
No Time to Wait conference

25 Oct 2018 to 26 Oct 2018
London, UK

MediaArea and the British Film Institute are pleased to announce the third No Time to Wait conference, hosted by the British Film Institute, who are about to begin a 5 year digitisation of obsolete videotape formats, preserving to open formats.

Those working with audiovisual archiving, digital preservation, open media, and open standards as well as curious onlookers are welcome to attend, discuss, and present on subjects pertaining to our theme: the intersection of open media, standardization, and audiovisual preservation.

Baltic Audiovisual Archival Council annual conference

7 Nov 2018 to 9 Nov 2018
Tallin, Estonia

The BAAC 15th Annual Conference will be held from November 7 – 9, 2018 in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference will be hosted by the Estonian Film Museum. Its new modern venue opened in 2017, and the museum has engaging interactive exhibition about the filmmaking process as well as a modern cinema hall with the possibility for conferences and small theatre plays.

The main theme of this year’s conference is concerned with sharing experiences in making audiovisual (AV) archival material visible and usable for a wider audience.

Extension of the «Call for presentations»

Extension of the «Call for presentations»

There is still some space for submitting presentations during the 49th IASA Annual Conference, that will take place from October 1st to 4th 2018, at the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

The « Call for presentations » has been extended until March 9th, 2018.

Conference theme:

Access and Accessibility - Archival Policies and Barriers in the Age of Global Information Exchange


Possible sub-themes include:

IASA Conference 2018 - Call for presentations

Dear all,

please see below the Call for presentations for the 49th Annual Conference of IASA, from 1-4 October 2018, at the Institute of African Studies (IAS), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.

Conference theme:

Access and Accessibility - Archival Policies and Barriers in the Age of Global Information Exchange


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