ISBD (NBM) 0.2 General material designation is a term indicating broadly, the class of material to which an item belongs.
Extracted and adapted from AACR2 1.1C1
See also: 5.B.1.2, 5.F.4 If general material designations are to be used, use terms from the list given below. As appropriate, apply these terms in the language and/or script of the archive or cataloguing agency.
sound recording
motion picture
electronic resource
visual projection
Adapted from AACR2 1.1C2If an item consists of material falling within one category in the list, give the appropriate designation immediately following the title proper (or the last part of the title proper, see 1.B.9).
Skolvan [sound recording]
In the case of an item having no collective title, give the appropriate designation immediately following the first title (inclusive of part titles (see 1.B.9) and alternative titles (see 1.B.1.3), but exclusive of parallel titles (see 1.E) and other title information (see 1.D).
The art of the fugue, BWV1080 (Contrapunctus 1-9) [sound recording] = Die Kunst der Fuge = L'art de la fugue / Johann Sebastian Bach. Suites for harpsichord = Cembalo = Clavecin / Georg Friedrich Händel
ISBD (NBM) 1.2.3When the item comprises a primary component with a subsidiary component(s) not of the same general material category (e.g. a sound disc accompanied by a leaflet) the general material designation refers only to the primary component.
Tradition chantée de Bretagne [sound recording] : les sources du Barzaz Breiz aujourd'hui
(1 Compact disc+ 1 book)
Piparsod un village indien [videorecording]
(1 videocassette + 1 book)
Based on AACR2 1.1C4
See also: 5.F.4 If an item contains parts belonging to materials falling into two or more categories and if none of these is the predominant constituent of the item , give kit .
Stora popboxen [kit ]
(1 book + 2 CDs + 1 videocassette)
Based on AACR2 1.10C1
See also: 5.F.4 When an item having no collective title proper comprises two interdependent components belonging to distinct material categories, the appropriate general material designation is given after each title
Life in the time of Charles Dickens [visual projection] / editor, Albert Ammerman. The time, the life, the works of Charles Dickens, and excerpts from Dickens on America [sound recording] / read by Ian Brett and Peter Howell
Optionally, make separate descriptions for each component, and link them with notes.
Il re Teodoro in Venezia [sound recording] / Giovanni Paisiello. - Roma : Discoteca di Stato, p 1994 : Istituto di Ricerca per il Teatro Musicale, c 1994. - 2 sound discs (CDs)
Note: Recording of the 1962 performance directed by Renato Fasano and broadcast by Radiotelevisione italiana, Tonino
Note: Also available with monograph of text and musicological comments: Il re teodoro in Venezia di Giovanni Paisiello. - 1 vol. - IRTEM, 1994
Area 8: Discoteca di Stato/Istituto Ricerca Teatro Musicale: IRTEM 993/1-2
Il re Teodoro Venezia di Giovanni Paisiello [text]. - Roma : Istituto di Ricerca per il Teatro Musicale, 1994. - 178 p
Note: Contains papers on and an analysis of the opera by Francesco Degrada, Carlo Marinelli and Paola Bernardi, the libretto, and a facsimile of the original libretto by Giovanni Battista Casti
Note: Also available with a sound recording of the 1962 performance of this work directed by Renato Fasano and broadcast by Radiotelevisione italiana, Tonino. - 1994. - 2 sound discs (CDs). - Discoteca di Stato/Istituto Ricerca Teatro Musicale: IRTEM 993/1-2
(Second note in each example shows the relationship between these two publications when packaged together)