
2021 Conference Presentations Available

2021 Conference Presentations are Available! 

In preparing for the upcoming annual conference this year in Mexico City, we’re happy to announce that the presentations from our previous conference are available for view in Aviary, a platform from AVP built specifically for archives and libraries for publishing audio and video. AVP was a Gold sponsor of the 2021 conference. You can find the conference proceedings here

Historical Traces of European Radio Archives, 1930-1960

28 Oct 2021 to 29 Oct 2021
University of Amsterdam and / or online

Bringing critical perspectives to bear on radio archives is the main departure point for this international workshop, which explores broadcasting, archives and the historical data they have co-produced. This two-day workshop brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from scholars and practitioners invested in theoretically-informed, connective histories about radio archives.

Call for proposals - extension announced

Dear all,

The joint 51st IASA Conference and 44th FIAT/IFTA World Conference, titled, “Collaborate, Connect, Transform: A partnership of world experts in media and audiovisual archives” will be held from 26 to 29 October 2020, in Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.

Due to uncertainties created by the corona virus pandemic, the deadline for the submission of proposals has been extended for 1 month, until April 15.

No Time to Wait - 4th conference

4 Dec 2019 to 6 Dec 2019
Budapest, Hungary

MediaArea and the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives at Central European University are pleased to announce the fourth No Time to Wait conference, to be held in December 2019 and hosted by the Blinken Open Society Archives at CEU in Budapest, Hungary.


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