Robert A. Georges
Robert Georges is Professor of English and Folklore at the University of California, Los Angeles where he has taught since 1966, following earlier academic appointments at Kansas University. He holds the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts and received his Doctor of Philosophy from Indiana University, Indiana for which he majored in folklore, linguistics and English Romantic literature. Georges has held editorial positions on various academic periodicals, including the Journal of American Folklore, and has been an officer of a number of professional bodies, such as Chairman of the Folklore and Mythology Program at U C L A. His major publications include Studies on Mythology; Homewood, Ill.: The Dorsey Press; 1968; People Studying People: The Human Element in Fieldwork (with Michael O. Jones); Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press; 1980; and Greek-American Folk Beliefs and Narratives; New York: The Arno Press; 1980.
Pekka Gronow
Pekka Gronow studied ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. and sociology at the University of Helsinki. His main work has been in broadcasting, cultural administration and adult education. He was one of the founders of Suomen aanitearkisto (the Finnish Institute of Recorded Sound) in 1960 and has been a Board member ever since (currently Vice-President). Gronow has published extensively on the history of the record industry in Finland and the United States, most recently in the journal Ethnomusicology and in the book Ethnic Recordings in America: a Neglected Heritage; Washington: Library of Congress, American Folklore Centre; 1982.
Mark Jones
Mark Jones graduated in English from the University of Bristol and did post-graduate research into 17th century drama at York University, where he also taught American literature. He joined the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1972, working in the fields of radio drama and sound archives, and was appointed BBC Sound Archives Librarian in 1981.
Ronald Kettle
Ronald Kettle is Curator of the British Library of Wildlife Sounds at the British Institute of Recorded Sound. He graduated in mathematics and English literature at the University of London. Kettle has lectured on wildlife and sound archives in Britain, Europe and the United States and, with Jeffrey Boswal1, has compiled wildlife sound discographies covering birds of various regions, mammals and amphibians. A life-long ornithologist, and an adult education tutor in bird study, he is also a member of the British Ornithologists' Union.
David Lance
David Lance graduated in history at the University of Leicester and did post-graduate work at Oxford and London Universities. He holds a Master degree in military history. Lance joined the Imperial War Museum in 1967 where, from 1972-83, he was Keeper of Sound Records. He is now Curator of Audio-Visual Records at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra. Lance was Secretary of the International Association of Sound Archives from 1975-81 and is IASA's current President. His main publications are The Tank: Theory and Practice 1916-1939; London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office; 1969; An Archive Approach to Oral History; London: IASA 1978; and Guidebook to Oral History Practice; Paris: UNESCO; 1961.
Vincent Phillips
Vincent Phillips joined the Welsh Folk Museum in 1957. He was appointed Keeper of the Department of Oral Traditions and Dialects in 1963 and since 1976 has been Keeper of the Oral Collections. Phillips graduated in Welsh language and literature at University College, Cardiff, holds the Diploma in Phonetics from the University of London and was awarded his Masters degree by the University of Wales for research on Welsh dialect. He has published widely on regional ethnology and Welsh dialect and, with E. Jenkins, is author of R.J. Thomas (a Welsh lexicographer) 1908-1976: Aspects of His Life and Work; Cardiff: National Museum of Wales; 1981.
Dietrich Schüller
Dietrich Schüller studied physics at the Technical University, Vienna and afterwards ethnology and ethnomusicology at the University of Vienna where he received his Doctor of Philosophy degree. He joined the Phonogrammarchiv der ~sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in 1961 and has been its Director since 1972. Schuller teaches phonography at the University of Vienna and has both taught and carried out fieldwork research in Austria, Upper Volta and the Sudan. President of IASA from 1975-78 he is currently a Vice-President and Chairman of the Association's Technical Committee, as well as a Committee Member of the Audio Engineering Society (Austrian Section).
Rolf Schuursma
Rolf Schuursma has been Librarian-in-Chief of Erasmus University Rotterdam since 1980. From 1970-80 he worked at the Foundation for Film and Science (Utrecht), becoming the Foundation's Acting Director, and was previously on the staff of the Historical Institute of Utrecht State University. He studied history at Utrecht and was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy degree by the State University. A founding member of the International Association of Sound Archives, he has served as the Association's Secretary, Editor and President and was also founding President of the International Association for Audio Visual Media in Historical Teaching and Education. His doctoral thesis on Dutch public opinion and the Belgian-Dutch Treaty of 1925 was published in 1975. Schuursma's publications on history and audiovisual media include documentary films on the Battle of Arnhem 1944 and the Dutch fascist leader Anton Mussert.
Roger Smither
Roger Smither joined the staff of the Imperial War Museum as a film cataloguer in 1970, after taking a degree in history at the University of Cambridge. In 1977 he was appointed Keeper of the Museum's Department of Information Retrieval. Smither is a member of the Cataloguing Committee of the International Association of Sound Archives and of the Cataloguing Commission of the International Association of Film Archives. His publications include Film Cataloguing Handbook; London; Imperial War Museum; 1977; and 'Cataloguing and indexing' in Lance, D. An Archive Approach to Oral History; London: IASA; 1978.
Tony Trebble was formerly Sound Archives Librarian at the BBC.
Leslie Waffen
Leslie Waffen holds Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from John Carroll University, Cleveland where he specialised in American history. In a ten year career at the US National Archives in Washington he has served as Recorded Sound Archivist and he is currently in administrative charge of reference, accessioning and processing at the Motion Picture, Sound and Video Branch of the Archives. Waffen has written and lectured widely on audio visual records and has been an active member of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections since 1977, serving both as Vice-President and Executive Secretary of ARSC.
Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh graduated from the University of Sydney where he specialised in early English literature and language and classical Greek. He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in linguistics in 1976 from the Australian National University, Canberra where he became interested in the study of Australian Aboriginal languages. From 1975-81 Walsh was Linguistic Research Officer at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies and he is currently Lecturer in Linguistics at the University of Sydney. His main publications include Revised Linguistic Fieldwork Manual (with P. Sutton); Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies; 1979; 'Recent research in Australian linguistics' in Wurm, S.A.(Ed.) Australian Linguistic Studies; Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-S4; 1979; and 'The lost "Macassar Language" of north Australia' (with J. Urry) in Aboriginal History, Vol 5, Nos.1-2; 1982.