Submitted by Richard Ranft on Tue, 09/12/2014 - 00:19
Discs and Machines
My collection of more than 200 gramophones and nearly 100,000 records are being moved into a new building in Plassanal, Kerala, India. Inauguration of the Museum cum Archive is scheduled for 26th January 2015. A seminar will be conducted on 25th and 26th January.
I am maintaining a You-tube channel for uploading very old and rare recordings on Shellac records. Visit for viewing and hearing more than 400 recordings.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Thu, 27/11/2014 - 01:11
Call for Presentations
We are accepting proposals for papers, panels, posters, workshops and tutorials for the 46th Annual IASA Conference to be held at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France -- 27 September through 1 October 2015
*** deadline for submissions: 16 January, 2015 ***
All for one -- one for all: Common Concerns -- Shared Solutions
The first ever international Europeana Sounds conference – The Future of Historic Sounds – will be held on Friday October 2nd 2015 in Paris, at the National Library of France.
This one-day conference celebrates Europeana Sounds, a ground-breaking project of the European Commission and the Europeana Sounds Consortium to provide access to Europe’s sound heritage.
Submitted by bertramlyons on Wed, 19/11/2014 - 03:31
The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) announces its 2015 annual conference to be hosted 27 September through 1 October at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, in "La Ville-Lumière", Paris, France.
IASA welcomes all who manage and care for the world's sound and audiovisual heritage to come together in Paris, the enchanting city of light, where we will explore innovative and tested solutions to contemporary issues that face us all.