
British and Irish Sound Archives (BISA) - Glasgow 20-21 May 2011

British and Irish Sound Archives (BISA) event - Glasgow 20-21 May 2011

BISA (a regional member of the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives) has a full and fascinating programme lined up for its annual meeting, which will be held at BBC Scotland's Information and Archives Department at BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay, Glasgow on 20-21 May 2011. The event also offers a great chance to meet peers, share experiences and generally catch up.

On Friday 20 May we have the following speakers.

Preserving Digital Sound and Vision: A Briefing

8 Apr 2011
London, UK

Preserving Digital Sound and Vision: A Briefing
British Library (Centre for Conservation), London

Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH)

6 Dec 2011 to 9 Dec 2011
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH) is a bi-annual international conference on digital heritage and the strategies that heritage institutions can follow. Triggered by changes in society, heritage organisations face many challenges and need to make strategic decisions about their activities and services. The key motivators for the conference are inspiration, knowledge, skills and networking.

What is DISH 2011?

1st International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis

19 May 2011 to 20 May 2011
Athens, Greece

The First International Workhop of Folk Music Analysis: Symbolic and Signal Processing, will take place in Athens, Greece, on the 19th and 20th of May, 2011. The Venue is the Old Univeristy of Athens, in the Old Town, just under the Acropolis.

The purpose of the event is to gather reseachers who work in the area of computational folk music analysis, using symbolic or singal processing methods, to present their work, discuss and exchange views on the topic.


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