We are pleased to announce the programme of the symposium "Using early recordings in practice-led research", to be held at the University of Huddersfield on 12th September 2021. The programme will include a number of lecture-recitals, as well as a workshop during which several wax cylinders will be produced. Attendance is free, and postgraduate students working on topics related to early recordings are invited to send an expression of interest to give a short presentation about their research.
Submitted by Tre Berney on Thu, 15/07/2021 - 17:25
The IASA 2021 online conference registration is open!
“Closing the gap for a new generation of sound and audiovisual archives”
20 Jan 2020 to 2 Feb 2020
The Week of Sound was proclaimed at the 39th session of UNESCO’s General Conference in 2017 to take place in January each year.
Sound is important to all ages and permeates through economic, environmental, societal, medical, industrial and cultural dimensions. It contributes to our individual and collective behaviour, helping to shape the relationships we form with others.
Submitted by Richard Ranft on Tue, 17/03/2020 - 12:58
Dear all,
The joint 51st IASA Conference and 44th FIAT/IFTA World Conference, titled, “Collaborate, Connect, Transform: A partnership of world experts in media and audiovisual archives” will be held from 26 to 29 October 2020, in Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.
Due to uncertainties created by the corona virus pandemic, the deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended for 1 month, until April 15.