IASA Journal Seeking Reviewers!

Currently, the IASA Journal is looking for volunteer reviewers to participate in the day-to-day editorial activities of the journal. The IASA Journal is released twice each year (April and October) and leading up to release, reviewers will be asked to serve as peer reviewers for submissions that are in line with the reviewer’s expertise and experience.

The Editor, working from a list of active reviewers, will direct article submissions to specific reviewers based on their experience with a particular topic or field. Reviewers will be asked to provide double-blind peer-review, suggesting improvements, corrections, and/or advice for authors, and to recommend the article for publication, revisions, or rejection. These reviews do not need to be extensive, as long as they include clear recommendations. The Editor will make all final decisions based on reviewers’ feedback and authors’ responses. Reviewer positions are entirely voluntary and will receive no remuneration or financial support from IASA.

Only IASA members are eligible to be IASA Journal reviewers at this point. Reviewers are invited to serve for as long as they are willing.

If you would like to serve as a reviewer of IASA Journal submissions, please fill out the form at the following link:


You will have to use your IASA username/password to login to the IASA website in order to fill out the volunteer form. If you have problems logging in to the website, here are instructions: http://www.iasa-web.org/faq#8

The deadline for volunteers is February 20, 2016.

This is an opportunity to establish a foundation and a framework that will strengthen the IASA Journal, its authors, and the international audiovisual archive community as a whole.

We look forward to hearing from you.