) Area 8
Varied from AACR2 6.7B19
All numbers should be given in Area 8, or its equivalent in Chapter 10.
7.B.27. "With" notes
Based on AACR2 6.7B21
If the title and statement of responsibility area contains a title that applies to only a part of an item lacking a collective title, and, therefore, more than one description is made, make a note beginning With: and listing the other separately titled works in the item in the order in which they appear there.
With: The Truman story
With: Frilly follies -- The shy mouse -- The night hawk
7.B.28. Copy being described
Based on AACR2 1.7B20, 6.7B20
See also: 10.B.7.2, 10.B.7.4
Give important descriptive details of the particular copy being described. This information may vary between different copies of the same recording (see also Chapter 10).
Label autographed by performer
7.B.29. Restrictions and terms governing use
Based on AACR2 1.7B20, 6.7B20
Developed from FIAF 7.2.22, 7.2.23
See also: 10.B.4.2
Restrictions on any access to or use of material may apply to the content of a recording regardless of the number of copies held (e.g. original recording and preservation copy); while a published recording will have restrictions until, through age, its status becomes public domain.
Give information regarding any restrictions on or rights to access and use (copying, broadcasting, publishing) the materials (or any portion thereof) if not apparent from publication, production, distribution, broadcast, etc., details, or information about copyright on the item .
Only to be used in the library
Permission of the collector is required for copying, broadcast or re-publication
Permission of the institution is required for copying, broadcast or re-publication
Permission of the depositor is required for access to material
Permission of the repository is required to cite, quote, or reproduce
Restricted to use by graduate students only
No access to the material is allowed without prior clearance from the depositor
This tape contains ceremonial chants. Access is only available to members of the [name] tribe
Access allowed
If there is a time limit on the restriction on access, the date when it will become available for access is entered here.
Cannot be consulted until 1999
No access to this material is allowed until 2005
Accessible after 2010
Embargo on all access until 20 years after the death of the source
Optionally, commence this note with the term Restrictions followed by a colon and a space.
7.B.30. Availability
See also: 7.B.23
If all or part of the material being described is available (either in the institution or elsewhere) in another format, make a note to indicate this. If only part of the physical item being described is available in another format, indicate which part.
Reference copies available
Access copies available for research use at the Département de la Musique et de la Parole, Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires
Available as a cassette reference copy (C 3618)
Digital recording of repeat broadcast Oct. 5, 1994, 10.00-10.30 is available
Reference copies on CD-R
Original recordings made on DAT held in the Drama Department. Access and archive copies are on VHS archive also holds this recording on LP and cassette
7.B.31. Location of related materials
Based on FIAF 7.2.25
When the location of related materials in other institutions is known, give the location of such related materials.
La Phonothèque du Conservatoire Occitan possède les originaux
Bibliothèque nationale de France holds dubbed copies
The Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris, holds stills
Also available on CD-R at the Audiovisual Department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France
Sound recordings for this collection held in the Sound archive. Manuscripts and still photographs held in the Documentation Section
7.B.32. Source of acquisition
Based on FIAF 7.2.24
See also: 10.B.3.2.
Give the provenance or method of acquisition of the item in a note. Cite date of receipt, method of acquisition (gift, purchase, deposit, loan, etc.) and source of the material. This information may vary between different copies of the same recording. Note that some archives may choose to maintain this information as non-public information (see also 10.B.2.2-10.B.2.3)
Déposé au Département de la Musique et de la Parole, Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires, par le collecteur en 1965
Received 1984-05-10 as legal deposit from the record company
Received 1983-02-10 at Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme-Médiathèque (Aix-en-Provence) as gift from the collector
Dubbed from tapes held by the Yale Oral History archives
Dubbed from tapes held by the Phonothèque du Conservatoire Occitan
7.B.33. Publications
Adapted from OHCM 2.7.B.15
Optionally, give a citation to or information about a recording based on the use, study, or analysis of the material described. If necessary, use appropriate introductory wording (e.g. Publications: or Portions published in:) in order to clarify the nature of the citation.
This song was subsequently issued on a CD in 1989: Traditions chantées en Bretagne : les sources du Barzaz Breiz aujourd'hui. Vol. 1. ArMen-Dastum: SCM 013
The text of the song has been transcribed and published in : Laurent, Donatien, "Aux sources du Barzaz Breiz aujourd'hui", ArMen, 1978
7.B.34. Other notes
See also: 7.B.7.3
Make notes on the notes, notes on the catalogue record and notes that cannot be made anywhere else in this area.
Published sound recording on the occasion of Help-the-children-day
Contents information missing
Contents information insufficient
Programme information missing
Programme information insufficient to identify episode details
No dubbing made
Includes spoken announcement
Opens and closes with applause
The cataloguing is based on the cataloguing made at the Radio archive
5 identical copies of this item are held
With spoken introduction by broadcaster
Applause follows conclusion of performance
7.B.35. Cataloguer comment
Adapted from FIAF 7.2.27
See also: 02_B4
Although normal standards in cataloguing require impartiality of the cataloguer, some archives have found it useful to provide a space where catalogers may record a more subjective evaluation of the content. For instance, cataloguer comment notes may be of assistance when preparing an exhibition or broadcast programme, or to be used by future scholars or researchers to prepare lectures or produce publications.
Record a subjective comment of the contents commencing with the term Cataloguer comment followed by a colon and a space. A cataloguer comment should be brief but informative. The note must include some form of identification of the cataloguer which will be meaningful at least to the originating archive: the cataloguer's initials will usually suffice.
This is a permissive, not a prescriptive rule: a cataloguer comment should be used internally only, and be excluded from any published or public catalogue.
Cataloguer comment: Performer becomes increasingly intoxicated as the recording progresses (AP)
Cataloguer comment: The commentary accompanying this item could be considered sexist and patronising, and is perhaps indicative of male attitudes towards women during the 1950s (HML)
Area 1: Great white wonder / Bob Dylan
Cataloguer comment: These white labelled discs are believed to be an example of the 1969 bootleg release of this double album (OJ)