For guidance on transcription of date information for published, produced, distributed, etc., items, see 3.F.1. For guidance on transcription of date information for broadcast items, see 3.F.2.
3.F.1. date of published, produced, distributed, etc., items AACR2 1.4F, 6.4F
3.F.1.1. AACR2 1.4F1, 6.4F1
For published, produced, distributed, etc., items, give the date (i.e. year) of publication, production , distribution, etc., of the edition, issue, release, revision, etc., named in the edition area. If there is no edition statement, give the date of the first publication, production , distribution, etc., of the edition to which the item belongs. Give dates in Western style Arabic numerals. If the date found in the item is not of the Gregorian or Julian calendar, give the date as found and follow it with the year(s) of the Gregorian or Julian calendar. Specify the name of the calendar, e.g. Jewish, Chinese, in a note.
, 1975
, 4308 [1975]
, [4308 i.e. 1975]
, 5730 [1969 or 1970]
Note: dated in accordance with the Jewish calendar
, anno 18 [1939] not anno XVIII
, 2628 [1968]
Note: dated in accordance with the Chinese calendar
3.F.1.2. Varied from AACR2 1.4F2
Give the correct date for the item. If the date in the sources of information is incorrect, enclose the correct date in square brackets. If necessary, explain the discrepancy in a note.
, [1967]
Note: date given on sleeve as 1697
, [1987]
Note: date of publication erroneously given as 19857 on sleeve
3.F.1.3. AACR2 1.4F3
Give the date of the particular re-publication of a recording as the date of publication, production, etc., only if the re-publication is specified in the edition or issue area. In this case give only the date of the named re-publication here. Optionally, include a note about the original publication date (see 7.B.9).
, 1987
Note: Reissue of discs first published between 1936 and 1942
(This reissue is a compilation album)
, 1971
Note: Originally published as a sound disc in 1963, reissued as a cassette in 1971
(Here the reissued cassette is the item being catalogued)
3.F.1.4. AACR2 1.4F4
If the publication or production , etc., date differs from the date of distribution, add the date of distribution if it is considered to be significant by the archive or cataloguing agency. If the publisher or producer, etc., is different from the distributor, give the date(s) after the name(s) to which they apply.
London : Educational Records, 1973 ; New York : Edcorp [distributor], 1975
Toronto : Royal Ontario Museum, 1971 ; Beckenham [England] : Edward Patterson [distributor]
(Distribution date known to be different but not recorded)
London : Columbia Graphophone Co., 1921, [distributed 1923]
If the publication or production date are the same as the distribution date, give the date after the last named publisher, producer or distributor.
New York : American Broadcasting Co. [production company] : released by Xerox Films, 1973
3.F.1.5. Expanded from AACR2 1.4F5
Optional addition. Give the latest date of copyright or p notice following the date of publication, production, distribution, etc., if the date of copyright (videos) or p notice (sound recordings) is different.
, 1967, c 1965
, [1981], p 1975
Where the p notice or copyright date extends over two consecutive years (e.g. different years apply to each side of a recorded sound disc), give the earlier year followed by a slash and the later year.
, p 1985/1986
, c 1977/1978
Where the p notice or copyright date extends over two years that are not consecutive (e.g. different years apply to each side of a recorded sound disc), give the earlier year followed by a comma, space, and the later year.
, p 1985, 1987
3.F.1.6. AACR2 1.4F7
If no date of publication, production , distribution, copyright or manufacture is available from the sources of information, supply an approximate date of publication, production , distribution, etc. (see 3.A.2).
Optionally, give an approximate date of publication, production , distribution, etc., if it differs considerably from the date of copyright, p notice or manufacture.
, [1982?], c 1949
3.F.1.7. AACR2 1.4F6
If the dates of publication, production, distribution, etc., are unknown, give the date of copyright or p notice, or, in its absence, the date of manufacture (indicated as such).
, c 1967
, p 1983
, 1979 pressing
3.F.1.8. Optional addition. If applicable, also give the date of legal deposit with an appropriate abbreviation in the language or script of the archive or cataloguing agency.
L.D. 1985
D.L. 1996
DL 1992
3.F.1.9. AACR2 1.4F8
If two or more dates are available for the various parts of the multipart item (e.g. when an item is published or produced in parts over a number of years), give the earlier and later or earliest and latest dates separated by a hyphen.
, 1968-1973
In describing a multipart item that is not yet complete, give the earliest or earlier date only, and follow it with a hyphen and four spaces.
, 1968-
Optionally, when the item is complete, add the latest or later date.
, 1968-1980
3.F.1.10. Based on AACR2 6.4F2
If the date(s) of recording are available in the sources of information, give it (them) in a note (see 7.B.11). Show more than one date as a range of dates.
[New York] : Music Guild, 1971
Note: Recorded in 1961
[London] : HMV, p 1987
Note: "Originally recorded by EMI Records [sic] Ltd between
1933-06-08 and 1942-07-08" (sleeve)
New York : CBS
Note: Recorded in New York City between 1923-02-16 and 1933-11-24
3.F.2. date of radio and television broadcasts
3.F.2.1. Based on RAD 8.4F
Based on FIAF 3.5.1
For broadcast sound recordings, television videos and kine scope films and production films, record the date of the transmission which applies to the first date of broadcast.
Optionally, standardise presentation of calendar dates to YYYY-MM-DD.
: RSCH & Associés, [broadcast] 1992-10-26
Paris : France 2 [broadcaster] : Société française de production [production company], 1992-10-12
Optionally, include the time of broadcast, either as start time or as start and end times.
, 1993-10-23 (18:00)
[Sydney] : ABC Classic FM [broadcaster, producer], 1997-01-19 (20:30)
, 1997-08-12 (22:15-23:00)
3.F.2.2. Based on RAD 8.4F2
Based on AACR2 6.4F2
When available, record other dates (e.g. date(s) of original recording, production date(s) or re-broadcast date(s)) in a note (see 7.B.11-12).
, [broadcast] 1968-01-02
Note: Recorded 1967-12-15, re-broadcast 1968-01-03
London : BBC Transmission Service, 1954-
Note: broadcast by the ABC in Australia from 1956
[London] : BBC [broadcaster], 1951-03-11
Note: Recorded 1951-03-07
[London] : BBC [broadcaster], 1949-02-25
Note: Recorded 1949-02-25
[London] : BBC [broadcaster]
Note: BBC recording made in July 1949 and believed to have been dubbed from an unknown earlier source. Original BBC broadcast date unknown
3.F.2.3. If a date of broadcast is recorded in this area, do not also record here a date of publication, distribution, etc., nor any information about publishers, distributors or manufacturers. Instead give date of publication, distribution or manufacturing in a note (see 7.B.9 or 7.B.33, as appropriate).
3.F.2.4. If a b is subsequently published, and the publication is being catalogued, give the complete details of the publication here, and the details of the broadcast in a note (see 3.C-3.F.1 and 7.B.9).
[Muscat : Omani Ministry of information, producer, 1994]. - 2 sound discs (CD) + booklet (77 p.)
Note: broadcast by the Suedwestfunk, Baden-Baden, 1993-08-11 (22:05-23:30)
[Sydney] : Columbia, p 1993
Note: Originally broadcast in Australia between 1946 and 1956
(A published 2 CD set of episodes of selected radio dramas)
3.F.2.5. Developed from AACR2 1.4F8
If two or more dates are found on the various parts of the multipart work (e.g. when a work is broadcast in parts or episodes over a period of time), give the earlier and later or earliest and latest dates separated by a hyphen.
, 1968-1973
If actual dates are known for broadcast material prefer the dates to years only, and separate the dates by a double hyphen.
[Australia] : Australian Broadcasting Corporation ; [broadcast] 1949-02-28--1976-09-30
(Elements of data from an entry for a serial cataloguing record)
In describing a multipart item that is not yet complete, give the earliest or earlier date only, and follow it with a hyphen and four spaces (for a year) or a double hyphen and ten spaces (for an actual date, if suggested format is followed).
, 1968-
, 1997-01-12--
When the item is complete, add the latest or later date.
, 1968-1980
, 1997-01-12--1997-02-02