Appendix A: Suggestions for further reading

1. Approaches to the national organisation of sound archives

The chapter draws heavily upon discussions held during annual conferences of the International Association of Sound Archives. Some of these discussions are summarised in the Association's journal, the Phonographic Bulletin. The relevant issues are listed below.

Cnattingius, C. 'Preservation of sound and pictures: a report of a Swedish government committee' in No. 11; 1975

Cnattingius, C. 'National research archives: specialized or multi-media archives?' in No. 16; 1976

Hubert, R. 'Circulation centres in Austria for the distribution of sound recordings: a national plan' in No. 23; 1979

Saul, P. 'National sound archives' in No. 16; 1976

Schuursma, R. 'National research sound archives: some thoughts for discussion' in No.14; 1976

Schuursma, R. 'National and specialized archives: a Dutch proposal' in No.16; 1976

2. The technical basis of sound archive work

(a) Organisation and General Advice on Security

Aschinger, E. 'Report on measurements of magnetic stray fields in sound archives' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.27; 1980

IASA Technical Committee 'Standard for tape exchange between sound archives' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.19; 1977

Jagschitz, G. and Hubert , R. 'Zur Methodik historischer Tondokurnentation' in Das Schallarchiv, Nos. l and 2; 1977

Lotichius, D. 'Sicherheit zuerst: auch fUr Tontrager' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.4; 1972 (English version in Phonographic Bulletin, No.5; 1972)

Schuller, D. 'Zur Auswahl und Wartung von Geraten im Schallarchiv' in Das Schallarchiv, No.7; 1980

(b) Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings

Bertram, H.N. and Eshel, A. Recording Media Archival Attributes (Magnetic); New York: Rome Air Development Center; 1980

EBU Technical Centre Study of the Storage of Sound Programmes Recorded on Magnetic Tape; Brussels: European Broadcasting Union; 1971

Fontaine, J.-M. Conservation des Enregistrements Sonores sur Bandes Magnetiques; Paris: Centre de Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques; 1981

Knight, G.A. 'Factors relating to long term storage of magnetic tape' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.18; 1977 (first published by EMI Central Research Laboratories in 1976)

Pickett, A.G. and Lemcoe, M.M. Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings; Washington: Library of Congress; 1959

Schüller, D. 'Lagerung und Konservierung von Schalltragern' in Das Schallarchiv, No.3; 1978

(c) Comparative Measurement of Tapes, Print-Through

Bertram, H.N., Stafford, M.K. and Mills, D.R. 'The print-through phenomenon' in Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol.28, No. 10; 1980

Ford, H. 'Magnetic tape' in Studio Sound, Vo1.l9, No.8; 1977

Ford, H. 'Audio tapes' in Studio Sound, Vol.23, No.4; 1981

McKenzie, A. 'Recording tape' in Studio Sound, Vol.17, No.2; 1975

Schüller, D. 'Archival tape test' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.27; 1980

3. Documentation

(a) International Standardization

The debate on international standardization currently focuses on International Standard Bibliographic Description for Non-Book Materials; London: International Federation of Library Associations; 1977. For the purposes of this chapter, the most significant discussion of ISBD(NBM) may be found in 'ISBD(NBM): Sound recordings amendments and additions' by the IASA Cataloguing Committee and the IAML (International Association of Music Libraries) Working Group on ISBD(NBM), published in both Phonographic Bulletin, No.29; 1981 and Fontes Artis Musicae, Vol.28, Nos.1-2; 1981.

(b) Cataloguing Rules

The product of the most thorough international discussion of cataloguing rules is Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2nd Edition (AACR2) edited by Michael Gorman and Paul W. Wink1er and prepared by the American, British and Canadian Library Associations (published Chicago, London and Ottawa; 1978).

AACR2 provides guidance on points of detail even for archives not following the overall cataloguing strategy advocated by the rules. For cataloguing agencies wishing to adopt AACR2 in full, various authors have offered guides and handbooks. Some representative examples are:

Fleischer, E.B. and Goodman, H. Cataloguing Audiovisual Materials; New York: Neal-Schumar and London: Mansell; 1980

Hunter E.J. and Fox, N.J. Examples Illustrating AACR2; London: Library Association; 1980

Olson, N.B. Cataloguing of Audiovisual Materials: A Manual Based on AACR2; Mankato: Minnesota Scholarly Press; 1981

Roe, G. (Ed.) Seminar on AACR2; London: Library Association 1980

The existence of AACR2 casts its shadow over any previous cataloguing rules but does not, of course, invalidate them. A useful review of what might be designated the pre-ISBD/AACR2 generation was prepared for UNESCO in 1975 (though unfortunately not made widely available) as A Survey of Existing Systems and Current Proposals for the Cataloguing and Description of Non-Book Materials etc. by C.P. Ravilious Paris: UNESCO: 1975 .

(c) Indexing and Classification

A useful general introduction is contained in The Subject Approach to Information (3rd edition) by A.C. Foskett (London: Bingley; 1978). Guidelines on thesaurus building are available as Thesaurus Construction: A Practical Manual by Jean Aitchison and A1an Gilchrist (London: ASLIB; 1972).

Archives anxious to avoid thesaurus construction or expected to conform to a standard classification system may need access to the appropriate language version of UDC, the Universal Decimal Classification - normally published by a local standards institute and subject to continual revision and expansion.

(d) Computing

Most national and international attempts at standardized computer data formats are built around local variations of the (originally United States) MARC format, and are published by local library associations, national libraries or major cataloguing agencies. However see also Universal MARC Format, 2nd Edition published by IFLA International Office for Universal Bibliographic Control (London; 1980).

Experience with specific computer systems may be written up in journals (see e below). Otherwise insights into the use of computers (although not in a context at all specific to sound archivism) may be gained from the following publications:

Cook, M. Archives and the Computer; London: Butterworths; 1980

Orna, E. and Pettit, C. Information Handling in Museums; New York: Saur and London: Bingley; 1980

Tedd, L.A. An Introduction to Computer-Based Library Systems; London: Heyden; 1977

(e) Sound Archive Experience

Beyond the largely indirect coverage suggested above in works on cataloguing or audiovisual cataloguing generally, there are few publications that concern themselves with the topic of cataloguing and indexing in sound archives. Cataloguing is, however, referred to in general publications on archive management and published accounts of the work of individual sound archives such as are referred to elsewhere in this book. Mention is made here only of three journal articles that further discuss systems looked at briefly in the case studies in chapter Ill; they may be taken as representative of the kind of account that may be found.

Da1fsen, J. von 'Cataloguing and the computer: the use of the computer in the documentation systems of the Netherlands Broadcasting Foundation NOS' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.2l; 1978

Moyle, A. and Koch, G. 'Computerised cataloguing of field recorded music in Phonographic Bulletin, No.28; 1980

Smither, R. 'Using APPARAT: cataloguing film and sound recordings at the Imperial War Museum' in ASLIB Proceedings Vol. 3l, No.4; 1979

4. Public access and dissemination

Battistelli, L. 'The cassettes of radio France' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.26; 1980 (detailed discussion of a successful distribution system)

Bordin, R.B. and Warner, R.M. The Modern Manuscript Library; New York: Scarecrow Press Inc.; 1960 (general chapters on the relationship between a library, the researcher, the public, and a good overview on a publications programme)

British Broadcasting Corporation Report of the Advisory Committee on Archives; London: BBC; 1979 (a revealing internal look at the programmes and policies of the BBC sound archives both for recorded programmes and gramophone records as well as the music libraries)

Brooks, P.C. Research in Archives: The Use of Unpublished Primary Sources; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1969 useful chapters on the relationship between 'The researcher and the archivist' and 'Limitations on access and use')

Chalou, G. 'Reference' in Baumann, R.M. (Ed.) A Manual of Archival Techniques; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; 1979 (a general account of the basic principles and practices for in-house service to researchers)

Chantereau, D. 'Utilization of sound archives entrusted to the Institut National de L'Audio-Visuel' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.26; 1980

Clark, R.L. Archive -Library Relations; New York: Bowker; 1976 (useful general chapters on access and confidentiality, public relations and fund raising)

Cook, M. Archives Administration: A Manual for Intermediate and Smaller Organisations and for Local Government; London: William Dawson and Sons; 1977 detailed chapters on archival searchroom services, developmental services and the use of archives in education)

Duckett, K.W. Modern Manuscripts: A Practical Manual for Their Management, Care and Use; Nashville: American Association for State and Local History; 1975 (several broad chapters on the use of collections and public service practices)

Hoffman, F.W. The Development of Library Collections of Sound Recordings; Basel: Marcel Dekker AG; 1980 Vol.28 in Books in Library and Information Science series)

Holbert, S.E. Archives and Manuscripts: Reference and Access; Chicago: Society of American Archivists; 1977 (from the Basic Manual Series; gives a detailed presentation of the basic archival principles to be followed)

Lance, D. 'Access and use in a museum' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.22; 1978 (a good brief description from an archivist's point of view of the policies and practices for dissemination and use of sound recordings at the Imperial War Museum)

McWilliams, J. The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings; Nashville: American Association for State and Local History; 1979 (the chapter on 'Preservation policy' has pertinent comments on how reference service and use affect the preservation of recordings)

Public Archives of Canada Sound Archives: A Guide to Procedures; Ottawa: PAC; 1979 (the only published manual by a sound archive covering archival functions and procedures from preservation to reference and restrictions. Essential reading)

Roberts, D.L. 'Practice and problems of access to sound archives in North America' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977 (good discussion of access policies and practices at several sound archives and libraries in the United States. Unfortunately it focuses only on published commercial sound recordings)

Schellenberg, T.R. Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1956 basic principles are set forth in the chapter on 'Reference service')

Stapley, L. 'BBC archive material for other than broadcasting purposes' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977

Stephenson, G. (Ed.) 'Trends in archival and reference collections of recorded sound' in Library Trends, No.21; 1972 (extremely interesting articles on sound scholarship and the scope, functions and use of sound archives in the United States)

Hecker, J. von 'Access to sound archives (German broadcasting archives)' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.28; 1980

5. Broadcasting

There is very little literature available on sound archivism in broadcasting organisations. The most useful accessible source of information on the subject is the Phonographic Bulletin, from which all the references listed below are taken.

Eckersley, T. 'The selection of recordings for permanent retention in the BBC sound archives' in No.9; 1974

Heckmann, H. 'Das Deutsche Rundfunkarchiv' in No.7; 1973

Hempel, H. 'Spoken word documentation at the Sudwestfunk radio sound archives' in No.28; 1980

Kumrnen, T. 'The sound archive of Norsk rikskringkasting, Oslo, with a brief survey of other sound archives in Norway' in No.16; 1976

Lotichius, D. 'Radio broadcasting archives' in No.22; 1978

Muller, H. 'Radio sound archives in West Germany' in No.20; 1978

Ocloo, S.L. 'Ghana broadcasting corporation: legacies in sound' in No.26; 1980

Saul, P. 'Recording of broadcasts' in No.7; 1973

Spivacke, H. 'Broadcasting sound archives and scholarly research' in No.7; 1973

Stapley, L. 'BBC archive material for other than broadcasting purposes' in No.17, 1977

Stapley, L. 'Radio broadcasting archives' in No.22; 1978

Tainsh, K.B. 'The sound archives of Sveriges radio' in No.16; 1976

Trebble, T. 'Classification and cataloguing practice in the BBC sound archives' in No.22; 1978

6. Commercial records

For a more extensive listing than is attempted here, readers are referred to the bibliographies published in the following three works (which should also be compulsory reading for everybody working in this field):

McWilliams, J. The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings; Nashville: American Association of State and Local History; 1979

Rust, B. Brian Rust's Guide to Discography; Westport, Conn. and London: Greenwood Press; 1980

Elste, M. Schallplatten-Forschung; Munchen: Kraus International Publications; 1981

(a) Record Industry

The international history of the record industry still remains to be written. Most of the works on the industry deal with the viewpoint of one country and none are wholly satisfactory. The following publications will, however, serve as an introduction:

Denisoff, R.S. Solid Gold: The Popular Record Industry; New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books; 1975 in USA only)

Gelatt, R. The Fabulous Phonograph; London: Cassel; 1956 and subsequent editions (a popular history of the record industry, good as an introduction but not very detailed)

Gronow, P. 'The record industry comes to the Orient' in Ethnomusicology, Vol.XXV/2; 1981 (an aspect of the industry's history usually neglected in general histories)

Lotz, R. Grammophonlatten aus der Ragtime-era; Dortmund: Harenberg Komrnunikation; 1979 the early history of the German industry, with emphasis on record label illustrations)

Read, O. and Welch, W.L. From Tin Foil to Stereo; Indianapolis: Sams; 1976 (the best technical history of the industry so far, but unacceptably inaccurate on developments outside the USA)

Rust, B. The American Record Label Book; New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House; 1978 (an introduction to American record companies and their British connections before 1942. Not as complete as it claims and occasionally inaccurate, but basically sound)

Schulz-Köhn, D. Die Schallplatte auf dem Weltmarkt; Berlin: Rehr; 1940 (this hard-to-find volume is still the best economic history of the industry)

(b) Discography
Gray, M. and Gibson, G.D. Bibliography of Discographies Vol. 1; New York: R.R. Bowker and Co.; 1077 (this series will eventually provide references to all known discographies. The first volume deals with classical music. There are also current listings of new discographies in the journal of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (see below)

Bauer, R. Historical Records; London: Sidgwick and Jackson; 1946 (classical vocals)

Daniélou, A. Catalogue of Recorded Classical and Traditional Indian Music; Paris: UNESCO; 1952

Girard, V. and Barnes, H.M. Vertical Cut Cylinders and Discs; London: British Institute of Recorded Sound; 1971 (a catalogue of all 'hill-and-dale' recordings of serious worth made and issued between circa 1897-1933. Classical only but a good introduction to vertical-cut records)

Haapen, V. Suomalaisten äailevyjen luettelo: Catalogue of Finnish Records; Helsinki: Suomen aanitearkisto; 1967-81 (the only comprehensive national discography in the world, it covers all Finnish records. Nineteen volumes are published covering 1902-80)

Jepsen, J.G. Jazz Records 1942-62 (12 volumes); Holte, Denmark: Karl Emil Knudsen; 1963-69

Labbe, G. Les Pionniers du disque folk1orique quebecois 1920-1950; Montreal: Les Editions de l'Aurore; 1977

Moogk, E.B. Roll Back the Years; Ottawa: National Library of Canada; 1975 (a history and discography of Canadian recordings to 1930. Together with the Labbe and Taft works, it illustrates three different approaches to Canadian discography)

Ruppli, M. Atlantic Records, Vols.1-4; Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press; 1979 (a label discography listing all records issued by a single company between 1947 and 1978)

Rust, B. The Victor Master Book 1925-1936; Hatch End, Middlesex: author; 1969 (another approach to listing the production of a single company by matrix-master numbers. Classical and foreign language recordings are not included)

Rust, B. Jazz Records A-Z, 1897-1942; New York: Arlington House (and other editions); 1978

Rust, B. Discography of Historical Records on Cylinders and 78s; Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press; 1978 speech recordings in English by prominent historical figures)

Rust, B. British Music Hall on Record; London: General Gramophone Publication; 1979

Taft, M. A Regional Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador 1904-1972; St. John's, Newfoundland: Memorial University of Newfoundland; 1975

Toth, A. Recordings of the Traditional Music of Bali and Lombok; Ann Arbor, Mich.: Society for Ethnomusicology; 1980

(c) Journals

Past issues of the Association of Recorded Sound Collections Journal (P.O. Box 1643, Manassa VA 22110, USA) gives a good overview of the field. Those who wish to see sound archives in a wider context should also read the Summer-Fall 1980 issue of the Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, which is dedicated to the new Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division of the Library.

7. Dialect

Abercrombie, D. 'The recording of dialect material' in Orbis: Bulletin International de Documentation Linguistique, Vol.iii; 1954; pp.23l-235

Adams, G.B., Barry, M.V. and Tilling, P.M., A Tape Recorded Survey of Hiberno-English: Questionnaire; published privately; 1976

Barry, M.V. (Ed.) Aspects of English Dialects in Ireland, Vol. l; Belfast: The Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast; 1981

Bernstein, B. 'Social class, language and socialization' in Giglio1i, P.P. (Ed.) Language and Social Context; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books; 1972

Bloomfield, L. Language, (Chapter 19, 'Dialect geography'); London: George Allen and Unwin; 1950

Branch, M.A. (Trslr.) Castrenianum -The Centre of Research into Finnish and its Related Languages; Helsinki, 1965

Chambers, J.K. and Trudgill, P. Dialectology; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1980

Cochrane, G.R. 'The Australian English vowels as a diasystem' in Word - Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York, Vol. 15; 1959; pp.69-88

Dieth, E. and Orton H. A Questionnaire for a Linguistic Atlas of England; Leeds: Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society; 1952

Hedblom, F. 'The tape recording of dialect for linguistic sound archives' in Svenska Landsmal och Svenskt Folkliv: 1961; pp. 5I-100

Iordan, I. and Orr, J. An Introduction to Romance Linguistics, revised by Posner, R., with a supplement: Thirty Years On (chapter III -'Linguistic geography', and pp.470-1); Oxford: Basil Blackwell; 1970

Ivic, P. 'On the structure of dialectal differentiation' in Austerlitz, R. (Eds.) Linguistic Essays on the Occasion of the Ninth International Congress of Linguistics; New York: Linguistic Circle of New York; 1962, pp.33-53 .

Jakobson, R. and Waugh, L.R. The Sound Shape of Language; Brighton: Harvester Press; 1979

Kurath, H. Handbook of the Linguistic Geography of New England; Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University; 1939

Kurath, H. A Word Geography of the Eastern United States; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 1949

Kurath, H. and McDavid Jr., R.I. The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States; Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 1961

Kurath, H. Studies in Area Linguistics; Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 1972

Mather, J.Y. and Speitel, H.H. The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland Scots Section; London: Croom Helm; Vol. l 1975, Vol.2 1977

Mclntosh, A. Introduction to a Survey of Scottish Dialects; Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh; 1952

Milroy, L. Language and Social Networks; Oxford: Basil Blackwell; 1980

Moulton, W.G. 'The short vowel systems of northern Switzerland' in Word - Journal of the Linguistic Circle of New York, Vol.16; 1960; pp.155-182

Orton, H. and Wright, N. A Word Geography of England; London: Seminar Press; 1974

Orton, H., Sanderson S. and Widdowson, J. (Eds.), The Linguistic Atlas of England; London: Croom Helm;-r978

Petyt, K.M. The Study of Dialect; London: Andre Deutsch; 1980

Pop, S. La Dialectologie: Aperçu Historique et Méthodes d'Enquêtes Linguistigues. I: Dialectologie Romane 11: Dialectologie Non Romane; Louvain: Gembloux, Duculot; 1950

Pulgram, E. 'Structural comparison, diasystems and dialectology', Linguistics, 4; 1964; pp.66-82

Samarin, W.J. Field Linguistics: A Guide to Linguistic Field Work; New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1967

Silvertsen, E. Cockney Phonology; Oslo: Oslo University Press; 1960

Thomas, A.R. The Linguistic Geography of Wales; Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 1973

Thomas, A.R. Areal Analysis of Dialect Data by Computer: A Welsh Example; Cardiff: University of Wales Press; 1980

Trubetzkoy, N.S. Principles of Phonology (translated by Baltaxe, C.A.M.); Berkeley: University of California Press; 1969

Trudgill, P. Sociolinguistics: An Introduction; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books; 1974

Trudgill, P. The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1974

8. Ethnomusicology

(a) General

Brâiloiu, C. 'Equisse d'une methode de folklore musical (organisation d'archives), in Revue de musicologie; 1931. English translation 'Outline of a method of musical folklore' in Ethnomusicology, (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol.14; 1970

Brednich, R.W., Rohrich, L. und Suppan, W. (Hsg.) Handbuch des Volksliedes; Munchen: Fink; 1975

Broere, B.J. 'The politics of fieldwork. The extent to which politics plays a role in the organization of fieldwork and research' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.2l; 1978

Ellis, J.A. 'On the musical scales of various nations' in Journal of the Society of Arts; 1885

Graf, W. Vergleichende Musikwissenschaft. Ausgewählte Aufsätze, herausgegeben van Franz Fodermayr; Wien -Fohrenau; Elisabeth Stiglmayr; 1980

Kolinski, M. 'Ethnomusicology, its problems and methods' in Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol. l (newsletter No.IO); 1957

Kolinski, M. 'Recent trends in ethnomusicology' in Ethnomusicology (Journal of the Society of Ethnomusicology), Vol. 11; 1967

Kunst, J. Ethnomusicology; Den Haag: Nijhoff; 1955

Merriam, A.P. The Anthropology of Music; Evanston: Northwestern University Press; 1964.

Nettl, B. Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology; London: The Free Press of Glencoe, Collier -Macmillan Ltd.,; 1964

(b) Fieldwork

Blacking, J. 'Fieldwork in African music' in Review of Ethnology, Vol.3, No.23; 1973

Brandl, R.M. 'Der Einfluss der Feldforschungstechniken auf die Auswertbarkeit musikethnologischer Quellen' in Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research, Vol.13; 1971

Deutsche Gesselschaft fur Musik des Orients (Hsg.) 'Musikologische Feldforschung. Aufgaben, Erfahrungen, Techniken' in Beitrage zur Ethnomusikologie, Vol.9; Hamburg; 1981

(c) Transcription

Abraharn, O. und von Hornbostel, E.M. 'Vorschläge für die Transkription exotischer Melodien' in Sammelbände der Internationalen Musik-Gesellschaft; 1910

(d) Copyright

Marcel-Dubois, C. 'Un essai de valorisation d'archives sonores' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977 (with German translation)

Ternisien, R. 'History of copyright' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.17; 1977 (with French translation)

(e) Cataloguing

Kaufman, J. 'Subject and name access to musics other than Western Art' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.2l; 1978

9. Folklore

Aceves, P. and Einar -Mullarky, M. 'Folklore archives of the world: a preliminary guide' in Folklore Forum (Bibliographic and Special Series); 1968

Allen, B. and Montell, L. From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical Research; Nashville: American Association for State and Local History; 1981

Boggs, R.S. 'Folklore classification' in Southern Folklore Quarterly, No.13; 1949 205

Dorson, R.M. 'Introduction: collecting oral folklore in the United States' in Dorson, R.M. (Ed.) Buying the Wind: Regional Folklore in the United States; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1964

Dorson, R.M. 'The use of printed sources' in Dorson, R.M. (Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

Evans, E.E. 'The cultural geographer and folklife research' in Dorson, R.M. Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

Georges, R.A., Blumenreich, B. and O'Reilly, K. 'Two mechanical indexing systems for folklore archives: a preliminary report' in Journal of American Folklore, No.87; 1974

Georges, R.A. and Jones, M.O. People Studying People: The Human Element in Fieldwork; Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press; 1980

Gillis, F. 'The Indiana university archives of traditional music' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.7; 1973

Goldstein, P.S. A Guide for Fieldworkers in Folklore; Hatboro, Pa.: Folklore Associates; 1964

Goldstein, K.S. 'Harvesting folklore' in Coffin Ill, T. (Ed.) American Folklore: Voice of America Forum Lectures; Washington DC: Voice of America, US Information Agency; 1968

Higgs, J.W.Y. Folklife Collecting and Classification; London: Museums' Association; 1963

Ives, E.D. The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Fieldworkers in Folklore and Oral History revised and enlarged edition); Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press; 1980

Jenkins, J.G. 'The use of artifacts and folk art in the folk museum' in Dorson, R.M.(Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

Klymasz, R.B. 'An introduction to the folklore division of the national museum of Canada, Ottawa in The Folklore and Folk Music Archivist, No.l; 1967

Leach, M. and Glassie, H. A Guide for Collectors of Oral Tradition and Folk Material in Pennsylvania; Harrisburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; 1968

List, G. 'Fieldwork: recording traditional music' in Dorson, R.M. (Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

List, G. 'Archiving' in Dorson, R.M.(Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

MacDonald, D.A. 'Fieldwork: collecting oral literature' in Dorson, R.M.(Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

O. Suilleabhain, S. A Handbook of Irish Folklore; Dublin: the Folklore of Ireland Society; 1942

Rasmussen, H. 'Classification systems of European ethnological material' in Ethnologia Europe, No.4; 1970

Roberts, W.E. 'Fieldwork: recording material culture' in Dorson, R.M.(Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

Stevenson, G. (Ed.) 'Trends in archival and reference collection of archival sound' in Library Trends, Vol.2l, No. l; 1972

Wildhaber, R. 'Folk atlas mapping' in Dorson, R.M.(Ed.) Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction; Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1972

10. Linguistics

(a) General Works on Linguistics

Fowler, R. Understanding Language; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; 1974

Fromkin, V. and Rodman, R. An Introduction to Languages; New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; second edition; 1978

Stork, E.C. and Widdowson, J.D.A. Learning About Linguistics: An Introductory Workbook; London: Hutchinson Educational; 1974

Minnis, Noel (Ed.) Linguistics at Large; St. Albans, Hertfordshire: Paladin; 1973 (fourteen linguistic lectures presented to a general audience by the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London 1969-70, including well known contributors such as Basil Bernstein, Edmund Leach, John Lyons, Randolph Quink, George Steiner, Peter Strawson, and Stephen Ullmann)

Sebeok, T. (Ed.) Current Trends in Linguistics; The Hague: Mouton; 14 Vols. 1963-1976 (this enormous compendium covers all geographical areas as regards linguistics and most general linguistic topics)

(b) Works on Language in Relation to Culture and Society

Ardener, E. (Ed.) Social Anthropology and Language; London: Tavistock; 1971

Bauman, R. and Scherzer, J. (Eds.) Explorations in the Ethnography of Speaking; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1974

Hyrnes, D. (Ed.) Language in Culture and Society: A Reader in Linguistics and Anthropology; New York: Harper and Row; 1964

Shopen, T. (Ed.) Languages and Their Speakers; Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop; 1979

Shopen, T. (Ed.) Languages and Their Status; Cambridge, Mass.: Winthrop; 1974 (these two volumes edited by Shopen provide an introduction for the general reader to a wide range of languages and to their social functions)

(c) Works on Linguistic Areas

Studies of various linguistic areas are of considerable value in providing a general orientation for collectors and in deciding on the content of the data to be deposited in the archive. A few works are given here as examples but other areas are covered in the previously mentioned compendium edited by T. Sebeok.


Polome, E.C. and Hill, C.P. (Eds.) Language in Tanzania; London: Oxford University Press; 1980 (a guide giving basic information on languages in Tanzania as well as wider issues such as language in education and language use in Tanzania. This is one of the Ford Foundation Language Surveys which, in Africa, have already covered Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia as well as Tanzania)

Welmers, W. Linguistics Structures of Africa; Berkeley: University of California Press; 1973 (a general orientation to the grammatical structure of some African languages)


Black, P. and Walsh, M. Prominent Australian Languages; Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies; forthcoming (a brief account of the linguistic situation in Australia)

Blake, B. Australian Aboriginal Languages: An Introduction; Sydney: Angus and Robertson; 1981 (a useful guide for the general reader)

Dixon, R.M.W. The Languages of Australia; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1980 (a valuable overview for the general reader but also suitable for the more advanced linguist)

Dixon, R.M.W. and Blake, B.J. (Eds.) Handbook of Australian Languages; Canberra: Australian National University Press and Amsterdam: John Benjamins; Vol.l, 1979; Vol.2, 1981 (a collection of sketch descriptions of Australian languages in parallel format)

Wurm, S.A. (Ed.) Australian Linguistic Studies; Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-S4; 1979 Ca collection of recent studies on a variety of topics dealing with Australian languages)

New Guinea

Wurm, S.A.(Ed.) Papuan Languages and the New Guinea Linguistic Scene New Guinea Area Languages and Language Study, Vol. l); Canberra: Pacific Linguistics,C-38; 1975 (reprinted 1977)

Wurm, S.A. (Ed.) Austronesian Languages (New Guinea Languages and Language Study, Vol.2); Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-39; 1976 (reprinted 1979)

Wurm, S.A. (Ed.) Language, Culture, Society, and the Modern World (New Guinea Area Languages and Language Study, Vol.3); Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, C-40; 1977 (2 fascicles)

(d) Guides to Field Linguistics

Samarin, W. Field Linguistics: A Guide to Linguistic Field Work; New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1967 (a good general guide)

Sherzer, J. and Damell, R. 'Outline guide for the ethnographic study of speech use' in Gumperz, J. and Hymes, D. (Eds.) Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnograph of Communication; New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston; 1972 a useful guide for the study of language in day-to-day use; the rest of the volume merits attention and includes a valuable guide to further reading)

Sutton, P. and Walsh, M. Revised Linguistic Fieldwork Manual for Australia; Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies; 1979 (an example of a fieldwork guide designed for a particular area)

Thomas, D. Notes and Queries on Linguistic Analysis (Language Data, Asian-Pacific Series No. 10); Huntington Beach, California: Summer Institute of Linguistics; 1975

11. Natural history

Except where otherwise indicated, all the references listed below may be found in Recorded Sound, Journal of the British Institute of Recorded Sound.

(a) History

Boswal1, J. 'Some major events in the world history of bird sound recording' in No.34; 1969

(b) Wildlife Sound Libraries

Boswall, J. and Kettle, R. 'A revised world list of wildlife sound libraries' in Nos.74-75, 70-72; 1979

(c) Published Records

Boswa11, J. 'A bibliography of wildlife discographies' in No.54; 1974

Boswal1, J. 'A supplementary bibliography of wildlife discographies' in Nos.74-75; 1979

Kettle, R. and Boswa11, J. 'A discography of amphibian sounds' in No.79; 1981

(d) Wildlife Sound Archives and Their Organisation

Bondesen, P. ‘A bio-acoustic laboratory in Denmark' in No.34; 1969

Boswa11, J. ‘A general introduction to BLOWS' in No.34; 1969

Gulledge, J.L. ‘The library of natural sounds at the laboratory of ornithology' in Nos.74-75; 1979

Kendrick, J.L. 'Bird sound recording in New Zealand' in Nos.74-75; 1979

Stannard, J. ‘Bird sound recording in South Africa' in No.34; 1969

Sellar, P.J. ‘Notes for contributing recordists and users of BLOWS' in No.34; 1969

Veprintsev, B.N. 'Wildlife sound recording in the Soviet Union' in Nos.74-75; 1979

(e) Wildlife Sound Recording

Ausobsky, A. Tonbandjagd auf Tierstimmen; Stuttgart: Kosmos; 1964

Fisher, J.B. Wildlife Sound Recording; London: Pelham Books; 1977

Gulledge, J.L. 'Recording bird sounds' in The Living Bird, No. 15; 1979

Hawkins, A.D. 'Sounds from the sea' in Nos. 74-7S; 1979

12. Oral history

(a) Books and Articles

Baum, W.K. Oral History for the Local Historical Society; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1969

Baum, W.K. Transcribing and Editing Oral History; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1977

Brooks, M. 'General fieldwork problems' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.30; 1981

Deering, M.J. 'State of the art' in OHMAR Newsletter, No.5; 1981

Drexel Library Quarterly, No. 15 'Managing oral history collections in the library'; 1979

Evans, G.E. The Days That We Have Seen; London: Faber and Faber; 1975 (see particularly chapters 1 and 2)

Evans, G.E. 'Approaches to interviewing' in Oral History, No.4; 1975

Friedel, F. and Leutchenbury, W.E.: see debate on the importance of oral history in Starr, L. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Second National Colloquium; Oral History Association; 1968

Goody, J. Literacy in Traditional Societies; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1968

Haley, A. 'Black history, oral history and genealogy' in The Oral History Review; 1973

Harrison, N. 'Oral history and recent political history' in Oral History, Vol. l, No.3; 1973

Henige, D. 'The problem of feed-back in oral tradition' in Journal of African History, Vo1.19; 1973

Henige, D. The Quest for Chimera: the Chronology of Oral Tradition; Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1974

Hoyle, N. 'Oral history' in Library Trends, Vol.2l; 1972

Ives, E.D. The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History; Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press; 1980

Lance, D. 'Oral history recording: a note on legal considerations' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976

Lance, D. An Archive Approach to Oral History; London: Imperial War Museum and International Association of Sound Archives; 1978

Lochead, R. 'Three approaches to oral history: the journalistic, the academic, and the archival' in Journal of the Canadian Oral History Association; Vol.l; 1975-6

Menninger, R. 'Some psychological factors involved in oral history interviewing' in The Oral History Review, 1975

Montell, W.L. and Allen, B. From Memory to History: Using Oral Sources in Local Historical Research; Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History; 1981

Moss, W. Oral History Program Manual; New York: Praeger Publishers; 1974

Nevins, A. The Gateway to History; New York: D. Appleton Century; 1938

Nevins, A. 'How and why it was born' in W.L.B., No.40; 1966

Niethammer, L. (Ed.) Lebenserfahrung und Kollectives Gedachtnis die Praxis der 'Oral History'; Frankfort: Syndikat; 1980

Ostry, B. 'The illusion of understanding: making the ambiguous intelligible' in The Oral History Review; 1975

Pfaff, E. 'Oral history: a new challenge for public libraries' in Wilson Library Bulletin, No.54; 1980

Raphael, F. 'Archives orales: une autre histoire' in Annales A.S.C., Vol.35, No. l; 1980

Roberts, A. 'The use of oral sources in African history' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976

Rumics, E. 'Oral history: defining the term' in Wilson Library Bulletin, No.40, 1966 212

Schuursma, R. 'Oral history and sound archives' in Phonographic Bulletin, No.30; 1981

Seldon, A. By Word of Mouth; London: Methuen; forthcoming

Starr, L. 'Oral history: problems and prospects' in Advances in Librarianship, Vol. II; New York: Seminar Press; 1971

Thompson, P. 'Problems of method in oral. history' in Oral History, No.4; 1975

Thompson, P. The Voice of the Past: Oral History; Oxford: Oxford University Press Opus Paperback; 1978

Tonkin, E. 'Implications of oracy: an anthropological view' in Oral History, Vol.3, No. l; 1975

Vansina, J. Oral Tradition: A study in Historical Methodology; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul; 1965

Wilkie, J.W. Elitelore, Latin American Studies, Vol.22; Los Angeles: University of California; 1973

Wilkie, J.W. 'Alternative views of history: historical sources and oral history' in Greenleaf, R.W. and Meyer, M.C. (Eds.) Research in Medical History; Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press; 1973

(b) Bibliographies

Baum, W.K. (Comp.) 'Guidebooks for oral history projects' in History News, No.35; 1980

Bornat, J. 'Women's history and oral history: an outline bibliography' in Oral History, Vol.5, No.2; 1977

Fox, J. 'Bibliography up to date' in The Oral History Review; 1977

Karady, V.G. La Litterature Oral Africaine: Bibliographie Analytique: Paris: G.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose; 1981

Schippers, D.J. 'Literature of oral history' in Starr, L. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Second National Colloquium: Oral History Association; 1968

Tonkin, E. 'Implications of oracy' in Oral History, Vol.3, No. l; 1975 (includes a useful bibliography relating to oral history, social anthropology and African history)

Turner, R. 'The contribution of oral evidence to labour history' in Oral History, Vol.4, No. l; 1976 (contains a useful bibliography relating to oral history, labour and political history)

Waserman, M.J. Bibliography on Oral History; Oral History Association; 1975

(c) Professional Journals

Canadian Oral History Association Journal; Editor: Richard Lochead, P.O. Box 301, Station "A", Case Post, OTTAWA, Ontario KIN 8V3, Canada

International Journal of Oral History; Editor-in Chief: Ronald J. Grele, Columbia University, Butler Library, Oral History Research Office, NEW YORK NY10027, USA

Oral History (Journal of the Oral History Society); Editors: Paul Thompson and Joanna Bornat, University of Essex, Sociology Department, COLCHESTER C04 3SQ, England

Sound Heritage; Editor: Charles Lillard, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Sound and Moving Image Division, VICTORIA, British Columbia, Canada

The Oral History Association of Australia Journal; Editors: Morag Loh and Wendy Lowenstein, The Oral History Association of Australia, c/o 97 Ullapool Road, MT. PLEASANT, W.A. 6153, Australia

The Oral History Review: Editor: Arthur A. Hansen, California State University, Department of History, FULLERTON, California 92634, USA