IASA Phonographic Bulletin - Issues 1-61 (1971-93)
The list below gives the title, and author(s) and starting page number of articles in each issue, originally compiled by Magdelena Cséve and Helen Harrison.
Issues are linked to PDF scans of the original paper publications. IASA thanks George Boston for supplying scans from the paper copies.
Issue Number 1 1971
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- Some tasks for the International Association of sound archives, Donald L Leavitt (p. 3)
- Phonotheken in der DDR, Wolfgang Reich (p. 5)
- Recording in the Swedish Parliament, Christer Ostlund (p. 8)
- The research gramophone records collection of the National in Warsaw in the years 1969/1970, Maria Prokopowicz (p. 10)
- Das Lautarchiv der Stiftung und Wissenschaft und die Niederlandische Rundfunk Organisations (NOS), Rolf L Schuursma (p. 11)
Issue Number 2 1972
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- Uber die Katalogisierungung von Wortaufnahmen, Wolfgang Adler (p. 3)
- Some remarks on a definition of oral history, Joke MS Rijken (p. 5)
- Some aspects of historical interviews on sound tape, Rolf S Schuursma (p. 8)
- Zur Lagerung von Trontagern, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 13)
- An annotated, indexed discography on anthologies of Western art music in series on record, released between 1900 and 1970, Gerald D Gibson (p. 15)
Issue Number 3 1972
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- Tentative list of discographies, record catalogues etc., Claes Cnattingius (p. 3)
- The interview as an historical method, Joke M S Rijken (p. 28)
Issue Number 4 1972
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- Some information on sound archives in Australia, Peter Burgis (p. 2)
- Sicherheit zuerst -auch für Tonträger, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 10)
- Theatre on tape, Lou Hoefnagels (p. 20)
- Phonothèque du Musée National des Arts et Tradition populaires - ATP, Claude Marcel·Dubois (p. 23)
Issue Number 5 1972
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- The United Nations sound recording collection, Pierre G Furst (p. 2)
- Sound archives in the USSR, G B Koltypina (p. 5)
- Safety first -essential in the preservation of sound recordings, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 8)
- The Yale collection of historical sound recordings, Rutherford D Rogers, Richard Warren jr., Laurence C Witten II (p. 15)
Issue Number 6 1973
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- Sound recordings in the public archives of Canada, Leo LaClare (p. 2 )
- (IASA, IAML/EBU): Radio archives and scholarly research: some documents)
Issue Number 7 1973
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- The future of IASA: a personal view, Timothy Eckersley (p. 2)
- Broadcasting sound archives and scholarly research, Harold Spivacke (p. 6)
- Recording of broadcasts, Patrick Saul (p. 12)
- BBC Gramophone Library, Derek Lewis (p. 16)
- Classification and cataloguing practice in BBC Sound Archives, Tony Trebble (p. 19)
- Une phonotheque de recherche: la Phonothèque du Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires à Paris, Claudie Marcel-Dubois (p. 24)
- The Indiana University Archives of Traditional Music. Frank J Gillis (p. 26)
- Das Deutsche Rundfunkarchiv, Harald Heckmann (p. 31)
- Die technische Bearbeitung historischer Tonträger im Deutschen Rundfunkarchivs, Wilfried Zahn (p. 32)
- Das Phonogrammarchiv der Osterreischischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Dietrich Schüller (p. 33)
Issue Number 8 1974
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- Sound archives in Australia, Peter Burgis (p. 7)
- Oral history: some personal reflections on the American experience, David Lance (p. 12)
Issue Number 9 1974
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- Sound archives in Israel. Avigdor Herzog (p. 5)
- History of field recording of North American Indian music, Joseph F Hickerson (p. 6)
- Principles of selection, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 7)
- The selection of recordings for permanent retention in the BBC Sound Archive, Timothy Eckersley (p. 9)
- The oral history collection of Columbia University, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 16)
Issue Number 10 1974
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- Legal deposit of sound recordings: a Finnish view, Pekka Gronow (p. 12)
- A new system for the identification of sound recording: International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), Dietrich Lotichius (p. 17)
- Description of the International Standard Recording Code (IRSC), Dietrich Lotichius (p. 19)
- Canadian aural/oral history conference, Leo LaClare (p. 27)
Issue Number 11 1975
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- Sound archives in Israel, Avigdor Herzog (p. 2)
- Principles of selection in sound archives, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 12 Preservation of sound and pictures: a report of a Swedish government committee (p. 20)
Issue Number 12 1975
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- The broadcasting and recording of parliamentary proceedings. Timothy Eckersley (p. 4)
- Technische probleme und die IASA (with summary). Dietrich Schüller (p. 8)
- The Chinese Music Archives, Hongkong, annual report, Dale A Craig (p. 13)
- Sound recordings as historical evidence. Timothy Eckersley (p. 16)
Issue Number 13 1975
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- Oral history in the United States. Samuel Proctor (p. 6)
- Oral history in Great Britain; the status of sound recordings and their use. David G Lance (p. 11)
- What's in a name? the Canadian Oral History Association, Leo LaClare (p. 22)
- Legal deposit of sound recordings in Sweden, Claes Cnattingius (p. 26)
- Spotting technique for archival recordings. Sidney L Silver (p. 30)
Issue Number 14 1976
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- Recorded sound in the National Archives of the United States. Leslie C Waffen (p. 4)
- The sound archives of the Public Archives of Canada, Leo LaClare (p. 9)
- National research sound archives: some thoughts for discussion, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 14)
- Studying country music and contemporary folk music traditions in the Maritimes: theory, technique and the archivist, Neil V Rosenberg (p. 18
Issue Number 15 1976
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- National branches of IASA; a policy for the future? David G Lance (p. 3)
- Preservation and storage of tape recordings. Wilfried Zahn (p. 5)
- Cataloguing and indexing sound records at the Imperial War Museum, Roger Smither (p. 6)
- Sound archives: towards computerisation, David Penn (p. 12)
Issue Number 16 1976
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- Scandinavian and Finnish sound archives: a panorama
- The sound archives of Sveriges radio. Karin Beskov Tainsh (p. 7)
- The sound archive of Norsk Rikskringkasting. Oslo; with a brief survey of other sound archives in Norway, Tor Kummen (p. 12)
- Sound archives in Denmark, Morton Ruge (p. 16)
- Research sound archives in Finland, Pekka Gronow (p. 18)
- National sound archives, national audiovisual archives, or specialised archives
- National sound archives. Patrick Saul (p. 25)
- Three observations on some of Mr Saul's points (p. 31)
- National research archives - specialised or multi media archives. Claes Cnattingius (p. 32)
- National and specialised archives - a Dutch proposal, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 33)
Issue Number 17 1977
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- The use of the early phonograph in phonetic research. Peter H Kylstra (p. 3)
- History of copyright. Robert Temisien (p. 13)
- Historique du droit d'auteur, Robert Temisien (p. 16)
- Un essai de valorisation d'archives sonores, Claudie Marcel-Dubois (p. 20)
- Ein Versuch zur Aufwenung der Schallarchive. Claudie Marcel-Dubois (p. 23)
- BBC archive material for other than broadcasting purposes. Laurence Stapley (p. 25)
- Practice and problems of access in sound archives in North America. Don L Roberts (p. 28)
Issue Number 18 1977
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- The state of the nations: national branches and national representatives. David G Lance (p. 5)
- IASA United Kingdom Branch
- IASA Netherlands branch
- Controlling magnetic tape for archival storage, Robert B Cameal (p. 11)
- Factors relating to the long term storage of magnetic tape, G A Knight (p. 15)
- The BASF professional "cassette Unisette. Wolfgang Wiegel (p. 46)
Issue Number 19 1978
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- 1877 -1977 Centenary of the phonograph
- The world in which the phonograph was born, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 17)
- The use of the early telephone in phonetic research, Peter H Kylstra (p. 21)
- Cataloguing and the computer: Danmarks Radio computerizes index file, Bibi Kjaer (p. 36)
- Standard for tape exchange between sound archives: IASA Technical committee report (p. 42)
Issue Number 20 1978
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- Sound archives in the Federal Republic of Germany Introduction, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 2)
- Sound recordings in the Bundesarchiv, Friedrich P Kahlenburg (p. 4)
- The German Music Archive, Heinz Lanzke (p. 11)
- The music archive of West German Television, Gustav Adolf Mohrlüder (p. 21)
- Radio sound archives in West Germany. Helmut Müller (p. 35)
Issue Number 21 1978
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- Ethnomusicological sound archives
- The politics of fieldwork; the extent to which politics plays a role in the organization of fieldwork and research, Bemard J Broere (p. 2)
- Subject and name access to music other than Western. Judith Kaufman (p. 9)
- The use of the computer in the documentation systems of the sound archives of the Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation NOS. Joop van Dalfsen (p. 21 About the reproduction problems of Edison cylinders. Wilfried Zah. (p. 28)
- Der Einsatz von Studiokassetten in Mediatheken, oder: Lohnt sich das Kopieren von Schallplatten? Dietrich Schüller (p. 30)
Issue Number 22 1978
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- Radio broadcasting archives I. Dietrich Lotichius (p. 14)
- Radio broadcasting archives II. Laurence Stapley (p. 19)
- Oral history archives/audiovisual archives. Rolf L Schuursma (p. 22)
- Research archives, Herbert Rosenberg (p. 25)
- Access and use in a museum: dissemination of audio resource materials, David G Lance (p. 29)
- The dissemination of aural history material. W J Langlois (p. 34)
- The School of Scottish Studies, Edinburgh: sound archive, John MacQueen (p. 36)
Issue Number 23 1979
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- Oral history: the visual element. Joel Gardner (p. 4)
- Circulation centres in Austria for the distribution of sound recordings: a national plan. Rainer Hubert (p. 9)
- The national record and audiovisual department of the French National Library: history, activities. collections, Marie France Calas (p. 15)
- The sound archives of the Gulbenkian Foundation: a project, Janine Moura (p. 29)
- Sound archives in Portugal - a recommendation, Madalena de Azeredo Perdigao (p. 34)
Issue Number 24 1979
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- Report of the IASA copyright committee
- Copyright legislation in France (p. 8)
- Copyright in Canada (p. 15)
- Copyright in the United Kingdom (p. 17)
- The protection of recordings by German copyright law (p. 19)
- Duration of protection granted to producers of sound recordings by national laws (p. 21)
- The Fonoteca of the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, Nieves Iglesias Martinez (p. 34)
Issue Number 25 1979
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- Eighty years of sound archivism, ten years of IASA, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 3)
- The national branches of IASA: their history, present state and future development
- United Kingdom report, David G Lance and Diana Hull (p. 12)
- The Netherlands report, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 16)
- The Austrian report. Rainer Hubert (p. 17)
- The French report, Jean Claude Bouvier (p. 19)
- The Australian report, Prue Neidorf (p. 21)
Issue Number 26 1980
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- The cassette duplication of Radio France, Lucienne Battistelli (p. 5)
- The utilization of the sound archives entrusted to the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel. Danielle Chantereau (p. 25)
- Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, legacies in sound. S L Ocloo (p. 32)
Issue Number 27 1980
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- The establishment of international re-recording standards, William Storm (p. 5)
- Report on the measurement of magnetic stray fields in sound archives, Erhard Aschinger (p. 13)
- Archival tape test. Dietrich Schüller (p. 21)
- The protection of broadcasting stations against distribution of broadcasts unlawfully copied in a foreign country, Norbert Flechsig (p. 26)
- The music recording in musicological research, Helmut A Mühle (p. 31)
Issue Number 28 1980
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- Access to sound archives: German broadcasting archives. Joachim von Hecker (p. 3)
- Spoken word documentation at the Südwestfunk Radio Sound Archives, Wolfgang Hempel (p. 7)
- Problems of training sound archivists. Prue Neidorf (p. 16)
- Toward standard catalogue descriptions: computerized cataloguing of field recorded music. Alice Moyle and Grace Koch (p. 19)
Issue Number 29 1981
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- Sound archives in the United Kingdom: field recordings programmes and practices Oral history, Eric Cregeen (p. 9)
- Traditional music and song, Roy Saer (p. 15)
- Folklife, Stewart Sanderson (p. 24)
- Dialect, Brendan Adams (p. 29)
- The music department of the Institute of Papua New Guinea studies, Don Niles (p. 33)
- ISBD(NBM): sound recordings amendments and additions: Cataloguing committee report (p. 41)
Issue Number 30 1981
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- Oral and documentary sources: a case study, Margaret Mackay (p. 7)
- General field work problems, Margaret Brooks (p. 15)
- Oral history and sound archives, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 20)
- Les documents sonores parles à Radio France - catalogage et utilisation, Georges Manal (p. 29)
- Documentation of spoken word soundtracks in broadcasting: tasks and practices, Hansjörg Xylander (p. 37)
- NHK's music library and its work, Shigeru Joho (p. 42)
Issue Number 31 1981
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- IASA survey of international training standards: a preliminary report, Grace Koch (p. 11)
- Selection of sound materials for current and future use, Helen P Harrison (p. 14)
- Problems of selection in research sound archives, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 17)
- Selection in radio sound archives: a problem of methods of documentation. Ulf Scharlau (p. 33)
- Measures for the preservation and for the protection of archived program property on sound carriers, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 37)
Issue Number 32 1982
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- Sound archives in Africa
- Les archives sonores du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (Haute Volta), Oger Kabore (p. 3)
- The sound archives of the Centre for Nigerian Studies, Harriet C Woakes (p. 15)
- Bartók's legacy to sound archives
- Documentation and dissemination of Bartok's legacy, Ann Briegleb (p. 24)
- On Bartók's folk music recordings, Bálint Sarosi (p. 32)
- Bartók's legacy and the documentation and dissemination of Australian folk and aboriginal music, Alice Moyle (p. 35)
- A plea for a historically oriented appreciation of sound recordings, Martin Elste (p. 40)
- Standardization in audio magnetic tape recording, Zoltán Vajda (p. 44)
Issue Number 33 1982
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Sound archives in Hungary
- The new archives of the Hungarian Radio, Györgi Császar, Csaba Szánto and Zoltán Vajda (p. 5)
- The development of program documentation, Magdalena Cséve (p. 9)
- Historic sound recordings on a peculiar sound recording medium, Miklós Szabó (p. 11)
- The Federal cylinder project of the American Folklife Center, Ronald Walcott (p. 13)
- Intellectual freedom and access barriers to sound recordings, Carlos Hagen (p. 23)
Issue Number 34 1982
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- Compact disc - digital audio: the optical way of sound recordings, Klaus Compaan (p. 33)
- The preservation of insect sound in the natural history museum, D C F Rentz (p. 42)
- Sources for the history of the record industry, Pekka Gronow (p. 50)
- Fieldwork in ethnomusicology, Ernst Heins (p. 55)
- With responses by F J de Hen, Harriet Woakes and Don Roberts (p. 58)
Issue Number 35 1983
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- The restoration of storage damaged decelith gramophone records, Per R Flood, Tor Kummen and Ovstein Wendelbe (p. 10)
- The old phonograms of the Vienna Phonogrammarchiv: re-recording principles and practices. Erhard Aschinger, Franz Lechleitner and Dietrich Schüller (p. 16)
- Preliminary recommendations for fire precautions and fire extinguishing methods in sound archives. Dietrich Schüller (p. 21)
- Phonographic Bulletin technical content list, Clifford Harkness (p. 24)
- IAML/IASA Committee on Music and Sound Archives
- Electronic data processing in sound archives: preliminary remarks and introduction. Ulf Scharlau (p. 26)
- The beginning of a new era in Swiss Radio Sound Archives. Hans Rudolf Dürrenrnatt (p. 28)
- The EDP system of the archives of Denmark's Radio, Bibi Kjaer and Poul von Linstow (p. 33)
- Draft for an EDP supported music information system in the Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv, Frankfurt am Main, Klaus Stossel (p. 35)
- EDP and the SFB, Wolfgang Adler (p. 38)
- Electronic data processing in the Sound Archives of the Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg, Dietrich Lotichius (p. 39)
- EDP and the Süddeutscher Rundfunk Archives, Ulf Scharlau (p. 39)
- EDP and the SWF, Jeannot Heinen (p. 40)
- EDP application in the sound archives, Karl Lüke (p. 41)
- EDP at Hungarian Radio, Magdalena Cséve (p. 42)
- Computer application in the BBC recording services, Mark Jones (p. 43)
- Radio France: Informisation de la Discothéque Centrale, Georges Manal (p. 45)
- Finnish Broadcasting and the computer, Lassee Vihonen and Riitta-Liisa Lampela (p. 46)
- The gramophone department of the Swedish Radio Company: EDP adaptations, Claes Cnattingius (p. 47)
- Cataloging radio programs, Anna Maria Foyer (p. 48)
- Some background to the use of a word processor to assist in the production of 'sound historical', Jim Sullivan (p. 51)
Issue Number 36 1983
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- Legislation for the compulsory deposit of phonograms. Trevor Pearcy (p. 14)
- Mini-computer applications to cataloging problems: a computer retrieval system for Indian music. Nazir All Jairazbhoy and Amy Catlin (p. 49)
Issue Number 37 1983
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- Oral history: the role of the archivist, Richard Lochead (p. 3)
- Oral history: the role of the archivist, Rolf Schuursma (p. 7)
- Oral history and archives. Ron Grele (p. 12)
Belgian archives
- Sound records in Flanders: teething problems!, Rie de Graeve (p. 16)
- La section audiovisuelle des 'Archives et Musee de la litterature', Nicole Hellyn (p. 17)
- Les documents due Centre d'histoire et de technologie rurales de Universite Libre de Bruxelles à Treignes, Jean-Marie Vanmol (p. 18)
- Belgische Radio en Televisie. Elza Vehent (p. 21)
Training Committee
- Report to the General Assembly, Washington DC. May 1983. Rainer Hubert (p. 29)
- International cooperation in the training of audiovisual archivists, Rainer Hubert (p. 29)
- Report on traineeships, Rainer Hubert (p. 32)
- IASA survey of international training standards, Grace Koch (p. 33)
- The training needs of Third World countries. Harriet Woakes (p. 40)
Issue Number 38 1984
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- Jazz discography in the computer era: the IJS Jazz Register and Indexes. Marie P Griffin (p. 8)
- Computer-generated cataloging projects in the International Piano Music Archives, Morgan Cundiff (p. 22)
- Popular music sound recordings: recommendations on selection. management and cataloging. Gordon Theil (p. 29)
- Groove shapes of historical gramophone and Pathé discs. Franz Lechleitner (p. 34)
- Horn resonances in the acoustico-mechanical recording process and the measurement and elimination in the replay situation, George Brock-Nannestad (p. 39)
- Returning California Indian music to its sources, Richard Keeling (p. 44)
Issue Number 39 1984
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- Construction and rationale of building the Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive at Syracuse, William D Storm (p. 9)
- On the re-issue of the only existing sound recording of Johannes Brahms by the Phonogrammarchiv in Vienna, Helmut Kowar, Franz Lechleitner and Dietrich Schüller (p. 19)
- The philosophies of copyright, Charlotte Givens (p. 23)
- Public music archives: copying service or secret treasure store?, Werner Unger (p. 28)
- A database system for ethnic music at Essen University, West Germany, Helmut Schaffrath (p. 35)
Issue Number 40 1984
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- From separation to integration: introduction, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 17)
- From separation to integration: the Swedish experience, Leif Larson (p. 18)
- Moving images and recorded sound: the case for integrated services, Sam Kula (p. 21)
- Separation versus integration: a personal experience, David Lance (p. 25)
- Archive in Rundfunkanstalten - Von der Trennung zur Integration, Wolfgang Hempel (p. 30)
- IASA-IFLA cooperation, Catherine F Pinion (p. 48)
Issue Number 41 1985
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- Archives of folk and ethnic music, Diego Carpitella (p. 6)
- Structure and policy of the Discoteca di Stato, Roberto Rossetti (p. 8)
- Regional sound archives, Giorgio Adamo (p. 11)
- The tape library of ASAC, Paola Gonzo Gagliardi (p. 13)
- RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana -Discoregistratos - Roma, Vittorio Sette (p. 15)
- Italian production of 78rpm folk and light music, Roberto Leydi (p. 16)
- Copyright. Pierre Chesnais (p. 22)
- Perils and pitfalls of copyright laws and the sound archivist in higher education, Ellen Johnson (p. 30)
- IASA copyright committee, model contracts, Chairman Robert Ternisien (p. 34)
- A privileged source for sound and audiovisual documentation: legal deposit, Mane-France Calas (p. 40)
- Returning to the source: a review of the dissemination program of the audio recording, Bernica Pauahi Museum, Elizabeth Tatar (p. 41)
Issue Number 42 1985
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- Compact disc: prospects and effects on broadcasting routine, Ulf Scharlau (p. 10)
- Discography: Objectives and standards, Mary McMullen (p. 14)
- The cataloguing system at the Staatliches Institut für Musikforschung Preussisscher Kulturbesitz, Berlin, West, Martin Elste (p. 26)
- Plans for a central catalogue for sound recording collections in the field of ethnomusicology in the Netherlands, H J Kuijer (p. 29)
Issue Number 43 1985
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- Access in sound archives: equality for users -inequality for recordings, Ernest Dick (p. 9)
- National sound archives: the case for creative access, Diana Hull (p. 12)
- Who are the guardians? problems in retrieval at an ethnographic sound archive, Grace Koch (p. 17)
- Establishing principles of accessibility in a museum, Clifford Harkness (p. 23)
- Access in sound archives, Botho Brachmann (p. 30)
- The earliest Arabian recordings? discoveries and work ahead, Carney E S Gavin (p. 38)
- The Arabian cylinders -report on the re-recording of the collection of the Oriental Institute in Leiden, Franz Lechleitner (p. 44)
Issue Number 44 1986
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- Exchanging copyright sound materials between universities, sound archives, students and researchers, Ellen S Johnson (p. 11)
- Copyright and sound archives, Pekka Gronow (p. 13)
- Guidelines for archives and libraries, IASA Copyright Committee,
- Third World training, Rainer Hubert (p. 18)
Issue Number 45 1986
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- Arkivet för ljud och bild, ALB, the National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images. Sven Allerstrand (p. 7)
- The Swedish Radio gramophone department, Claes M Cnattingius (p. 12)
- The Swedish Radio Programme archives. Bengt Brännland (p. 15)
- Gothenburg University library: the sound and video archives. Gun Fridell (p. 19)
- The sound archives of Svenskt Visarkiv. Märta Ramsten (p. 20)
- The Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille, TPB, Beatrice Christensen-Sköld (p. 22)
- Access to performance from Bach to Wynton-Marsalis, Marie P Griffin (p. 25)
- Digital processing at commercial record companies, Michael H Gray (p. 33)
- The restauration of historical sound recordings by means of digital signal processing: psychoacoustical aspects. Werner Deutsch, Anton Noli (p. 36)
- NEVE digital processing desk at the British Library, National Sound Archive, Christopher H Roads, Lloyd Stickells (p. 39)
- A newly constructed cylinder playback mechanism for all formats, Franz Lechleitner (p. 44)
Issue Number 46 1986
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- Collecting sound tapes -a neglected activity of the national archives? Bemdt Frederiksson (p. 24)
- The recording projects and the cultural heritage of the Swedish emigrants, Lars-Göran Johansson (p. 28)
- Interviewing people with executive power in the Swedish Labour Movement, Eva Karlsson (p. 32)
- Collecting historical Swedish jazz material, Jan Bruer (p. 36)
- The Institute of Dialect and Folklore research, Margareta Källskog (p. 38)
Issue Number 47 1987
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- An oral history of recorded sound, Laurence Stapley (p. 6)
- A database for a multidisciplinary research sound archive, Helga Thiel, Lukas Deutsch (p. 11)
Issue Number 48 1987
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- IASA in the Netherlands: from Donemus to Sweelinck, Rolf L Schuursma (p. 4)
- Keeping the image, audiovisual archiving in the Netherlands, Roben Egeter van Kuyk (p. 6)
- Stichting film en Wetenschap, an audiovisual archive research into the living past, Fred de Kok (p. 9)
- NVPI, the Dutch branch of IFPI, Leo Boudewijns (p. 10)
- Hintergrund - Musik in Rundfunk -Schallarchiven, probleme der Katalogisierung und Bereitstellung am Beispiel des Saarländischen Rundfunks, Frank Rainer Huck (p. 13)
Issue Number 49 1987
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- Sound archives and copyright: strange bedfellows? Mattys Linnemann (p. 2)
- Audiovisual archives in the Netherlands: a sound archive in use, Henriette F Schatz (p. 7)
- The Torres Strait phonograph recordings, Alice Moyle (p. 11)
Issue Number 50 1988
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- Training Committee: open session at the IASA Conference in Amsterdam June 1987, Helen P Harrison (p. 2)
- Training possibilities for audio visual media archivists, Rainer Hubert (p. 7)
- Training possibilities for sound archivists in France, Thierry Delcourt (p. 12)
- One week training courses in sound archives run by the British Association of Sound Collections (IASA UK), Alan Ward (p. 15)
- Structure of the IASA Board, Helen P Harrison (p. 26)
Issue Number 51 1988
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- Correspondence of IASA: correspondence of Dietrich Lotichius, Hamburg 1963, edited bv Rolf L Schuursma (p. 2)
- 1888-19-88: a hundred years of magnetic sound recording, Friedrich Karl Engel (p. 8)
- Report of the IASA Executive Board, Hilversum, February 4-5 1988, Jean-Claude Havoz (p. 21)
- Report of the Round Table on Audiovisual Records, the Hague, March 16-18 1988, Helen P Harrison (p. 25)
- UNESCO reports: Training: Audiovisual equipment (p. 30)
Issue Number 52 1988
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- The Audiovisual Heritage of a Nation: Solved and unsolved problems in Austria
- Introduction, Gerhard Jagschitz (p. 3)
- Cultural anthropology, Helga Thiel (p. 5)
- History, Rainer Hubert (p. 7)
- Literature, Heinz Lunzer (p. 11)
- Broadcasting, Peter Dusek (p. 15)
- Summary and perspective, Gerhard Jagschitz (p. 19)
- What is research? an analysis, Poul von Linstow (p. 22)
- International Round Table: Unesco recommendations for safeguarding and preservation of moving images, Helen P Harrison (p. 30)
- The Oman Centre for Traditional Music (p. 38)
Issue Number 53 1989
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- Some problems with shared, mixed and changed responsibility in a record library catalogue, Alexander Jansen (p. 2)
- Some aspects of communication of audiovisual media from the view of the State Archives, Thomas Trumpp (p. 11)
- Cataloguing of sound recordings: published materials, Eckehard Baer (p. 16)
- Cataloguing non-edited material, Rainer Hubert (p. 18)
- Recording methods of documentary A V material, Helga Thiel (p. 21)
- Data retrieval in the Ethnomusicological Laboratory of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Selcová Michaela (p. 23)
- Final report on the minimum level of description of a sound recording for an entry in a catalogue or discography, Mary McMullen (p. 26)
Future of IASA
- Four dilemmas for IASA's future, Hans Bosma (p. 27)
- IASA's future: some personal remarks and suggestions, Rainer Hubert (p. 31)
- Searches and researchers: some reflections on the paper by Poul von Linstow, Jeff Brownrigg (p. 33)
Issue Number 54 1989
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- Costs of storage in sound archives, Cor L Doesburg (p. 4)
- The costs of storage and preservation, Dietrich Schüller (p. 15)
- Radio from the music box, Ulf Scharlau (p. 20)
- Sound tapes and the 'vinegar' syndrome, Dietrich Schüller (p. 29)
- Report on the Joint Technical Symposium held in Berlin on 20-22 May 1987, Cor L Doesburg (p. 31)
- Comment on 'Ethics of restoration' in FIAF-FIA T-IASA Joint Technical Symposium, Berlin 22 May 1987, George Brock Nannestad (p. 38)
- A note on rewinding of archival tapes, Paddy Naughton and Doug Smith (p. 40)
- Copyright and sound archives, Kurt Hodik (p. 43)
- Comments in reply on 'copyright and sound archives', Thierry Delcourt (p. 46)
- Correspondence of IASA: correspondence of Claes Cnattingius, Stockholm, 1968-1978 (p. 48)
Issue Number 55 1989
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- The problems of national discographies, Sune Hofsten (p. 2)
- New media for storing sound - archival consequences, Marit Grimstad (p. 8)
- Co-operative project of German broadcasting, Frank Rainer Huck (p. 13)
- Mould: a growing problem too big to ignore, John Spence (p. 21)
- Oral history and reminiscence: a social context for sound archives, Joanna Bomat (p. 26)
- Archiving at the Oman Centre for Traditional Music, Issam EI-Mallah (p. 32)
- The archiving of sound recordings in the Netherlands, Robert Egeter van Kuyk (p. 53)
Issue Number 56 1990
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National Archives
- Legal deposit of audiovisual materials in National collections, Marie-France Calas (p. 2)
- Towards 2000 - the frightening future, Ray Edmondson (p. 11)
- ISRC - a historical retrospective, Claes Cnattingius (p. 21)
- International Standard Recording Code, Trevor Pearcy (p. 23)
- Phonomatrix corrosion and its prevention in China, Guiqiang Liu (p. 26)
Issue Number 57 1990
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- Comments on Ray Edmondson, 'Towards 2000 -the frightening future': An orange is more than orange juice, Rainer Hubert (p. 10)
- Towards 2000 - viewpoint 1990, Helen P Harrison (p. 12)
- 'My tongue is my ain, Report on the Joint day conference of the SOHG and BASC, Alan Bruford (p. 16)
- Copyright and confidentiality in oral history, Hector L MacQueen (p. 32)
- Cataloguing sound recordings: a select in-progress bibliography, David Sommerfield (p. 35)
- Audio equipment considerations for sound archives, William D Storm (p. 38)
Issue Number 58 1991
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- IASA Training Manual
- Sound recording media and their purposes: an introduction, Rainer Hubert (p. 5)
- A brief typology of sound archives, Grace Koch (p. 17)
- Job descriptions for positions at sound archives, compiled by Grace Koch (p. 21)
National Archives
- Selection/acquisition policy, and guidelines for film, television and documentation, National Film and Sound Archive (Australia) (p. 32)
Issue Number 59 1991
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Radio Sound Archives
- The sound archive of Hungarian Radio, Magdalena Cséve and Zoltan Bódi (p. 3)
- A 'Radio Geology' of Hungarian Radio, János Sebesteyén (p. 12)
- The archives of Hungarian Television, Anikó Jósza (p. 22)
- Notes on the work of sound recordings in the archives of Slovak Radio, Frantisek Horvai (p. 25)
- The South African Broadcasting Corporation, Leon Carl Pieter Endemann (p. 28)
- The cylinder collection of the 'Wiener Männergesangverein' a study in re-recording, Franz Lechleitner, H Frank (p. 30)
- Which technology should the sound archivist trust? Denis Oudard (p. 37)
- Access and conservation: the key elements in sound archiving in the 21st century, Christopher H Roads (p. 41)
Issue Number 60 1992
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- IASA's focus on sound -an appeal to retain our goal, letter to the Editor, Michael Biel (p. 2)
Audiovisual Archives in Hungary
- Audiovisual materials in Hungarian libraries, Judit Skaliczki (p. 10)
- The oral history archives of the Institute for Culture, Agnes Czakó (p. 13)
- Sound and video archives in the National Szechényi Library, Orsolya Karsay (p. 15)
- Introduction to the Petófi Literary Museum, Mária Merva (p. 21)
- Introduction to the Hungarian Film Institute, Ildekó Berkes (p. 24)
- The video collection of the National Museum and Institute of Theatre History, Magdolna Kolta (p. 27)
- With a solar panel in Madagascar: a technical report, Michael Weber (p. 30)
- Fullbrighter summer (p. 37)
- Visit to the Edison National Historic site, Chris Clark (p. 39)
- Towards a philosophy of A V archiving, Ray Edmondson (p. 46)
- Responses: Rainer Huben (p. 56)
- Poul von Linstow (p. 59)
- Formalerfassung audio-visueller medien: ÖNORM A2653, Brigitte Schaffer (p. 62)
Issue Number 61 1992
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- Towards 2019 or IASA at 50, session presented at the Canberra conference by IASA Board members (p. 6)
- Discussion (p. 18)
- Responses: Martin Elste, Rainer Huben, George Brock-Nannestad (p. 22)
- IASA future and external relations, Helen P Harrison (p. 28)
- The technology of sound archiving, Ted Sheldon (p. 34)
AV Archives in Australia (p. 38)