
Note: any events tagged with 'training' are automatically added to the Training Events list

Webinar: Factores relevantes para un almacenamiento de seguro de soportes audiovisuales análogos y digitales

26 May 2020

Researchers and experts in sound and audiovisual archives are launching the Professional Updating Program in Digital Preservation of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, organized by the "Red Iberoamericanade Preservacion Digital de Archivos Sonoros y Audiovisuales" (RIPDASA - Ibero-American Network of Digital Preservation of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), with the support of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT), the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and the Ibermemoria Program, coordinated by the Fonoteca Nacional de México.

Webinar: El inventario como herramienta para la identificación y preservación digital de archivo sonoros

28 Apr 2020

Researchers and experts in sound and audiovisual archives are launching the Professional Updating Program in Digital Preservation of Sound and Audiovisual Archives, organized by the "Red Iberoamericanade Preservacion Digital de Archivos Sonoros y Audiovisuales" (RIPDASA - Ibero-American Network of Digital Preservation of Sound and Audiovisual Archives), with the support of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT), the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) and the Ibermemoria Program, coordinated by the Fonoteca Nacional de México.

Sound and audiovisual researchers and archivists launch a Spanish language open access training initiative

The Spanish-speaking community joins efforts through international cooperation and collaboration

The main world associations of sound and audiovisual archives are involved in this initiative

Call for proposals - extension announced

Dear all,

The joint 51st IASA Conference and 44th FIAT/IFTA World Conference, titled, “Collaborate, Connect, Transform: A partnership of world experts in media and audiovisual archives” will be held from 26 to 29 October 2020, in Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.

Due to uncertainties created by the corona virus pandemic, the deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended for 1 month, until April 15.


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