The title of this year’s FIAT/IFTA conference is “Archive out of the box!”. We welcome proposals based on user experiences, new initiatives or perspectives, striking conclusions, successes but also failures. The main objective is for audiovisual archive professionals to share among each other to understand the lessons learned and new challenges or solutions arising from entering into new partnerships, launching new ideas, wherever your archive is on the timeline. Suggestions for subjects not mentioned are equally welcome but should be contextualised thoroughly.
Submitted by Perla Olivia Ro... on Mon, 21/02/2022 - 18:20
- La conferencia se llevará a cabo del 26 al 29 de septiembre de 2022 en la Ciudad de México, bajo el lema “Archivos del futuro: Abiertos, sostenibles y equitativos”
Submitted by Tre Berney on Sat, 12/02/2022 - 18:25
2021 Conference Presentations are Available!
In preparing for the upcoming annual conference this year in Mexico City, we’re happy to announce that the presentations from our previous conference are available for view in Aviary, a platform from AVP built specifically for archives and libraries for publishing audio and video. AVP was a Gold sponsor of the 2021 conference. You can find the conference proceedings here.
Submitted by Tre Berney on Fri, 28/01/2022 - 18:28
ANNOUNCEMENT: SEAPAVAA’s 26th General Assembly (2–31 May 2022) and 26th Conference (19–21 July 2022)
Happy holiday greetings from the SEAPAVAA Executive Council (EC)!
It has been a fervent hope of everyone that we would be able to meet in person in 2022. However, with the continued development of the pandemic situation, bringing with it evolving travel restrictions and differing quarantine protocols, the EC concluded that it is prudent and realistic for SEAPAVAA’s 26th Conference to be held virtually from 19–21 July 2022.