This is the official website, hosted by IASA on behalf of CCAAA (Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations), for the UNESCO 2013 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
UNESCO declared October 27 as the World Day for AV Heritage to raise awareness of the significance of AV documents and to draw attention to the need to safeguard them. Every year, activities are organized by different institutions worldwide around a theme to drum up interest in the event. More information
Message from the UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova:
English | Français | Español | Русский ǀ العربية ǀ 中文
The theme for 2013 is:
“Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”
Get involved!
Audiovisual documents, such as films, radio and television programmes, audio and video recordings, contain the primary records of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Transcending language and cultural boundaries, appealing immediately to the eye and the ear, to the literate and illiterate, audiovisual documents have transformed society by becoming a permanent complement to the traditional written record.
However, they are extremely vulnerable and it is estimated that we have no more than 10 to 15 years to transfer audiovisual records to digital to prevent their loss. Much of the world's audiovisual heritage has already been irrevocably lost through neglect, destruction, decay and the lack of resources, skills, and structures, thus impoverishing the memory of mankind. Much more will be lost if stronger and concerted international action is not taken.
It was in this context, that the UNESCO General Conference in 2005 approved the commemoration of a World Day for Audiovisual Heritage as a mechanism to raise general awareness of the need for urgent measures to be taken and to acknowledge the importance of audiovisual documents as an integral part of national identity.
Source: UNESCO
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel
Всемирный день аудиовизуального наследия
Interview: Ray Edmondson on Audiovisual Archiving and Heritage: challenges of the present
Celebrations from previous years:
Saving our heritage for the next generation is a way to recognize those that have preceded it is through the work that make the files to recover, conserve and disseminate the elements that speak of society and that are keys to the building and consolidation of identity in continuous evolution.
The national archive of Andorra has prepared two actions: on the one hand, the production of a short documentary to raise awareness and recognise the professional work carried out by Jordi Sasplugas Mateu.
And the other action, which will be carried out with the collaboration of the Cineclub de les Valls and the City Council of Andorra la Vella, is the screening of this documentary dedicated to Jordi Sasplugas, followed by the film El món de Pau Casals [1970-1973], produced by Andorra productions and directed by Joan Baptista Bellsolell. In a public session on the 27th of October at 12.00 pm
Jordi Sasplugas Mateu: Encamp, 1942 – Andorra la Vella 2012 featured and known for bringing the Hotel Mirador and in particular the restaurant of the hotel, L’Órde d’éol, where they met political and cultural activists of Spain and Catalonia, many in the exile. On the basis of the organization of intensive weekend at the hotel, together with Miquel Porter i Josep Farràs, and some of the members of the Círculo A, boosted the Cineclub in Andorra. Mr. Sasplugas is also meant for his political activism and militancy in the PSUC. He was director of foreign programming in the time of the creation of the televisió de Catalunya. As a whole and committed, he worked very hard to give visibility to the cinema that was out of most commercial circuits, and founded the Association of Independent Film Producers of the Mediterranean (Apimed), who now directs the President of the Catalan Academy of Cinema, Isona Passola. The last years of his life he formed part of the andorran audiovisual council and drove for two years the mountain Film Festival which was held in two editions in Sant Julià de Lòria.
Screening of the film El món de Pau Casals (1971-1973), Andorra Productions, directed by Joan Baptista Bellsolell, restored by the andorran Government in 1998 on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the death of the Catalan musician (22/10/2013 makes 40) and deposited in the national archive. Joan Baptista Bellsolell (Mataró, 1919 – 2008), Catalan exiled and always committed to the anti-Franco resistance, wanted, with his films, denouncing social injustices and policies and also defend the cinema made in Europe as an alternative to the corporations. In this documentary, all it made with archival images, it narrates the life of the universal musician and renowned pacifist Pau Casals, in the political and social context in which he lived. During his exile, he visited his friends, among whom was the father of Jordi Sasplugas.
soon in: and YouTube channel
ARSC (The Association for Recorded Sound Collections) is making available two new 3 to 4 minute podcasts by documentarian Anthony Wellman, illustrating in a popular manner the type of historical audio that needs to be preserved and made available. These are a live street scene recording made more than 80 years ago, and a very early example of a prerecorded weight-loss program for ordinary people. They are part of an ARSC series of podcasts entitled, “Echoes of History,” meant to demonstrate to the public the importance of historical sound recordings. They are available here: In addition ARSC has initiated an informative weekly blog by legal historian Bruce Epperson on the history of sound recording copyright laws in the U.S., and how they have evolved to their present state through legislation and litigation. It is an extended history lesson on the how’s and why’s of current sound recording copyright. It is available here:
To celebrate UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, AVPreserve is releasing two new digital preservation utilities -- *Fixity* and *MDQC* -- and re-announcing the recent release of the tools I*nterstitial* and *AVCC*.
These utilities are designed to support various aspects of the digital preservation process, from selection and planning to quality control and monitoring. Each tool is free and open to the public. Visit on October 28th to download the source code and user guides.
*Fixity:* Fixity is a utility for the documentation and regular review and monitoring of checksums of stored files. Fixity scans a folder or directory, creating a database of the files, locations, and checksums contained within, against which a regular comparative analysis can be run.
*MDQC:* MDQC reads the embedded metadata of a file or directory and
compares it against a set of rules defined by the user, verifying that the technical and administrative specs of the files are correct. This automates and minimizes the time needed to QC large batches of digitized assets, increasing the efficiency of managing digitization projects.
*Interstitial:* The Interstitial Error Utility compares two streams of the digitized audio captured on separate devices. Irregularities that appear in one stream and not in the other point to issues like Interstitial Errors that relate to samples lost when writing to disc. This greatly decreases the amount of time needed for QC of the integrity of digitized audio.
*AVCC:* AVCC provides a simple template for documenting audio, video, and film collections, breaking the approach down into a granular record set with recommendations for minimal capture and more complex capture. The record set focuses on technical aspects of the audiovisual object with the understanding that materials in collections are often inaccessible and have limited descriptive annotations. The data entered then feeds into automated reports that support planning for preservation prioritization, storage, and reformatting.
More information at
This year marks 110 years of the due date of recording of three improvisations by Isaac Albeniz Pascual on wax cylinders, now preserved in the collection Regordosa - Turull at the Biblioteca de Catalunya. They are the only known recordings of the great Catalan pianist and composer.
Rupert Regordosa brought together a collection of more than 300 cylinders, many of which he recorded himself. In the mid 1960s, the violinist Xavier Turull Creixell bought them and gave publicity to the existence of the cylinders recorded by Catalan pianist Isaac Albéniz, Joaquín Malats and Frank Marshall. In 1976 the International Piano Archives, sited in New York on those days, was the first institution in digitizing these cylinders and publishing them in an LP entitled The Catalan Piano Tradition. Gregor Benko and William Santaella, editors, placed the date of the event between 1903 and 1907. They based their conclusions on both the type of carriers on which the music was recorded (brown wax cylinders) and also on the fact that Albéniz stayed in Tiana the summer of 1903, where Rupert Regordosa allegedly recorded his playing. Later, in 1991, they reissued this music on CD and added one of the three cylinders that had been restored after the LP publication.
Isaac Albéniz had a typical life of a child prodigy: he toured around the world playing the piano, and he even imagined stuations, like his meeting with Franz Liszt, as he describes in Impresiones y Diarios de viaje. He was a very naughty child and as an adult was chatty, funny and deeply involved in the process of creating music. The eventful life of Albéniz took him to live in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, London, Nice, and spent long periods away from home visiting other countries in Europe and America (Belgium, Hungary, Cuba and Puerto Rico). Albéniz also vacationed in Tiana, a town near Barcelona where the family of his wife, Rosina Jordana, owned a house. We know that in 1903, specifically on August 25, he was in this town after a year of travelling between Nice, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona.
We have documentary evidence of the date Ruperto Regordosa, a businessman residing in Tiana, convinced Albéniz to record the three cylinders with Albéniz's improvisations. But we do know that the residents of this town played cards with Albéniz at the Casino seating area. The pianist had a special ability at improvising on the piano, and he used to do it at the town's festival dances in September. It is likely, therefore, that Regordosa avail these sessions for recording the cylinders between 1903 and 1907. But we can not rule out that Regordosa exploited another appropriate time. Isaac Albéniz and his friend and pianist Joaquim Malats offered one or two concerts at Tiana's Sala Giralt in 1906, the first occuring on the 16th of September and the second on the 19th. In addition to the three Albéniz cylinders, there are also five cylinders with works performed by Joaquim Malats. The coincidence of the two artists and the owner of the phonograph in Tiana, suggests 1906 as the most likely date of recording, although this is a fact to be researched.
Although improvisations are not intended to be published in a score (hence its name), the three improvised works by Albéniz are quoted in the catalog by Romero (2002), as they have aroused enough interest to be transcribed and published both in printed sheet music and sound recordings.
We invite you to learn more about this collection from the 14th of November on, when the Biblioteca de Catalunya will open the exhibition Uns incunables del sonor: els cilindres de cera de la col•lecció Regordosa-Turull.
Margarida Ullate i Estanyol
Sound and Audiovisual Unit
Biblioteca de Catalunya
Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)
Additional information
Scores :
Rivera Publishers, 2000
DL -78 -4- C 112/2. Boileau, 2006
2010-4 -C 80/19. Henle Verlag, 2010
Sound recordings :
LP 11355. IPA 1976
CD 167. VAI, 1991.
2005 CD - 219 La Mà de Guido, 2004
CD 10898 Zenph, 2011
Este año se cumplen 110 años de la fecha probable de grabación, en cilindros de cera, de tres improvisaciones de Isaac Albéniz Pascual, conservadas en la colección de cilindros de cera Regordosa-Turull de la Biblioteca de Catalunya. Son las únicas grabaciones conocidas del gran pianista y compositor catalán. Ruperto Regordosa logró reunir una colección de más de 300 cilindros, muchos de los cuales grabó él mismo. A mediados de los años 1960, el violinista Xavier Turull y Creixell los adquirió y dio publicidad a la existencia de cilindros grabados por los pianistas catalanes Isaac Albéniz, Joaquín Malats y Frank Marshall. En 1976 el International Piano Archives, entonces con sede en Nueva York, fue la primera institución en digitalizar estos cilindros y editarlos en un LP con el título The Catalán Piano Tradition. Gregor Benko y William Santaella, los promotores de la edición, situaron la fecha del evento entre 1903 y 1907 basándose tanto en el tipo de soporte físico sobre el que se hicieron como en la circunstancia documentada del paso de Albéniz por la localidad de Tiana, donde Ruperto Regordosa supuestamente los registró. Posteriormente, en 1991, hicieron una reedición en CD añadiendo uno de los tres cilindros restaurado que no habían podido incluir en LP porque estaba roto.
Isaac Albéniz tuvo una vida típica de niño prodigio: recorrió medio mundo tocando el piano, y el otro medio se lo imaginó, como el encuentro con Franz Liszt que él explica en Impresiones y diarios de viaje. Era un niño muy travieso y fue un adulto conversador, divertido y profundamente involucrado en el proceso de creación musical. La azarosa vida de Albéniz le llevó a vivir en Barcelona, Madrid, París, Londres, Niza, y a pasar largas temporadas fuera de casa recorriendo otros países de Europa y de América (Bélgica, Hungría, Puerto Rico y Cuba). También veraneaba en Tiana, una población cercana a Barcelona donde la familia de su mujer, Rosina Jordana, tenía casa. Sabemos que en 1903, concretamente el 25 de agosto, se encuentra en esta población del Maresme después de un año de viajar entre Niza, Paris, Madrid y Barcelona1.
No tenemos constancia documental de la fecha que Ruperto Regordosa, un empresario con residencia en Tiana, convenció a Albéniz para registrar en los cilindros las tres improvisaciones. Pero sí sabemos que los vecinos de esta población conocían la afición de Albéniz por jugar al tresillo en el Casino, así como su gusto por improvisar al piano en los bailes de fiesta mayor del mes de septiembre. Es probable, pues, que Regordosa aprovechara una de estas sesiones espontáneas para registrar los cilindros entre 1903 y 1907. Pero tampoco podemos descartar que Regordosa aprovechara otro momento propicio. Isaac Albéniz y su amigo y pianista Joaquim Malats ofrecieron uno o dos conciertos en la Sala Giralt de Tiana en 1906, el primero el día 16 y el segundo el 19 de septiembre2. En la colección de Regordosa, además de los tres cilindros de Albéniz, también hay cinco con interpretaciones de Joaquín Malats. La coincidencia de los dos artistas y del propietario del fonógrafo en Tiana, hace pensar en esa fecha de grabación de los cilindros como la más probable, aunque esta sea un dato pendiente de confirmar.
Pese a que las improvisaciones nacen sin la pretensión de ser plasmadas en una partitura (de ahí su nombre), las tres que Albéniz suponemos que registra en Tiana constan en el catálogo de Romero (2002 ), ya que han creado suficiente interés como para que se hayan transcrito y editado en partitura y en soporte sonoro.
Os invitamos a saber más de esta colección a partir del próximo 14 de noviembre, cuando se inaugurará en la sede de la Biblioteca la exposición Unos incunables del sonoro : la colección Regordosa-Turull de cilindros de cera.
Margarita Ullate y Estanyol
Unidad de Sonoros y Audiovisuales
Información adicional
Partituras :
Rivera Editores, 2000
DL -78 -4- C 112/2. Boileau, 2006
2010-4 - C 80/19. Henle Verlag, 2010
Grabaciones sonoras :
LP 11355. IPA, 1976
CD 167. VAI, 1991.
2005- CD 219. La Mà de Guido, 2004
CD 10898 Zenph, 2011
Yucatán celebrará el VII Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual establecido por la Unesco, difundiendo la obra académica del compositor Gustavo Río Escalante (1880-1963), a 50 años de su muerte. La celebración la promueve en nuestro Estado La Fonoteca de Yucatán y la Biblioteca Yucatanense, que sumadas a la de la Red Virtual de Audiotecas de la Fonoteca Nacional de México, distribuidas en toda la República, realizan acciones a favor de tan importante patrimonio. La efeméride se celebra mundialmente el día 27 de octubre.
La participación de Yucatán tendrá lugar el lunes 28 de octubre, a las 20:00 horas, en el Foro de Video de la Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán, con una “Sesión de escucha dirigida”, coordinada por la Fonoteca de Yucatán “Adda Navarrete” del Centro de Investigación Musical “Gerónimo Baqueiro Fóster” de la ESAY, con el apoyo de la Secretaría de la Cultura y las Artes del Gobierno del Estado y la participación de expertos que se referirán a esta celebración mundial y a la obra del notable compositor yucateco.
Durante el evento se presentará el disco compacto Obras de Gustavo Río. Grabaciones Históricas. La sesión se transmitirá por internet a través del portal de Facebook: Audiotecas Yucatán.
Otra actividad será la entrega del archivo fotográfico "Memoria histórica cultural de Yucatán 2005-2013" al Fondo Audiovisual de la Biblioteca Yucatanense para su resguardo y difusión. Un archivo fotográfico con más de 380 mil imágenes en formato digital sobre el acontecer artístico y cultural promovido por el Instituto de Cultura de Yucatán y la Secretaría de Cultura y las Artes de Yucatán.
The Bophana Center is happy to join force with UNESCO once again to organize the 2013 edition of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
This year, Bophana will organize the event with the participation of Cambodian Living Arts (CLA), on the theme Reviving Artistic Heritage. This one-day event will be an opportunity to discover or rediscover Cambodian musical and artistic heritage that has almost been forgotten to this day. But thanks to the efforts of many people, these musical and dance treasures are nowadays taught to the younger generations and have been transfered to audiovisual supports in order to better preserve and share them.
Date: Friday, October 25, 2013
4:00pm Workshop: "Cambodian Music, Now and Then"
5:00pm Live traditional Khmer music (Areak)
6:00pm Cambodian launching of the Khmer Dance Project
7:00pm Cocktail and live Khmer rock music with ‘The Underdogs’
Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center, #64 Street 200 (Okhnia Men), Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Free admission, all are welcome!
មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបុប្ផាណាមានក្ដីសោមនស្សក្រៃលែងដោយរួមជាមួយនឹងអង្គការយូណេស្កូជាថ្មីម្ដងទៀត ដើម្បីរៀបចំទិវាបេតិកភណ្ឌសោតទស្សន៍ពិភពលោកឆ្នាំ២០១៣នេះ។ ឆ្នាំនេះ មជ្ឈមណ្ឌលបុប្ផាណានឹងរៀបចំព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ជាមួយសមាគមសិល្បៈខ្មែរអមតៈ (CLA) ជុំវិញប្រធានបទ « ការផ្ដល់ជីវិតថ្មីដល់បេតិកភណ្ឌសិល្បៈខ្មែរ »។ ទិវានេះនឹងជាឱកាសមួយក្នុងការស្ដាប់ឮ និងស្ដាប់ឮឡើងវិញនូវកេរដំណែលតន្ត្រី និងសិល្បៈនៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ដែលត្រូវបានគេបំភ្លេចចោល (ឬស្ទើរតែបំភ្លេចចោល) ទៅហើយនោះ។ ដោយសារការខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងពីសំណាក់មនុស្សជាច្រើន តន្ត្រី និងរបាំទាំងនេះ អំណឹះតទៅនឹងត្រូវបង្រៀនទៅដល់យុវជនវ័យក្មេងទាំងអស់ និងថតចម្លងនៅក្នុងឧបករណ៍សោតទស្សន៍ដើម្បីថែរក្សាទុក។
កាលបរិច្ឆេទ៖ ថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី២៥ ខែតុលា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣
ម៉ោង៤រសៀល សិប្បសាលា«តន្ត្រីខ្មែរពីមុន និងបច្ចុប្បន្ន»
ម៉ោង៥ល្ងាច ការប្រគំតន្ត្រីប្រពៃណីខ្មែរ «ភ្លេងអារក្ស»
ម៉ោង៦ល្ងាច ការចេញបង្ហាញ«គម្រោងរបាំខ្មែរ»
ម៉ោង៧ល្ងាច ភេសជ្ជៈ និងការប្រគំតន្ត្រីរ៉ុកខ្មែររបស់ក្រុម«The Underdogs»
Le Centre Bophana est heureux de se joindre à l’UNESCO encore une fois afin d’organiser l’édition 2013 de la Journée mondiale pour le patrimoine audiovisuel. Cette année, Bophana organisera l’événement aux côtés de l’association Cambodian Living Arts (CLA) autour du thème « Un second souffle pour le patrimoine artistique au Cambodge ». Cette journée sera l’occasion de découvrir ou redécouvrir l’héritage musical et artistique au Cambodge qui a été presque oublié. Grâce aux efforts de nombreuses personnes, ces musiques et danses sont dorénavant enseignées aux plus jeunes et enregistrées sur supports audiovisuels afin de les préserver.
Entrée libre pour tout public!
Date : vendredi 25 octobre 2013
16h Atelier: "La musique cambodgienne, d’hier à aujourd’hui"
17h Concert de musique traditionnelle khmère (Areak)
18h Lancement cambodgien du projet Khmer Dance Project
19h Cocktail et concert de rock khmer du groupe ‘The Underdogs’
To celebrate UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the World and Traditional Music section at the British Library will add fifteen original recordings to the Peter Kennedy Collection, available through
These fifteen recordings were made by Kennedy in the early 1950s on reel-to-reel tape and have been digitised recently.
Whereas the majority of his recordings currently available were made in the British Isles, these new ones were made in Spain, France, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Kennedy is recognized principally for his extensive activity as a collector of folklore from the British Isles and these additional recordings provide an international aspect to his collection.
More details:
Restoring our Films, Saving our Heritage
Cinema is an art form that is a vital part of a nation’s culture. Beyond being a source of entertainment, films serve as cultural artifacts that help us understand our society and the prevailing ideas of the time. Its visual mode of storytelling has the power of creating a unique experience for its audience, but for people to actually experience a film even after decades, a copy preferably in the original film format has to first be accessible. Preservation, therefore, is vital since film deteriorates without proper care.
One way to preserve a film is by restoring it, hence the advocacy of the ABS-CBN Film Archives to restore and provide a showcase of classic films to new generations of Filipinos. To date, the ABS-CBN Film Archives has successfully restored, screened theatrically, and released DVDs of Himala and Oro, Plata, Mata, two classic Philippine films. It is the first in Asia to do a multiplatform campaign to promote and reintroduce a digitally re-mastered film. Just recently, the restoration of Himala has garnered the ABS-CBN Film Archives a Philippine Quill Award, placing it in a select group of professionals who set the Global standards of excellence in business communication practices. But more importantly, the restoration work has raised awareness regarding the importance of Philippine cinema and enthusiastic support in its preservation.
Screen grab of Christopher de Leon and Dranreb Belleza.
(L): original print; (R): enhanced image
Recently, the ABS-CBN Film Archives completed the restoration of Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon? (1976), an award winning film directed by the late National Artist for Film and Broadcast Arts, Eddie Romero. The film has as its backdrop the waning years of Spanish colonial rule and the beginnings of the American era in Philippine history. We follow the journey of Kulas, portrayed by a then very young Christopher de Leon, as he discovers what being a Filipino means in the midst of the brewing political and cultural revolution in Philippine society. The film won several local awards, including Best Picture, and was selected as the Philippine entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 49th Academy Awards. There is only one existing film print in the Philippines of Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon? which was loaned from the audiovisual archives of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) for the restoration process. The main challenges of the print were specks and scratches that were deep, vertical, and thick, requiring 2,000 hours to digitally restore the video as well as the audio impairments.
Screen grab of Tsing Tong Tsai.
(L): original print; (R): enhanced image
In line with the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the ABS-CBN Film Archives is launching a 360° campaign to promote the release of the restored version of Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon? since it believes that the actual restoration of a film is only a part of the process and the more crucial aspect is sharing the restored version to a new audience. Among the activities during the campaign are the release of a theatrical trailer, launch of online viral promotional videos, television commercials, theatrical screenings, and DVD distribution of the digitally re-mastered film. New generations will now get the chance to watch films that are part of our heritage while those that have already seen the films get to relive their experience and once again enjoy the masterpieces of our renowned filmmakers.
Screen grab of Christopher de Leon and Gloria Diaz.
(L): original print; (R): enhanced image
Martin Scorsese, a vanguard of film preservation, explains that we may experience the same film and the same images but in the case of a great film, the power of the timelessness of the experience is still there even when the context has completely changed. Such is the case with Ganito Kami Noon, Paano Kayo Ngayon?. At the end of the film, Kulas tells children who were at a recent battlefield: “Tandaan niyo ito, ha. Pilipino rin kayo.” (Remember this. You are Filipinos.) After 37 years, the core message of the film still resonates with Filipinos. The question of our identity as a people and how we value our own country is still relevant and it is films like these that enable the next generation to value and appreciate our heritage.
SA 6/306/1: Mrs Champion – Canvey Island Floods 1953
Today is World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, organised by the International Association of Sound and Video Archives, and this year's theme is “Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”. We thought that this was a good opportunity to dip into the Essex Sound and Video Archive as part of our favourite documents series.
As well as asking our users about their favourite documents from our collections, we have also been asking ourselves. Here, Sound Archivist Martin Astell tells us about one of his favourite recordings in the Essex Sound and Video Archive, an interview with Mrs Champion about the Canvey Island Floods of 1953 (SA 6/306/1).
Choosing a favourite item from the Essex Sound and Video Archive is difficult for me as I have heard and watched so many wonderful recordings of all kinds relating to Essex people and places. The archive holds numerous recordings which can be enjoyed for their entertainment value – beautiful music, amusing anecdotes, interesting documentaries, dramatic productions, and so on.
However, I have chosen one of our oral history interviews which, rather than being entertaining, is sobering, shocking and moving. It is an interview with Mrs Peggy Champion, recorded in 1978, in which she remembers her experiences during the floods which engulfed Canvey Island and other parts of Essex on the night of 31 January 1953.
In this interview – which lasts only 7 minutes – Mrs Champion (who, at the time of the floods was Mrs Peggy Morgan) tells the story calmly and without hyperbole of how she woke in the night to find sea water in the bedroom of her home on Canvey Island and how, during the course of that night, she witnessed the deaths of her husband, her mother-in-law, and her five-year-old son.
It has been said that listening to an oral history interview is the closest one can come to time travel since it involves real people from the past talking about real events as they were genuinely experienced, and the emotional impact of this one recording can perhaps tell us more about the experience of natural disaster than any number of statistics or written reports.
I believe that hearing this recording was one of the things which spurred Patricia Rennoldson Smith to gather testimony from other survivors of the 1953 floods for her book The 1953 Essex Flood Disaster: The People’s Story, and every time I hear it I am reminded of why it is so important that sound and video recordings are preserved and made available alongside the other records held in the Essex Record Office.
The Estonian Film Archives, Estonian Film Museum and Estonian Film Institute are organising a seminar "Film as Historical Source. Rural and Town Life in Estonia and Finland in 1950-1960s"
Audiovisuaalpärandi päev: Seminar “Film kui ajalooallikas” 26.10.2013 kell 10:00 Maarjamäe lossis Tallinnas (23. oktoober 2013)
Seminar on jätkuks kümme aastat tagasi koos soomlastega läbi viidud seminarile "Film kui ajalooallikas (Soome Instituut, 30.01.2003).
Külaliste seas astuvad seekord ettekannetega üles
K.Rumpunen analüüsib U. K. Kekkoneni 1956. a. valimisvõitluse tarbeks tellitud propagandafilmi Rahva nimel (Kansakunnan puolesta, 1955) Milliseid võimalusi ja uusi vaatenurki avab filmikeel, soomlaste silmis vastuolulise poliitiku U. K. Kekkoneni elust ja tööst riigimehena, on teistest allikatest raske leida. Ühtlasi pakub filmianalüüs meilegi mõtteainet äsjalõppenud ja üsna tormiliseks kiskunud valimisvõitluse teemade lõpetuseks.
J. Sedergren heidab valgust eesti sõjaväelase ja hilisema metsavenna Herman Treiali käekäigule peale õnnestunud põgenemist Soome. Tema saatusest 1962. a valminud filmi keelamine/lubamine ähvardas rikkuda tasakaalu Soome ja Nõukogude Liidu suhete argipäevas.
Filmis "Ohtlik vabadus" pole vaatluse all üksnes sõjakooli lõpetanud eesti mehe traagiline saatus, vaid ka ajapilt valitsevatest oludest, moraalsetest valikutest ja argipäevast Soomes 1950-tel.
Kuidas paistis elu kinolinal Eestis, kõnelevad
Ettekannetele järgneb filmiprogramm.
Näeme katkendeid filmist Ühe küla mehed (1962), kus eestlased on sattunud Soome, mis sümboolselt seob kokku eesti-soome teemalise seminari.
Seejärel kõneleb kauaaegne rezissöör Valeria Anderson filmi Tere tüdrukud (1962) saamisloost ehk naaseme tõsielulise maaelu kujutamise juurde. Film linastub kogupikkuses kestusega 20min.
On the occasion of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Municipal Archive of Granollers has prepared two activities:
Roundtable “Cinemas in Granollers in the years 50-70”, by Jordi Riba i Torelló
Date: Tuesday 22-10-2013
Time: 5 p.m.
Location: Arxiu Municipal de Granollers. C.Sant Josep, 7, 08401 Granollers
Type of public: All Public
Oh Granollers, de Jordi Mauri (1972)
The Municipal Archives of Granollers, in collaboration with the Cultural Association of Granollers screened this documentary, donated by the authors to the Archive, showing images and events of the recent past of the city.
Date: Friday 25-10-2013
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: Centre Cultural. C.Joan Camps,1, 08401 Granollers
Type of public: All Public
More information: see the documents attached and our web site: and YouTube channel
Attachment | Size |
Cartell TERTULIA ARXIU.pdf | 160.9 KB |
Full sala Arxiu n. 6.pdf | 479.06 KB |
EYE Film Instituut Nederland will again be celebrating this year's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in its new public building on 27 October.
From the opening moment at 10 am up to 6 pm, we will have a desk at the entrance of the main hall where our curators and restorers team will do some activities and demo's of restoration work. There will also be a special table for children with pre-cinematic toys, colouring activities and quizzes. In the Basement, which is free to access by everyone, we will have Stereo-viewing boxes in display. All the regular screenings in our four film theaters will feature a short film from a century ago. Before the main feature film and each screening will be introduced by one of our curators, drawing the audiences attention to the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. On a regular Sunday, our building is visited by an average of 900 to 1,000 visitors.
Signori Giurati (1916)
In addition, at 4PM, there will be a special screening (combining invited guests and a paying audience) with live music, of the 1916 italian film SIGNORI GIURATI, restored by EYE. Mrs. Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi, Curator of Silent Films, will be introducing this screening by showing a few excerpts and a PowerPoint presentation about the vulnerability of film material and the need to preserve it actively, directly referring to UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and its motto “Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”.
We expect to have 120 people to attend this special screening.
Sunday 27th October 2013 marks the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – the day when archives around the world join together to celebrate audiovisual collections and the organisations working to protect, preserve and provide access to them.
As part of the celebrations, Film Archives UK is launching its new website, and in the coming year will be encouraging more individuals and institutions to join FA UK – a network of industry professionals, archivists, conservators, scholars and associated organisations and individuals interested in and committed to the work and development of the UK’s film archives delivering public benefit.
FA UK encourages everyone, everywhere to join us in celebrating the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Please take a few minutes to follow the link to our website – – where you can watch a short video showcasing some of the treasures from our collections, and do share the link with as many friends and colleagues as you can to help highlight the vital work of preserving our moving image heritage.
For this year's World Day for AV Heritage, the Film Preservation Society, Tokyo, will publish online the revised Japanese version of Ray Edmondson's "Audiovisual Archiving: Philosophy and Principles" (2004).
And also this year it will again distribute audiovisual-themed Tenugui* designed by Haruka Aiso - see opposite.
FOCAL International will host a one-day event at BAFTA in London on October 28th designed to inspire a new generation of filmmakers and build bridges between stakeholders in the world of archive content.
Entitled Battles of the Archives – A Thing of the Past, the conference will address the key issues affecting both the audiovisual archives as well as the producers who use them.
On the archive side, discussions will focus on the challenges posed by new technologies, digitization costs and funding. On the productions side, a panel of experts will delve into the ins and outs of winning commissions and raising funds for archive based productions, and offer some hard-won insights on clearing footage and driving affordable deals.
Amongst the guest speakers will be Sir Jeremy Isaacs speaking on the fundamental importance and the power of archive, with examples from World At War, History of Ireland and Cold War. Additionally, representatives of several major online companies will talk about the digital future and the new platforms.
The conference day will draw to a close with an archive based programme pitching competition where the victor will win a slew of ‘free’ footage from Getty Images and facility hours from Prime Focus.
The whole day’s event, which will also include a competition for the best library show reel and an evening screening of London – A Modern Babylon is FOCAL’s way of marking UNESCO’s World Audiovisual Archive Day, which takes place annually on October 27th, at BAFTA.
Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera
Saving our heritage for the next generation, 27 ottobre 2013 - UNESCO – Giornata mondiale del patrimonio audiovisivo
The Clock is Ticking...
In Svizzera ogni anno il contenuto di 9'000 documenti sonori è perduto per sempre.
In Svizzera ogni giorno muoiono 25 documenti sonori!
La nostra identità sonora è in pericolo!
Go to the Fonoteca facebook page
Phonothèque Nationale Suisse
Saving our heritage for the next generation, 27 octobre 2013 - UNESCO - Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel
The Clock is Ticking...
En Suisse chaque année le contenu de 9'000 documents sonores est perdu pour jamais.
En Suisse chaque jour 25 documents sonores meurent!
Notre identité sonore est en danger!
Go to the Fonoteca facebook page
Schweizer Nationalphonothek
Saving our heritage for the next generation, 27 oktober 2013 - UNESCO UNESCO-Welttages des audiovisuellen Erbes
The Clock is Ticking...
In der Schweiz gehen jährlich 9'000 Tondokumente für immer verloren.
In der Schweiz jeden Tag sterben 25 Tondokumente!
Unsere Ton- und Klangidentität ist in Gefahr!
Go to the Fonoteca facebook page
Fonoteca Naziunala Svizra
Saving our heritage for the next generation, 27 oktober 2013 - UNESCO- World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
The Clock is Ticking...
En Svizra sa perda mintg'onn il cuntegn da 9000 documents sonors per adina.
En Svizra moran mintga di 25 documents sonors!
Nossa identitad sonora è en privel!
Go to the Fonoteca facebook page
Swiss National Sound Archives
Saving our heritage for the next generation, 27 October 2013 - UNESCO – World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
The Clock is Ticking...
In Switzerland every year the content of 9'000 sound documents is gone forever..
In Switzerland every day 25 sound documents die!
Our sonic identity is in danger!
Go to the Fonoteca facebook page
Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera via Soldino 9 CH-6900 Lugano tel:
+ 41 (0)91 961 6400
fax: +41 (0)91 961 6439
L'orecchio in viaggio / L'oreille en voyage / Das Ohr auf Reisen http://
Every year, different institutions all over Switzerland follow the call of Memoriav to organize an event for the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Discover the 14 towns of Switzerland in which there will be events:
Girona City Council, through the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) and the Cinema Museum, has organized three activities to celebrate the 2013 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage:
The CRDI has opened the permanent exhibition halls of the Girona Museum of Photography (MFGi), a space for promoting and disseminating the most representative images of the history of the photography in Girona. | |
The CRDI has organized the screening of Girona, a Century of Photographic Creation, an overview of the history of photography in Girona, which will be presented by David Iglesias Franch, archivist at the CRDI. | |
The Cinema Museum will show three new short videos that reproduce the operation of three devices exhibited in the museum: Beale's Choreutoscope (UK), 1866-80; the Wheel of Life Lantern (UK), 1871; and the Optical Box, c.1750-80. |
This exhibition is being held on the occasion of the International Audiovisual Heritage Day, observed by UNESCO on 27 October. Sangeet Natak Akademi, Prasar Bharati (All India Radio & Doordarshan), Archives & Research Centre for Ethnomusicology - American Institute of Indian Studies, Rupayan Sansthan, Archive of Indian Music, NaadSaagar Archives & Documentation Society for South Asian Music, School of Cultural Texts & Records -Jadavpur University and IGNCA are collaborating in the event. All the institutions will be presenting the select collections from their respective archives.
Venue: Exhibition Hall, 11, Mansingh Road, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
In connection to the exhibition, a Symposium will be held.
Date: Monday, 28 October 2013
Session 1) Informative: Overview of the collections of participating institutions along with an outline of the condition of the collections.
Session 2) Technical: Problems of storage, care & maintenance of collections and the related issues of digitization, access & dissemination.
Venue: Lecture Room, 11, Mansingh Road, IGNCA
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The event will conclude with a performance in the amphitheatre and the details will be shared shortly.
La Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, programas de Comunicación Social-Periodismo, Cine y Televisión y Producción Radial, lanzará la convocatoria de becas para el DIPLOMADO EN GESTIÓN DE PATRIMONIO AUDIOVISUAL, ganador en Formación Especializada FDC/PROIMAGENES COLOMBIA, en el marco de la celebración del DÍA MUNDIAL DEL PATRIMONIO AUDIOVISUAL.
La celebración promovida por la UNESCO y realizada con el apoyo de la FUNDACIÓN PATRIMONIO FÍLMICO COLOMBIANO y CENTRO DE CAPACITACIÓN DE ARTE Y TECNOLOGÍA CCAT COLOMBIA, busca estimular el rescate, la preservación y la utilización del patrimonio contenido en películas, programas de radio y televisión, grabaciones de audio y video.
El acto de Instalación contará con la presencia de Cecilia María Vélez White, Rectora de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Adelfa Martínez, Directora Cinematografía del Ministerio de Cultura, Claudia Triana De Vargas, Directora Proimágenes Colombia, Myriam Garzón de García, Directora Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano, Carlos Zapata Cárdenas, Director Archivo General de la Nación, Vera Schutz Smith, Decana de Comunicación Social- Periodismo, Cine y Televisión y Jorge Orlando Melo Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.
La agenda incluye: Mensaje de la Sra. Irina Bokova, Directora General de la UNESCO, lanzamiento de la CONVOCATORIA DE BECAS para el DIPLOMADO EN GESTIÓN DE PATRIMONIO AUDIOVISUAL, proyección de Patrimonio Audiovisual Recuperado por la FUNDACIÓN PATRIMONIO FÍLMICO COLOMBIANO, conferencia de Esteban Duperly: “Importancia de la Fotografía y el Cine casero para el Patrimonio Audiovisual” y conferencia de la Dra. Lidia Camacho, Directora Fonoteca Nacional de México: "La importancia de los archivos de radio y televisión en la construcción de la memoria audiovisual del futuro"
El evento se llevará a cabo el viernes 25 de octubre, de 8.30 am a 1 pm. en el hemiciclo del edificio de la Biblioteca, segundo piso, Cra. 4 no 22-40, Universidad Jorge Tadeo lozano. ENTRADA LIBRE.
Presidente de ARTEC– Méjico confirma participación en Celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual.
JAIME TOVAR FISCHER estará en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano el próximo viernes 25 de octubre con su exclusiva conferencia: “la continua convergencia de los medios… ¿a dónde va el archivo digital de media?
El ingeniero TOVAR FISCHER, uno de los especialistas más destacados de la industria audiovisual con experiencia en televisión educativa, sets virtuales, postproducción de imagen digital, corrección de color, generación de DCP (Digital Cinema Pacakage), almacenamiento y distribución de digital media, Media Asset Managment; ha desarrollando trabajos de preservación y restauración de materiales fílmicos de la “Cineteca Nacional Siglo XXI”, ha dirigido proyectos para diversas empresas como: Editorial Clio, Televisa, Comisión para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas, Fonoteca Nacional de México y Tv Azteca.
En su presentación abordará temas como: salvamento de acervos, media asset managment, manejo de formatos, arquitectura de almacenamiento, control de calidad, administración de media y wrap – up, entre otros.
El Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales programas de Comunicación Social, Cine y Televisión y Producción Radial de la UNIVERSIDAD JORGE TADEO LOZANO; también contará con las conferencias de Esteban Duperly y Lidia Camacho Directora de la FONOTECA NACIONAL DE MÉJICO, la Proyección de Patrimonio Audiovisual recuperado por la FUNDACIÓN PATRIMONIO FÍLMICO COLOMBIANO . Además se hará el lanzamiento de la Convocatoria para otorgar 20 becas del DIPLOMADO EN GESTIÓN DE PATRIMONIO AUDIOVISUAL ganador de la Convocatoria 2013 del FDC – PROIMAGENES - COLOMBIA.
El evento se realizará en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Edificio Biblioteca, Hemiciclo a las 8.30 am. Entrada libre.
To mark the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the National Library of Latvia on October 25, 2013, is launching a new digital audio collection – Latvia’s historical sound recordings:
The National Library of Latvia holds several hundred shellac records, published in the first half of the 20th century by companies such as "Bellaccord Electro", "His Master's Voice", Riga record factory "Līgo", etc. The musical content is varied – there are folk songs, popular music and choir songs, first performances of Latvian classical music and other compositions. Latvia’s Prime Minister’s K. Ulmanis speech at the Riga Radiophone shortly after the coup in 1934 is one of the collection’s rarities:
In cooperation with private collectors, museums and other memory institutions who hold historical and valuable sound recordings, this collection aims to reflect Latvia’s sound recording history, especially the first half of the 20th century.
At present, the digital collection contains close to 300 sound objects. New recordings will be added regularly, and by the end of 2014 the collection will include around 2000 objects. Most of the recordings are available online worldwide, except those that are still under copyright, available on the library premises, estimated at around 20% of the collection.
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is pleased to commemorate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by providing an update on the progress and accomplishments in preserving Canada’s audiovisual documentary heritage. To date, LAC has migrated approximately 58,000 hours of content, which represents close to 11 percent of the estimated 530,000 hours of content detailed in the 10-year AV Migration Strategy. You can learn more about this subject by viewing the video LAC migrates audio and video recordings on LAC’s YouTube channel. LAC also continues to collaborate on the creation of the CPAC Digital Archive: Rewinding the Public Record. Up to now, LAC has provided 6,220 hours of proceedings from the collection. Furthermore, LAC has approved a Motion Picture Film Digitization Strategy, which will direct the operationalization of digital copying. This means that, over the next two years, LAC will have the technological infrastructure to support motion picture film digitization in place. Finally, LAC is now accepting Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) when acquiring feature films. DCPs are the digital equivalents of motion picture film prints. The acquisition of DCPs ensures that Canadian feature films produced and distributed digitally will be preserved. LAC is committed more than ever to the work of preserving the collection of audiovisual recordings for the benefit of present and future generations of Canadians. Source:
On the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Lithuanian Central State Archive, in cooperation with Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO and National Memory of the World Committee and with public institution “Meno avilys”, presented the first virtual documentary cinema archives in Lithuania on Thursday 24th of October 2013 at the Gallery of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO 11 Šv. Jono Street, Vilnius.
The event was started by Ms. Margarita Gaubytė, Communication and Information Programme Coordinator of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO, who presented the history and the main objectives of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, proclaimed by UNESCO in 2005.
Deputy Director of the Lithuanian Central State Archive Valerija Jusevičiūtė told how audiovisual heritage is preserved and presented to the users in the most attractive way by the Lithuanian Central State Archive. This has become possible after the Archive implemented the project “Lithuanian Documentary Cinema on the Internet (e-Cinema)”. The project was funded from EU structural funds and the budget of the Republic of Lithuania. The implementation of the project enabled the Archive to acquire new equipment for film tape cleaning, digitisation, digital restoration and storage. Short video clips compiled by the employees of the Archive and presenting the process, equipment and results of the project were screened:
Presentation of Internet portal (English version) Presentation of the Process for Film Digitisation
So the main focus of the event was viewing the film digitized by the Archive and restored by the public institution “Meno avilys”. The copy of the documentary “Time Passes through the City” (“Laikas eina per miestą”), directed by Almantas Grikevičius in 1966 was screened.
Project manager of “Meno avilys”, film historian Lina Kaminskaitė-Jančorienė introduced the documentary and shared with the audience some findings on the censorship of the film. At the first stage of the Project „Anthology of the Lithuanian documentary“ being implemented by „Meno avilys“ 7 documentaries were digitized and restored. Digitized and restored films are adapted for screening in the modern movie theatres (DCP) and simple digital usage (Blue-ray, DVD). During the Project research was made, ideas of film authors were registered, cases of censorship were reconstructed.
Following the event, spectators shared their impressions and took interest in the process of film restoration.
Ms. Jolita Steponaitienė, Chairperson of the Lithuanian National Memory of the World Committee, told about Lithuania's input implementing UNESCO Programme Memory of the World.
Short videoclip of the event:
Photos by Larisa Dmuchovskaja and Nikolajus Gubanovas
Digital Humanities and the Audiovisual Heritage
"Mitenand gahts besser", Kurt Früh und Paul Ruffi, CH 1949. Photo: Cinémathèque suisse
A two-day colloquium, organized by Memoriav at the Museum of Ethnography in Neuchâtel. The aim of this colloquium is to broach the issue of audiovisual documents in the discussion about Digital Humanities.
Date: 25.10.2013 - 26.10.2013
Location: Museum of Ethnography of Neuchâtel - MEN
The Memoriav colloquium will take place in the context of the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, and is under the patronage of the Swiss UNESCO Commission. Partner of this year's event are the MEN (Musée d'ethnography de Neuchâtel), the Institut d'ethnology de l'Université de Neuchâtel, the SNF research group "Broadcasting swissness" and Infoclio.
On the occasion of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Unesco, the Museum of Geneva, in collaboration with Memoriav association organizes a guided tour of "Views at the time of steam navigation on Leman", an exhibition based on audiovisual documents about the days of steam navigation on Lake Geneva.
Date: 24-10-2013
Location: Museum of Geneva, Quai Louis Bonnard 8, 1260 Nyon
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Type of public: Seniors, Children / Teens, All Public, Adults
Access: Free
Reservation: Yes
To celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the National Archives of Australia is showcasing some interesting gems from its collection via social media sites - Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Sound Cloud.
In particular, to reinforce the significance of the 2013 theme “Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation”, we are posting excerpts of a filmed television programme from the 1960s, entitled “Woman’s World”. We were recently asked to salvage this gem, which actually went to air in Sydney and Melbourne during 1960. It has severely deteriorated since that time - in particular, vinegar syndrome has affected this B&W 16mm telerecord, resulting in buckle and weave, shrinkage and eventual destabilisation of the film’s emulsion. This means that each frame does not lie flat for replay and the sprocket area shrinkage is so drastic that you can see the frame line appear in the screen area at certain intervals.
Digitisation of this delicate film took a team of 4 dedicated Preservation Officers to complete: one to control the telecine machine, another to guide the feeder reel, a third to gently compensate for the amount of movement of the film at scanning point, and a fourth to ensure that the film made it to the take-up reel without jumping off the telecine machine. Quite a satisfying result considering its original state.
Be sure to check out “Woman’s World” on the NAA’s YouTube channel!
We are also posting a small selection of audio gems - road safety adds from the 1950s – that reminded people of the dangers of speeding, especially when riding a motorbike or travelling along unsealed country roads.
You will find these fascinating clips on Sound Cloud!
Como parte de la celebración por el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, la Filmoteca de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) exhibirá la compilación que hizo Jay Leyda (1910-1988) de la película “¡Que viva México!”.
Estos materiales compilados en torno a la película de Serguéi Eisenstein, (1898-1948) se presentarán, en su formato original de 35 mm, del 25 al 27 de octubre en la sala Carlos Monsiváis del Centro Cultural Universitario (CCU).
De acuerdo con la Dirección General de Actividades Cinematográficas, este material audiovisual que subsistía en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York (MoMA por sus siglas en inglés) en 1958 es una compilación que Leyda nombró como “Película mexicana de Eisenstein. Episodios para estudio parte I y II”.
Se proyectará en su formato original de 35 mm y en tres episodios: el 25 de octubre, la primera y segunda parte; el día 26, la primera parte y el 27 de este mismo mes la segunda.
Ahora en un día dedicado a la preservación de lo audiovisual, se presentará por primera vez en México en formato original de 35 mm, ya que en los años 60 la cinemateca mexicana del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) lo exhibió en 16 mm.
En 2005, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) declaró el 27 de octubre como Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual como mecanismo para concienciar a todo el público sobre la necesidad de reconocer la importancia de los documentos audiovisuales.
Jay Leyda fue un cineasta norteamericano e historiador de cine que conoció a Eisenstein y colaboró con él en la filmación de la también inconclusa película “El Prado de Bezhin” de 1936 y que posteriormente trabajando en el MoMA, se dio a la tarea de recopilar todo el material que existía en el museo.
Por su parte, Serguéi Eisenstein vino a México al final de 1930, después de haber pasado más de un año en Estados Unidos estudiando la producción industrial, comercial y sonora de Hollywood.
Aquí en México contó con la amistad de Diego Rivera (1886-1957), Frida Kahlo (1907-1954), Gabriel Fernández Ledesma (1900-1983), Arcady Boytler (1895-1965), Fito Best (1891-1964), entre otros personajes de la cultura mexicana.
The Vinyl Lounge
27 October 2013, 2:15-3:15pm
1 December 2013, 2:30-3:30pm
2 February 2014, 2:30-3:30pm
NFSA Theatrette, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Free entry, no booking required.
Got a stack of vinyl albums in the cupboard and nowhere to play them? Bring them along to the NFSA’s Vinyl Lounge – we’ll be playing some records, sharing stories about our favourite albums and remembering back to a time when playing music meant getting into the groove!
The following events will be held at the National Library of Australia:
National Folk Fellow Talk
Cath Ovenden presents her research on the fiddle music of Joe Yates (1895-1987), a musician from the gold-rush town of Hill End in New South Wales. Joe was an extraordinary musician whose playing was recorded by a number of different collectors. These recordings are held in the National Library of Australia's Oral History and Folklore Collection.
Thursday 17 October, 6 pm
Theatre, free
In association with the National Folk Festival
Larrikin Lad (2013, 53 min, PG)
Coinciding with UNESCO's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, this fascinating documentary explores the life and work of Warren Fahey, one of Australia's foremost folklore historians. Warren Fahey's collections of field recordings and interviews with Australian traditional musicians is held by the National Library of Australia. The Screening is followed by a question-and-answer session with Warren and the filmmakers.
Tuesday 22 October, 6 pm
Theatre, free
In association with Rebelstudio
Bookings: or 02 6262 1271 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-12 pm)
The National Preservation Office Te Tari Tohu Taonga (NZ) has a Māori language publication available Te whakarorohiko kohikohinga pūoro tuku iho. It is a translation of their publication "Digitisation of heritage audio collections" released in 2012 to coincide with World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Both are now also available to download from the National Library of New Zealand website here:
The National Library of Norway's contribution to the UNESCO World Day of AV Heritage is a two day film conference in Oslo, 17-18 October. There are two centennials to be celebrated.
The topic for the first part of the conference is the Norwegian act for film screening in cinemas ("Kinoloven"). Stortinget (the Norwegian parliament) passed the new act in 1913 on the basis of the fact that many films from abroad were imported and screened in the early years of the century. Teachers among others were worried about the impact on children and youngsters, so there was a demand for implementing some kind of censorship. In Norway and elsewhere these regulations have changed over the years, and today the national censorship control mainly determines the age limits for each film. Ove Solum (University of Oslo) and Tore Helseth (Lillehammer University College) are among the speakers at the conference.
Day two of the conference is about the Norwegian film director Arne Skouen (1913-2003). He directed and produced 17 films on various themes, anything from war to comedy. His most acclaimed film is the Oscar nominated "Ni liv" (Nine Lives) from 1957 which takes place during World War II. Gunnar Iversen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Tonje Haugland Sørensen (University of Bergen) are among the speakers, and there will also be a screening of Skouen’s film “Vaktpostene” (The Sentinels).
Arne Skouen (photo from Oslo Museum)
From the shooting of Skouen’s film “Vaktpostene” (1965)
To celebrate the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage exhibits Sound and Vision on Sunday, October 27th, "Border" (1983), a special film preserved by Images for the Future will be screened. Details:
Celebrate UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with us!
New York University’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program presents:
Short program of 7 screenings followed by panel discussion
Free and open to the public.
When: Sunday, October 27th, 2013, 1.00-4.00 pm
Location: Brooklyn Historical Society, at 128 Pierrepont St Brooklyn, NY
Advocating awareness of audiovisual heritage and its stewards, the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAVH) is an event aimed at the general public to draw attention not only to the range of at-risk audiovisual formats and genres, but also to promote community building among cultural institutions and archives.
In 2011, the theme was “Out of the Frame: Preserving Faces and Voices from the Margins: an evening of moving images and sound from archival collections in New York City.” With 2012, the theme “Electing Change” was chosen to resound with the election cycle. This year’s theme is “Surveillance.”
-the world premier of "Les Girls", recipient of 2012 National Film Preservation Foundation grant
-a darkly comic celebrity stalking piece, "Joe DiMaggio, 1,2,3"
-Cold War propaganda-cum-reportage from the C.I.A.
-a documentary of occupied Tibet
-police squad-car dash-cam
-a Libyan mass execution reconstructed from cellphone footage
-mass transit surveillance art
Panel participants: Snowden Becker (UCLA), Peter D'Agostino (Temple University), Nicole Martin (Human Rights Watch), Tenzin Phuntsog (Tibet Archive)
for tickets:
more info:
Sunday, 27 October 2013 - 5:00pm to Friday, 1 November 2013 - 6:00pm
Where: Lalitpur, Nepal
Contact: Nipuna Shrestha (
Type of Event: Exhibition
Focal point: FU/KAT
The exhibition “Heritage and photography. A dialogue”, which UNESCO presents on the occasion of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2013, will showcase photographs on/from seven monument zones of the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site.
The exhibition draws attention to Nepal’s rich photographic patrimony and its contribution to documenting the country’s cultural heritage. The photographs selected for the show are examples of photography illustrating how rapidly the heritage sites nestled within their urban settings are transforming due to population growth, pollution and a lack of legal frameworks, among other factors.
Language of event: English
PrestoCentre and the Presto4U project celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on October 27, 2013 with a series of short video clips highlighting the key issues and challenges of audiovisual digital preservation within different audiovisual sub-sectors:
The video clips can be found at
The Presto4U project receives funding from the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).
Sunday 27 October is UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and the theme for this year is 'Saving our Heritage for the Next Generation'. UNESCO has made it part of its mission to raise public consciousness of the importance of the preservation of sound recordings and moving images. UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is an opportunity to showcase collections so that present and future generations can enjoy our shared audiovisual heritage. RTÉ Archives rececently acquired the film collection of David and Sally Shaw-Smith. In March 2013, a team from RTÉ Archives went to Creagh, Co. Mayo to take the film collection into storage. Among the productions David and his wife Sally made were the series ‘Hands’ and ‘Patterns’, which recorded the work of 40 traditional Irish crafts. For over 20 years, the original film from all their productions sat in tea chests in a barn in Creagh, Co Mayo. RTÉ Archives staff packed the 1,800 film cans into storage containers and brought them to the RTÉ Archives. More:
The Saskatchewan Archives Board and the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan are undertaking a project to digitize the audio/video records which document the proceedings of the province’s legislative body. The collection, composed of both audio and video materials, extends from 1956 through to the present day. When completed, the project will span approximately 11,000 hours of audio visual documentation, providing a unique insight to the legislative process of the Government of Saskatchewan. It is envisioned that the results of the project will be available on the web by late 2014. Moving Images Recorded Sound
Celebration of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in Mongolia The Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO in collaboration with the Film and Audiovisual Records Center and the Mongolian National Broadcaster organizes an event to raise public awareness of the need for preservation, to highlight importance of audiovisual heritage, to attract media attention to this issues and to give opportunity to students who are from the relevant field, such as history and journalism. Date: 28.10.2013 Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia During this event two documentary films will be screened: “Current Mongolia” and a documentary about Mr. Zorig Sanjaasuren, a prominent Mongolian politician and leader of the country’s 1990 democratic revolution.
Watching precious historical documentaries
Searching for life memories of Shanghai Lane.
Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives’ celebration
for “the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” 2013
October 27 was established as “the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” by UNESCO. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Saving our Heritage for the Next Generation”. On October 27th 2013, Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives organized a documentary screening activity named “Watching precious historical documentaries, Searching for life memories of Shanghai Lane” in Astor House Hotel Shanghai, which has a history of more than 160 years.
During the event Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives showed two documentariesThe Shanghai Document (1927) and In New Shanghai (1950),which reflect the main historical events of that time. Two films newly collected from private sources were also shown. They record the daily life in Shanghai Shikumen of 1930s. Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives expects to look for clues about the persons in the films through the media and internet.
The participants of this activity included experts engaging in Shanghai history research, journalists and many historical footage enthusiasts called by new media platform like wechat and microblog. Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives will always dedicate to collecting precious historical archive from home and abroad, and make good saving and utilization of them, in order to better “Saving our Heritage for the Next Generation”.
Monumental Complex of the Vittoriano, Rome
Picture Gallery Hall
October 28, 2013
Greetings from the President Professor GIovanni Puglisi, Italian UNESCO Commission ,
Dr. Nicola Borrelli Director of the General Direction for Cinema
Dr. Rossana Rummo director of the General Directorate for Archives
Dr. Rodrigo Cipriani Foresio president of Cinecittà Luce srl
UNESCO - Memory of the World - Italian Institutions in the Register
Moderator : Ambassador Lucio Alberto Savoia Italian UNESCO Commission Secretary-General
Introduction - General Directorate for Archives - Dr. Giulia Barrera
- Laurentian Library in Florence Dr. Vera Valitutto "Mattias Corvinus Cololection"
- Dr. Paola Malatesta Library of Cesena Errani "The library Malatesta Novello "
- Diocesan Archive of Lucca, Don Marcello Brunini ;
Hyperborea Ltd. , Dr. Anna Escape , "The diocesan archive of Lucca
- Luce Historical Archive, Rome - Patrizia Cacciani "The newsreels and photos of Istituto Nazionale Luce"
12.30 - Lunch
Roundtable : Memory and Cinema
Moderator : Roberto Cicutto Managing Director of Istituto Luce Cinecittà
Archive Film Company of Ivrea - Director Sergio Toffetti ,
Museum of Cinema in Turin - Director Alberto Barbera
University of Teramo - Professor Gabriele D' Autilia
University of Turin - Professor Peppino Ortoleva
Archival Eni - director Lucia Nardi
and film director Marco Bellocchio.
Screening of the film "Vincere" by Marco Bellocchio
Event organized under the auspices of UNESCO and the Italian Ministry of Culture Commission in collaboration with Communicating Organizing
In honour of the 7th World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we wanted to highlight some of the recordings recently digitized as part of one of our current projects, From the Piedmont to the Swamplands: Preserving Southern Traditional Music, funded in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The multi-year effort will preserve and make accessible online up to 3,019 hours of sound recordings and 4,500 related photographs dating from the 1920s to 1980s, drawn from the Southern Folklife Collection holdings in the William R. Ferris Collection (20367), Mike Seeger Collection (20009), John Edwards Memorial Foundation Records (20001), and the Goldband Recording Corporation Collection (20245).
"These clips offer but a glimpse into the Southern Folklife Collection’s preservation efforts. The public is encouraged to explore our finding aids for detailed inventories and description of archival collections and the UNC Libraries online catalog for materials of interest and request that they be preserved and made available for research. Feel free to contact the SFC with any comments or questions at We also hope you will enjoy some music this Sunday, October 27, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, and think about institutions like the Southern Folklife Collection, the Library of Congress, and countless other archives and institutions that are working to preserve our aural and visual history."
Come and listen to some historic gems in the collection of the Library of Spoken Word, 24th October, 10.00 am-4.00 pm
University Archives:
The activities in Jamaica were organized by the University Archives, The University of the West Indies which had a ‘Spoken Word Open Day’ on Thursday October 24 as October 27 is a Sunday and all offices are closed. The Archives had recently become a major repository for audio visual material with the transfer to it of the ‘Library of the Spoken Word’ which is the archival collection of the Radio Education Unit, with over 10,000 tapes, cassettes, CD’s etc. See attached flyer announcing the event.
The Open Day had two main components:
A live broadcast from 9 am to 12 noon from the University Archives of the radio programme “STRAIGHT UP” from the radio station (News Talk FM 93) located on the University campus. This is a talk show and the whole focus of the discussion was on audio visual materials especially those from “Library of the Spoken Word”. This priceless collection, which dates back to the early 1950’s contain chiefly audio recordings relating to the history, arts and culture of the West Indies . Persons interviewed included past and present members of staff and researchers who have used the collection. Excerpts from some of the historic recordings were also played.
The second component was a small display on the significance of the occasion, mounted in the Reading Room and tours of the Archives facility especially the Media Digital Laboratory where historic tapes were played throughout the day. The occasion was widely advertised and persons came from the University campus, and other organizations such as the National Library of Jamaica, the Jamaica Archives and the Jamaica National Commission for Unesco.
The occasion was really a national one in that among the persons interviewed was the Audio visual librarian at the National Library of Jamaica and the African Institute of Jamaica/Jamaica Memory Bank.
To honour the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, Digital Archive Center for Music, National Taiwan Normal University is establishing a conference series in Taiwan, and the inaugural meeting will take place on October 28, 2013.
UNESCO “World Day of Audiovisual Heritage” Conference and the inaugural meeting of the Alois Osterwalder Lectures
Date and Time: 2013.10.28/07:30PM
Venue: Eslite Performance Hall
Location: B2, No. 88, Yanchang Road, Xinyi Disctrict, Taipei 110, Taiwan
Hosted by The Digital Archives Center of Music, National Taiwan Normal University, the Lecture series is established to honor Father Alois Osterwalder for his selfless support and his preservation of the archives from Taiwan’s “Folksong Fieldwork Movement” in the 1960s.
The Conference will feature a discussion by four prominent figures on cultural preservation scene: Dr. Nora Yeh (Former Specialist, The American Folklife Center, Library of Congress), Mr. Te-Sheng Wei (Director, Best Picture Winner of The Golden Horse Awards Warriors of Rainbow: Seediq Bale), Dr. Kuo-hsing Hsieh (Director, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinaca) and Dr. Chun Zen Huang (Director, Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology and the Digital Archives Center for Music, National Taiwan Normal University).
In honour of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Ethnomusicology Archive will present our first "Archive Hour" of the year.
Jesse Ruskin, PhD 2013, will give a presentation on "The Darius L. Thieme Collection of Yorùbá Music, 1964-1966" on Monday, October 21st, from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m., in the Ethnomusicology Archive (1630 Schoenberg Music Building). Coffee and chocolate will be at 4:30 and everyone will have a chance to meet and chat with Dr. Ruskin.
The Ethnomusicology Archive's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage chocolates
Abstract of Ruskin's presentation:
Scholars like J.H. Kwabena Nketia, Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje, and Kofi Agawu have called for increased attention to the African sound recordings that accumulate, often unused, in audiovisual archives. In this spirit, Ruskin's presentation examines the collection of Darius L. Thieme, whose pioneering field recordings of the early 1960s represent one of the most extensive documentations yet of Yorùbá music in southwestern Nigeria. This collection affords an unprecedented musical entrée into the cultural world of early postcolonial Nigeria, showcasing rarely-performed traditional musics, as well as neo-traditional and popular musics in their unmediated forms. Addressing the larger contexts of Thieme’s work and sharing representative examples from the collection, Ruskin will assess its value as an educational resource and its implications for future research on Yorùbá music.
To mark this year’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October, UNESCO Bangkok is holding a competition calling for slogans to raise awareness on the importance of preserving sound recordings and moving images.
UNESCO Bangkok is asking residents in the capital to submit slogans that creatively capture the importance of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Entries can be submitted on UNESCO Bangkok’s website at:
Fifteen entrants will receive a pair of tickets each to attend a movie of their choice at Major Cineplex’s Siam Paragon branch.
The top slogan as selected by UNESCO’s panel will win a free screening of the UNESCO World Heritage Register film, “The Wizard of Oz”, complete with a cocktail reception for those 20 years of age and older, at the Friese-Greene Club, an independent movie house and lounge on Sukhumvit 22.
The deadline for entries is the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, 27 October.
Salvem el tresor audiovisual valencià, per a nosaltres i per a properes generacions!
Dimarts dia 29 d’Octubre, 19h. al Col·legi Major Rector Peset, de la Universitat de València. Pl. Forn de Sant Nicolau, 4. València
La iniciativa de declaració BIC (Bé d’Interés Cultural) dels arxius audiovisuals dels Mitjans de Comunicació Públics a la Comunitat Valenciana
ACICOM (Associació Ciutadania i Comunicació) i el COBDCV (Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana), junt amb altres organitzacions que desitgen adherir-se, volem llançar la proposta de declarar BIC els arxius audiovisuals de RTVV i els de RTVE en la Comunitat Valenciana.
En la taula redona participaran:
Alícia Sellés, Presidenta del COBDCV (Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de la Comunitat Valenciana).
José Manuel Gironés, Secretari General del Centre UNESCO València / Mediterràni
Antonio Marín, Secretari i Portaveu Circulo por la Defensa y Difusión del Patrimonio
Jose Ignacio Pastor Pérez, President ACICOM (Associaciació Ciutadania i Comunicació)
Jesús Huguet, Secretari del Consell Valencià de Cultura. (CVC)
“Saving Our Heritage for the Next Generation” – this year’s motto is also what the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences has successfully lived up to - since 1899.
On the occasion of the “World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” 2013, the Phonogrammarchiv has set up an online exhibition to provide insights into its unique and manifold holdings chiefly from the areas of ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology and linguistics.
The audio and video samples showcased are the result of over 100 years of field research worldwide. They range from the Historical Collections 1899–1950 (listed in the World Register of UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” Programme) to sound and video documents from the 21st century, including the oldest sound recordings from Brazil, teahouse music of Afghanistan or the Indian Menthoko festival.
Also featured are the first scholarly German dialect recording and the voices of two figures from fin-de-siècle Austria: Emperor Franz Joseph I and celebrated author Arthur Schnitzler.
We invite you to attend the multimedia exhibition being held at Studio M (Radio Novi Sad) located at Ignjata Pavlasa 3 in Novi Sad, Serbia, on Friday the 25th of October, 2013 at noon till 27th of October 5 p.m.
The exhibition is an event honoring the 27th of October which has been declared by UNESCO as the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage.
The theme for this year will be:
Safeguarding our heritage for future generations.
The title of our exhibition is:
presenting the choice of awarded films and broadcasts
The author of the exhibition is RUV Radio Television Vojvodina
Admission is free of charge