Fédération International des Archives de Télévision / International Federation of Television Archives

Champions of Value and Trust. AV Archives in the all-media world (FIAT World Conference)

22 Oct 2019 to 25 Oct 2019
Dubrovnik, Croatia

As in 2018, the 43rd edition of the World Conference will take place in the south of Europe, but in a region with a very different dynamic. By opting for Dubrovnik, another pearl of the Adriatic Sea, we connect east and west as much as old and new. This year’s main location will be the Rixos Hotel, a five star jewel offering a spectacular bay view within walking distance of the world-famous city centre. Thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the hotspot of media archiving will be where east and west have met for centuries.

Game Changers? From Automation to Curation: Futureproofing AV Content

23 May 2019 to 24 May 2019
Stockholm, Sweden

FIAT/IFTA Media Management Seminar 2019

Stockholm – Garnisonen Conference Centre – May 23+24th

The National Library of Sweden (Kungliga Biblioteket) and SVT (Sveriges Television), together with the FIAT/IFTA Media Management Commission invite you to the 9th edition of FIAT/IFTA’s “Changing Sceneries, Changing Roles” Seminars, focusing on media management, metadata, rights, new emerging technologies and changing skillsets.

This edition’s theme is “Game Changers? From Automation to Curation: Futureproofing AV Content”

FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2018

9 Oct 2018 to 12 Oct 2018
Venice, Italy

An annual professional meeting point as much as a friendly and welcoming learning and networking opportunity, the FIAT/IFTA conferences provide the forum par excellence for all those involved in audiovisual and especially broadcaster’s archives. Engineers, managers, strategists, catalogers, technicians, researchers, policy makers, consultants, service and materials providers from all over the globe will all gather in the stunning Palazzo Labia and several neighbouring locations to present, listen, discuss, exchange, negotiate and eventually pronounce a toast to the profession.

Media Management Seminar: Embracing automation, enhancing discoverability

8 Jun 2017 to 9 Jun 2017
Lugano, Switzerland

The Media Management Commission of FIAT/IFTA have organised a Media Management Seminar in Lugano, Switzerland, 8-9th June 2017.

It is the VIII in the series “Changing Sceneries, Changing Roles” entitled “Embracing Automation, Enhancing Discoverability”.


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