5.1.1 The EB is responsible for the selection of conference hosts. The EB should plan at least two conferences in advance. This does not preclude the EB from planning further ahead; particularly if there have been expressions of interest in hosting a future conference in a particular year. The EB encourages an application where a special event has prompted the application, e.g., the Austrian Phonogrammarchiv’s 100th anniversary of sound archiving in 1999. When planning conferences, the EB will inform themselves of any local political situations that may affect the conference and keep the membership informed. The EB will work closely with the local hosts to ensure that they are fully informed of any specific requirements to make the conference attractive to local interests.
5.1.2 With the election of a new board the EB should delegate a VP to be in charge of the conference. The conference VP will normally be the person to coordinate conference arrangements with the local hosts. The EB may delegate the coordination to other members after considering such factors as language, geographic location, and personal contacts. At the EB meeting taking place at an annual conference, the EB should review the responsibilities of various Board members for coming conferences and take decisions as required. When a new Board assumes office it has the responsibility of reviewing conference arrangements and assigning responsibilities accordingly. Because conference commitments are often made several years in advance, a smooth transition and exchange of information is essential.
5.1.3 The conference format and theme are discussed with EB.
5.1.4 The Secretary-General will communicate with the Sections and Committees before the mid-year meeting to ensure that all their requirements are included in the preliminary programme. This should also take into account training sessions and other needs.